
Moses Lab

Moses and the Experiment Management System


The idea of this lab is to introduce you to Moses, and allow you to experiment with pre-built models, as well as building your own toy models with Moses' experiment management system.

Installed Tools etc.

All the tools, data and models can be found in /group/project/statmt9/mtm12. The Moses binaries are to be found in /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/moses/bin

Using Moses

Runining Moses with toy models

See this tutorial

Running Moses with more realistic models

These are in /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/models. You run Moses as follows:

 echo "input text" | /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/moses/bin/moses -f <path-to-ini>

Try varying the following parameters to see what happens

  • verbosity: try -v N, with N set to 1,2 or 3.
  • stack size: -s STACKSIZE - the default is 200.
  • nbest list: e.g. -n-best-list nbest.out 100

Run /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/moses/bin/moses -h for a list of options.

Note that these models are being loaded over nfs, so will be quite slow especially for the first sentence. You can copy them to /disk/scratch to speed things up, but they are big!

Using EMS

Use the following commands to set up an experiment:

 mkdir experiment
 cd experiment
 cp /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/moses/scripts/ems/example/config.toy .

Now in config.toy edit the following settings:

 working-dir = /home/<USERID>/experiment
 moses-src-dir = /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/moses
 moses-script-dir = $moses-src-dir/scripts
 irstlm-dir = /group/project/statmt9/mtm12/irstlm-5.80.01/bin
 external-bin-dir = $moses-src-dir/bin
 nist-bleu = $moses-script-dir/generic/
 nist-bleu-c = "$moses-script-dir/generic/ -c"

Comment out the randlm-dir and srilm-dir variables.

In the [LM] section, comment out these two lines:

 lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count
 settings = "-interpolate -kndiscount -unk"

and uncomment these two:

 #lm-training = "$moses-script-dir/generic/trainlm-irst.perl -cores $cores 
      -irst-dir $irstlm-dir -temp-dir $working-dir/lm"
 #settings = ""

You are now able to run the experiment:

 -config config.toy -exec

See the Moses documentation for EMS for more details.