we know very or that the present treaties are not enough and that , in the future , will be necessary to develop a better structure and different for the european union , one more a constitutional structure that also leaves or clear which are the competitions of the states members and which belong to the union . messages of preoccupation in the first place before the economic and social difficulties by which we crossed , and it in spite of a maintained growth , fruit of years of effort on the part of all our fellow citizens . the present , untenable situation mainly for many independent carriers and the sector of agriculture , must improve without a doubt some . in himself , he is positive to reach an agreement on the procedures , but we must order to us of which this system is not susceptible to be used like political weapon . now they know also clearly the rights that must respect . i am in agreement with its signal of alert against the return , which some are attemped , to the intergovernmental methods . we are many those that we love a state-nation federation . the ponentes have indicated to the quality of the debate and also the necessity to go more far . of course , i only can be in agreement with them . to these last ones i say to them that , before making a declaration , it has to learn , to know and to measure the forces which one has , since the political speech must be realistic and to always correspond to the reality of the forces and the objectives that all we set out . it wanted that one began by this reinforced cooperation to put some examples of the new european potentiality . the voting will today take place to the 12 ,30 hours . the commission cannot accept amendment 12 . i will vote please in the approval of the project standard . the information of the european national audit office do not let besides indicate these underestimations , from greece to portugal . therefore , we have not voted in favor of this report . according to their defenders , these buses are not only cheaper and versatile internationally , but also more respectful with the medio .ambiente because they use less fuel by passenger . also it requests that values of reference settle down to spread the best practices in all the ue . a binding letter that includes all the possible cases and that it enunciates rights whose imposition was absolutely legal could create difficulties more ahead . i am thankful to both its magnificent work . however , we thought that this one cannot occur by concluded or in nize within less than three months , reason why or we therefore cannot vote in favor of which the letter is including in the treaty in the summit of nize . - (of) the european parliamentary group of the csu welcomes with satisfaction that in the present fundamental bill of rights project takes shelter and makes the fundamental rights visible that the citizens show in front of the organs and institutions of the ue . it reflects the liberal europe that is constructed . in effect , it would have wished that this letter retired to be able to continue working in her , as many nongovernmental organizations of different countries from the union propose . (a5-0248/2000) of mr . . queiró , on hungary (com (1999) 505 - c5-0028/2000 - 1997/2175 (cos)) ; therefore , it would want to propose to them that the next year the parliament does not present/display a general report , but information by countries thus to emphasize that we guarded by a development differentiated from the negotiations . i consider , secondly , that on the base of the works initiated by the previous presidencies and the commission , the french presidency will be able - at least , therefore i wait for it - to present/display a precise balance of the adhesion process . i have saying , and not i have no disadvantage in to repeat it here , that the french presidency will not elude any of the difficulties that appear , which does not mean that we will have of the time and means necessary to deal with each one them . this question is perfectly legitimate , but it is necessary to settle it of correct way and needs . the extension is an ample perspective that we must focus with vision and much generosity . all result of the intergubernamental conference would not adjust to the formidable exigencies of adaptation that the extension involves . the second great change that we are living and to that europe must adapt is the enormous speed of the economic development , that directs to us towards the global market and the global competition . quarter: of the previous thing the principle is deduced that it is granted to the states that have gotten up after the negotiations the right opportunity to be united to which they have initiated them before . in the sectors in which it is necessary to carry out numerous and long term investments to reach the levels of the ue , it must consider that , in the same s circumstances , the present members also enjoyed long transitory periods . in the protection of the borders and the fight conra the delinquency will be applied also to our standards and the advantages of the european cooperation . again let us examine the commercial flows that at the moment exist between the european union and the countries of central and eastern europe . it has cheered to me that the commissioner has begun , finally , to inform to the population of which the fears of whom it is spoken do not have why to be certain . this commitment , that they themselves acquired , must be fulfilled if possible until the adhesion to the european union . for it we needed the aid the commission , because although we have the necessary will , sometimes we lack the indispensable ammunition . this is something essential to be able , like european union , to fix us the objectives directed to the execution of our own internal reforms . nevertheless , there are aspects and questions of spread of which we dissented . it also harms to the own european union , its independent future in relation to north america and to a policy of defense and european common security , since also it introduces risks with russia and other countries . we hoped that there are results and that it does not have to postpone for another intergubernamental conference which must become so that the extension can take place . - (fr) i will be brief , since it i have been does a little while , since in my first intervention i have finished three minutes before . it is very important , and from this point of view me congratulo of which the commission works in a information campaign , that commissioner verheugen wishes that simultaneously ample and he is decentralized . but - and they will be my last words , since i mean it clearly: i am not pessimistic in the matter , i do not walk myself with chiquitas , desire an energetic option with respect to the extension - to have credibility , also it is necessary to be serious , one is due to understand to us , it is necessary also to be able to gather the adhesion of the towns , of the towns of the countries candidates and our towns . at the moment , i do not see any necessity to speak on the financial forecasts in relation to the extension . i cannot today say it of nor a single country . by the same reason they have expressed , by the others , also desire to adhere to the european union . now we are going to give the word to the different ponentes . the mission to be ponente in relation to estonia has been entrusted me . like conservative , i am very careful with the money of the contributors . i believe that only then they would have an approximated idea of which the people have obtained in latvia in the last years . this is not sufficient , a global strategy must more intensely go towards the citizens and citizens . lituania has a considerable potential in the long term to an economic growth . in the amplest sense one is the cooperation of the european union with the russian federation . and there am another delicate point here: the support of the public opinion , inside and outside the european union . as a result of an intelligent fiscal policy , the foreign direct investments of the last year surpassed the 5 .450 . million euros . we do not want to inmiscuir and much except us the germans . the slovakian democracy evolves of stable form and previously we had seen the opposite . in this intervention i set out to emphasize and to systematize the six aspects of the hungarian change in the situation with views to the adhesion to the european union , worthy of particular mention . for that reason , it satisfies me to see that that subject in the general report has been examined on the extension of mr . . finally , i have to mention an ominous cloud that blossoming on europe and i am due to specify that i say it in a personal view . 23 years ago bulgarian secret agents they sent a criminal campaign in western europe and attacked certain people , among them my friend georgi markov , writer well-known and integral part of mass media , that were assassinated in a street of london in broad daylight . the creation of a group of high level is something that i recommend my colleagues . the report which i have the honor to put under to them and that also has been approved unanimously in commission states that the part of the territory controlled by the legal authority fulfills the political criteria of copenhagen . with this aim , and without damage , evidently , of the own paper of the commission , our high representative of the pesc , mr . . solana , will play a role key . the main problem of malta follows consisting of which nevertheless the adhesion process is judged of different way by the government and the opposition and the european union give importance to that this process of adhesion passes of continued way . between the u .s .a . and mexico the levels even are nearer . for that reason , in the sector of the inner market we pronounced ourselves in favor of a recalled to mind , flexible and suitable affluent strategy to the challenges . but i allow myself to also say in this place that i have respect before the citizens and citizens of the countries of the central and eastern europe , that ten years ago had the value of going out and of starting up east process . the society of the information is important as much for the old one as for the new industry . we cannot be let blind by the gathered percentage of communitarian right in the national legislation . that means that the medio .ambiente will only recover of sensible form in east europe when they pass between fifteen and twenty years as of this moment . it is unacceptably long . that also is applicable to the alive animal transport for its sacrifice , that is something degrading . we are making an effort to us now to impose the obligation to carry out evaluations of the consequences for the health in the case of all the legislative norms of importance . my report of opinion must also speak of the european union and must show that the european bottoms for the regional development cannot continue granting on the basis of a mere countable distribution between regions or regions . elmar brok has begun with reason its intervention with the observation of which all we are going to be the beneficiaries of the extension , in special also those that we were in this side of the present outer border . inner navigation is going to be important by environmental reasons because we must remove from the highway merchandise and if we cannot transport them them to the then railroad we must use the marine and fluvial routes . also it has been a populism and egoísmo question mainly , and the change to the loss of euro has not helped either certainly in the correct direction . our message for the countries of the adhesion is the following one: they are not let confuse by the extension of the present information , of the files . unfortunately , at this moment there are many parties that have taken off their ideological mask and show , for that reason , very few ideals and too much materialism . if it is necessary to right postpone the free one to the acquisition of earth and house for familiar use , we do it . it exists until now but it can be in danger due to the absence of transparency and the evident , although nonpublic resistance , of some governments . in addition , where they are the million uses promised by the maastricht agreement? at the moment in which we are reviewing treaties , some states request a new reform already . most of the international studies they demonstrate that the extension implies macroeconomic benefits . nevertheless , except for insignificant minorities , no political group questions the primary target of the slovenian policy that is the one to enter the sooner in the european union . once the union had been extended quickly , it would be necessary to differentiate it from remarkable form , so and as it is exposed in the position on the extension adopted by group eldr . for me there is no doubt that the obligatory and institutional regime that operates in that country gives like result many long term consequences for the health of the orphaned children . request that supports the corresponding amendments . and even we , the european politicians , showed very little understanding in the negotiation process . cyprus will be a species of bridge towards the countries of the region . desire to the negotiators who successfully continue their work in this important sphere . naturally , also one second species of communication between our countries is important and the countries that wish the adhesion to transmit what it is in the european union . we cannot occur the luxury to lose occasions like which there were at the beginning of years 90 . sir president , before nothing , like socialist ponente for the report on rumania , wanted to congratulate to the ponente by its excellent report . one treats for the institutions , the states members , for all we , to show us the height of this challenge , also with respect to the fears of our own public opinion , and to recover the breath , the ambition and the vision of the founding fathers of europe . unfortunately , i have the sensation of which this process of extension in spite of the numerous and pretty words and of the applied opening and closes of numerous chapters , is not impelled by the council with the necessary political energy . many countries of the union confronted similar problems at some moment of their development and can advise to bulgaria to help him to surpass those which at the moment it faces . the democracy is not only one question of majorities but mainly of a balanced codecision of the minorities . the countries candidates must the same be considered and its adhesion will depend exclusively on its own development . at the same time we have to recognize the efforts unfolded by countries like lituania , to compensate the lost time . for that reason , it is in our interest to extend our legal system and of liberties until rumanía and this it is without a doubt an argument in the debate with our public opinion . nevertheless , there is a subject around as great interest exists: the extension . my political group supports for that reason the terms of the transitory periods in the sector of the medio .ambiente until a maximum of five years . sir president , is essential that we give a positive impulse him to the extension . certainly the debate follows open in which it talks about the order of entrance of these countries , because the progresses of their internal reforms will be due to verify . it cheers to me that the report is so positive and that slovenia has made an effort really of massive way to fulfill the criteria - what i have been able to also verify in several occasions like director of the delegation being present mr . . commissioner . in my opinion , this proposal deserves to be examined . these forms of violence and commerce with women must condemn and be fought already now with all the average ones as much in the ue as in the countries candidates . finishing , with this occasion , it wanted to share the thoughts and reflections of many of our mr . colleagues as far as the necessity to examine , once and for all with attention , the subject of the limits of europe and therefore , the one of how much one is going away to extend , as well as the one of the convenience of compiling special a relative report of the european parliament . the act of the session of has been distributed yesterday . thanks . once in a while it is said in this assembly that in a europe of the citizens , the rights must be consecrated properly in the right of the union . i put under voting the request of postponement of the legal commission and inner market . we know that the strange substances that they almost never occupy to us affect immediately , but that is long term harmful substances , substances of long life and acumulables , such as the heavy dioxinas , aflatoxinas , and metals , like cadmium , the lead and mercury . we cannot look for guilty . if it allows "to dilute" products in this case , one is due to demand like minimum that this communicates to the control services and that becomes public who the product has been diluted . in effect , also one is due to give to know and to debate publicly this problem . however , it must be clear that the crisis of the dioxinas was the result of criminal actions that contravened the existing norms . sir president , i want to give to thanks to the oradoras and the oradores that have preceded to me . it is an urgent necessity . for example , the value limit for fish flours is different from which sets out for origin products animal nonsailor . it already goes being hour to end a deceptive interpretation of the subsidiariedad principle , that it tries to increase every day plus the trusteeship of brussels on our nations . like the ponente , i believe that foundations exist to make all these things and so that the substances are analyzed to which it has made reference , that although is not toxic by themselves , they show increases in the elevated levels more . unfortunately great part of the inherited knowledge , the wisdom is had lost farmer , in an industrial production in which the animals have been reduced to being units of production and to merchandise . the new norms will fuse , they will harmonize and simplify very complex and detailed requirements in the matter of hygiene that until now was scattered in numerous directors . according to my investigations , the number of those who inquires on the exact content is relatively little . secondly , it is evident that in spite of everything one is going away to introduce a change that affects the agriculturists , who are the producers of the used raw materials in the piensos . in the future , these are going away to see forced to destroy a considerably greater number of games of raw materials . these indemnifications are necessary , although it is evident that the own agriculturists take pains to the maximum to garnatizar the health of their animals . amendment 18 proposes explicitly that the water in the definition of the piensos is included . on the base of these scientific evaluations of the risk elements , the commission will propose to the measured states members adapted to limit the presence of these substances in the piensos . after to have studied the amendments presented/displayed for its approval in this plenary session , i thank for the support of the parliament to the proposal . in general terms , therefore , the commission can accept 15 of the 27 amendments . i give by fact that is time will not leave with hers . the commission is had it jeopardize to elaborate it and also it has announced that will not be able to complete it overnight . the agriculturists simply need to be able to know with greater exactitude , also in percentage numbers - at least when therefore they ask for it , everything what the compound piensos and in what contain proportion is present . graefe zu baringdorf , and also to mrs . . roth-behrendt by its information and to express my hope of which the council assumes a constructive position in relation to these questions and we pruned to jointly establish a system of more transparent declaration for the piensos . all this , evidently , must to the drama of the eeb , that has been true folletín , with different episodes . the use of substances injurious , detrimental for the health of the people and the animals cannot be accepted . but we begin by the positive . the present proposal is first of a series of initiatives based on white libro on the nourishing security . thank you very much , sir commissioner . (the parliament approves the resolution) report (a5-0248/2000) of mr . . queiró , in name of the commission of outer subjects , human rights , common and political security of defense , on the request of adhesion from hungary to the european union and on the development of the negotiations (com (1999) 505 - c5-0028/2000 - 1997/2175 (cos)) report (a5-0247/2000) of mrs . . nicholson of winterbourne , in name of the commission of outer subjects , human rights , common and political security of defense , on the request of adhesion from rumania to the european union and the development of the negotiations (com (1999) 510 - c5-0033/2000 - 1997/2171 (cos)) , thirdly perhaps most difficult , than the council approves new measures institutional that they allow the community to work of effective , efficient and democratic way after the extension . although one is in agreement with the principles of article 13 , it is clear that the derived legislation that the european union produces from him it arrives sometimes very far , and that is no reason to deny to the countries candidates a right to the cultural differentiation . in order to finish , i will insist on the fact that the extension process must become of progressive form , to the rate of the adaptation of the countries candidates . . in the present context and given the voices that have begun to oir themselves questioning the extension of the european union , it is important that this parliament please signals clear political in the same one . . (fr) from its creation , the european union has vocation to group the towns . the criteria of the council of copenhagen of 1993 on the democratization or the capacity to compete reinforce , as a "communitarian heap" , the reign of a wild and destructive capitalism . in these conditions , one fled towards ahead in the extension runs the risk of accentuating the current populists and fascistoides that are pronounced here and there . in the daily routine of the present session it indeed appears a report on the equality of opportunities between women and men , who return to offer a sample of how poor results is obtaining the communitarian heap actually exactly in this scope . who could , in effect , deny the entrance to him in the european house to the poland de copérnico and of juan pablo ii , to hungary martyred in 1956 in budapest , or to the capital-symbol , the prague , when the popular democracies defenestraban to the head of the state and squashed the town of jan palach , immolated by the freedom? one more a greater europe and with more tasks needs new and greater financial resources . i take advantage of the occasion to salute to the greater people and the pensioners of estonia trusting that attention to its possibilities is lent of living within the european union . if latvia continues progressing and the european union adapts its structure and its policies institutional to be able to face the extension , i do not see any reason for which latvia does not have to be admitted in the union . if lituania continues advancing and the european union adapts its structure and its policies institutional to be able to face the extension , i do not see any reason for which lituania does not have to be admitted in the union . in the scope of the medio .ambiente , also evident progresses have been verified , with the creation of the "national bottom for the protection of the medio .ambiente" and with the application of the principle of the "contaminating-payer one" . when allowing the entrance of poland in the common house , the union will make justice with just the arrival: a justice that has been denied him during too much time . i wait for with interest the quick incorporation of the czech republic . . (in) greeting the queiró report on the request of adhesion from hungary to the european union and i share most of the conclusions at which the ponente arrives . i hope with interest that bulgaria one to the union in a future not too distant . poos report (a5-0249/2000) one is a right and balanced point of view that the cabinet must take seriously in consideration . i hope by the way that the negotiations that have stayed under the auspices of the united nations can have results , so that both populations , chipriota and greek , benefit jointly from the advantages of their entrance in the ue within a reunified republic . . (in) i welcome with great satisfaction the report of mr . . poos on the request of adhesion from cyprus to the european union . nevertheless , we , the consumers , are in the last link of the nourishing chain and therefore we are the final receiver of the corruptions and the nourishing falsifications . the one worries to us specially that , to european scale and of concrete form , the nourishing security goes from the meadow to the table . indeed because we are in favor of the development of cooperation relations , truely brotherly and between really equal partners , between all the countries of the world , we do not have intention , with our vote , to conceal a fraud . the council informed to the parliament before the voting in commission , but with a margin of very small time , discarding with it deliberately any possibility of an additional debate with me or the parliament . in my report i defend a greater representation and participation of the ong , a greater obligation to render accounts to the parliament , the elaboration of an annual report so that it is debated in the parliament , the possible highest level of transparency , the promotion of the memory of the past in the fight against the prejudices and the recognition of the multiple discrimination . at the same time , also the legitimate interests are due to take in consideration from the wage-earners . in their quality of main people in charge to solve the problems of discrimination in the work place , the social interlocutors are in the most favorable position to propose practicable solutions . jenny was of the collective "access charter" . she was the coordinator of the group and i invited it to hearing on article 13 . practice because the directors and the programs of action stimulate to the states member to fight against the discrimination being based on the same premises and that the commission can also fulfill its paper of guardian of treaties and of pioneer in the social debate . although the present legal foundation releases credits for new preparatory actions , its financing within that category could take to a reduction of credits for other policies . señorías , we are before a proposal of directive necessary but nonsufficient frame , whose mechanisms we will have the opportunity to perfect once passed a time of application . i hope that the commission kindly studies the legislation in the matter of discrimination for reasons of sex to the light of this new director . i congratulate to the commission and my colleagues who have elaborated the report . i am glad of the recommendation of the mann report to give to the organizations of ideological character the requisite certain possibility of demanding to the personnel for the performance of its position in relation to such character . the rapidity whereupon the institutions have made use of the competitions of amsterdam , mrs . comisaria , it demonstrates that the european union continues being pioneering in the equality of opportunities , and wanted to be thankful very explicitly to the european commission for that reason . the presence of discriminations of very diverse order in our societies confirms the importance of the action program that is the subject of the report of mr . . cashman . sir president , in name of the bonino list , i want to express the consternation that produces the way in which europe and the states members face the question of the discrimination , racism and the xenophobia . it can explain the comisaria why the commission desentiende of this? secondly , even recognizing its importance , to my way to see it is a problem that is invited to the ong to participate in the execution of the program , independently of its size , its characteristics and their performance . the liberal and democratic group has valued all this , but in special the activity of the parliament that it has loved to insist , also and mainly , in the prevention of the phenomenon , in addition to the good practices . it represents a challenge for all we because all we judged to the people by the first impression . sir president , to fight and to legislate against the discrimination is equivalent to recognize that they even exist and that often "is legalized" because they are trivializadas . first , the cnucyd , the conference of the nations united for the commerce and the development , the principle of the inequalities developed in 1963 in geneva compensatorias , and therefore of the discrimination . in fact , the information and the sensibilización have a fundamental importance in this scope , must serve like detonating inculcar a new mentality , a new way to think and to be so that those prejudices still extended between people are overcome radically and the true equality of all the citizens in terms of rights is guaranteed . therefore , it is important that advance with the two legislative initiatives that now are struggling , although improving them in some aspects and increasing the sums anticipated for the financing of the program and reflecting the political importance that has this fight against the discrimination . in individual , the agreement on the principle of reasonable adjustments , in which sweden and ireland have been pioneering , will guarantee now that the employers of all europe will adapt their places of work , will acquire special equipment and will modify their practices of work so that the discapacitados employees really have a right opportunity . article 13 is the departure point of a new objective of the ue: to fight the discrimination or the unequal treatment of the citizens by the causes enumerated in the same one . the second point that i want to indicate is lamentably the serious error committed by the commission with this first package when prioritizing between the reasons for discrimination . sir president , the discrimination by religious reasons is as unacceptable as any other form of discrimination . like the lay one convinced that i am , it would not know because to accept it . however , the generous idea to recognize each citizen the maxima possible freedom , whenever he is compatible with identical measurement of freedom for the others , hits , still today , with obstacles: in fact and others of right . one of the directors already has been adopted in time record , and i have great hopes of which the other is adopted in november , during the french presidency . some do not adjust to other legal requirements , for example , the amendment relative to the dispositions of the committees . however , i cannot accept the amendment 38 that proposes to eliminate of article 5 the list of differences of treatment by reasons for age which they can be justified . the parliament has talked about the important question of the conformity of contracts . it is the first time that we allowed projects common in this program of action . it is evident that the more universal it is the code , the more effective will be . article 7 of the code forces the states to commit itself to prevent the exports that are turned aside towards undesirable end users . . (it) sir president , i confess that i feel nostalgia of the times about which from the european parliament , as well as from the different pacifist movements and the unions , was urged to think and to act after a progressive reduction of the manufacture of armament and we wondered ourselves how to turn the wartime production civil production . in view of the situation in that the planet and our continent today are after the end of the cold war and the rupture of the balance established by the terror of the arms of massive destruction , such behavior would be irresponsible . these arms have become , by thus saying , in the symbol of the anarchy in many sites of the world . the pesc includes/understands activities to fight the crises outside the limits of the ue and not something that could be understood like common policy of defense . they go directed to prevent the export from arms to the governments who commit violations of the human rights , to zones of conflict or regions sent to a race in the matter of armament . the commission , in narrow collaboration with the states members , actively participated in the formulation of the common stock of the european union on arms small and light arms . in accordance with the daily routine , the commission comes to formulate a declaration on the sector of the european investigation . to introduce forms of intervention to more long term , intermediate between the support of projects and the institutional financing , use of the instruments with variable geometry offered by the treaty , and more specifically the participation of the union in national programs so and as is predicted in article 169 of the treaty . what we want to reinforce , is that character of hierarchial structuring , and this depends on the intervention way . you say that you think about shake-up total of the program frame . i believe that today we needed something that structures the european space of the investigation , is to say something that goes beyond program-i mark that it comes like supplement of national programs , we needed a estructurador element , which means that it is precise to accept formulas . i thank for its intervention and its constructive spirit to him . in which one talks about to the reflections with the stoa , i believe that it is precise to make something together , since he is something that concerns to the assembly , to the common center of investigation , the institutes of prospectiva presents in several states members . it seems that the commission advances to steps exaggerated towards the accomplishment of the european space of investigation . there will be a complete chapter on science , the society and the citizens . there have been contacts with the greek , irish and portuguese authorities to ask the government of these countries that accelerate the presentation to the commission of their projects of the bottom of cohesion . perhaps the nonexistence of the service which i finish mentioning - and that existed in the previous commission dedicated exclusively to the bottom of cohesion allowed to have more concrete elements . my second question is the following one: independently of the bottom of cohesion , the communitarian frame of support , the structural bottoms , the regional programs exist , etc . from what countries they have received the definitive projects and what programs of what countries have approved already? in 1989 the commission presented/displayed a new proposal that would have to offer a greater flexibility . bolkestein and , although the main norm of treaties prohibits that more to the foreign companies is received that to the interiors , would be due to apply the general legislation on the loyal competition in europe in the cases in that the fiscality is totally out of proportion . we must examine the effect that can have in that situation the legislation on the competition , in spite of the general norm of which those subjects are prerogative of the states members . if it is wanted to conserve the fuel , the form to do it is by means of the tax , and not by means of other forms of fiscality . it meant to mr . . purvis that the one of the natural disadvantages and regional is a subject that probably is incumbent on to the national governments , since a part of its electorate is in those distant zones and peripheral regions . sir president , mrs . comisaria , i thank for the information to him . the last spring and the summer , the european commission made an examination general of its activities and human resources . there are some who maintain it . these children are used more and more by tourists and businessmen that , in their majority , come from europe . the commission is convinced that all the companies will be able to be prepared on time for the final step to euro , including the adaptation of its systems and computer science programs . the political-philosophical debate no longer is in the daily routine , but in general we can examine the dangers of a referendum , but perhaps in another frame . the same he is applicable to the elk . recently a reminder has been sent on the matter to the french authorities . in relation to the countries candidates , i can say to its señorías who have held meetings with them in relation to that question of the animal transport and preliminary agreements have been reached . nevertheless , in the season of sowing of the last spring the commission was informed into which concerned seeds of traditional varieties of different species had been intercepted , including the cotton , which they contained rest of seeds genetically modified . nevertheless , after consulting to its services , i can to inform to its señoría of which a director relative to electrical products , the director relative to the limits of electrical tension , as well as the director relative to radio equipment and terminals of telecommunications , prescribe essential requirements in the matter of security of the computer science equipment for private use or in the place of work . it will agree with me , nevertheless , in which in this case the distinction between the security in the place of work , a scholastic class or for a boy that do its duties in house is a false distinction? perhaps it narrows the hand of president jatamí . today aung san suu kyi returns to be put under in fact house arrest . so that i feel obstinate to go more far in the matter of commerce or to advise to additional measures in the matter of commerce or investment . question n º 15 formulated by (h-0769/00): my electoral informers talked about to some of mítines , for example , which they had attended . questions 16 to 44 will be answered in writing . what we would like is a consolidated european report that outside published and put under the examination of this parliament . we would have to be centered in happening not to produce arms instead of thinking about the way to compete with the other manufacturing countries of arms worldwide . the five permanent members of the security council , that supposedly guard by our security , would have to pay attention to those proposals and as rapidly as possible to negotiate a really worthy adjustment of century xxi . the today debate constitutes an important step in the reform process that initiated the prodi commission does something more of a year . i cannot avoid to feel that in its race to elaborate a proposal within the limit of time established by white libro of the reformation , the commission did not take care of the details appropriately . therefore , i propose that as much the financial controller as the internal auditor elaborates annual information detailing their activities . the report goes hulten worsens more , with reason , the differentiation for which the commission pleads and gives a good impulse for the practices interchange of best between the institutions . let us hope that this does not become to repeat ! if we determined something for the great institutions , that independence will be due to apply to all the roster that the committee of wise people has exposed . in the past , we have been able to state very frequently that the excessive delay of the decision processes generated frustration between the plaintiffs and a loss of confidence in the european institutions . i mean to him to mrs . comisaria who this report is not but an intermediate step . and an intermediate step means that it is the first passage of the laying of a bridge between the system that we have now of control and the system that we want to obtain after the reform . this it is the content of the presented/displayed proposal . only when thus it is becomes to introduce the sampling , the selection , that is controlled frequently . consequently , beyond the mere words , we are conscious that the task is not for far from easy . evidently , also i think that neither the politicians nor the technicians we can stop the problem none single . most of the children and adolescents it grows despite , luckyly , in means that do not present/display any of these problematic characteristics . i am totally in agreement with the gentleman president of the commission in the necessity to elaborate this catalogue similar to a constitution and in my opinion , it is evident that the subsidiariedad principle must be reinforced and that the ue must therefore abstain to make policy in the long series of scopes where the political expositions are not transfronterizos . information coming from everybody and of all the scopes of the knowledge arrives in very brief time at our houses and the communication through all the planet is for them a daily experience . stopped very just a short time later , they declared the police: "he is peculiar , in the televising series , are not let catch so easily" . the legislators - and with this i conclude , sir president , cannot solve everything , but the rights and the duties of each one must sometimes remember . i am also very sensible to the observations that have become on the education , the formation to learn to read the images , on the sensibilización of the young generations so that they have a critical approach to the averages and they do not consume any thing , at any time and anyway . nothing will make more damage to the opinions that are forming that the fact that a report like this one advance or that does not make a greater mobility possible or than it does not begin , at least , to demolish the barriers which today educative mobility faces . the pending problems of solution in the different states are of different nature: for example , different norms in the matter of social security , scholarships , right of residence , fiscality and the lack of mutual recognition of the titles and stages . it is already hour of which europe again pays attention to the good execution of programs such as the sócrates and youth with europe . the experience on the mobility of students and professors demonstrates that the true difficulties to the free circulation are not so much in the authorities of the education , but rather in the scopes of performance of the authorities of the social security , of property and immigration . program sócrates has been mentioned like example of this . it must have a clear inspection , a sure control although it is by sampling , and , mainly , a window , a page web , where the students can gather their complaints . by this we requested that it is included to the category of the investigators in the scope of application of the recommendations . it is easy to do it in a speech , but not as much actually . the debate is closed . we appreciated its performance , similar to the one of president chirac or minister joska fischer . the union must speak with a single voice in foreign policy and reflect a common security and defense capabilities . a forum needs to us of decision making to face transcendental subjects for both borders like the migratory flows , the transference of the production factors , the power supplyings . the proposal of resolution on the information of the commission , on which their señorías is going to pronounce itself later , is profuse on the matter . thus one sees clearly in the report prepared by the finnish presidency on the women and the adoption of decisions . the indicators that have elaborated will allow to evaluate the obtained advances . aside from that conference of ministers and the colloquy on the professional equality , two very important texts , specifically dedicated to the equality , but corresponding to the council of use and social subjects , are worthy of mention . the second talks about at the beginning of nondiscrimination , among them the cradle in sex . with respect to the information , i must say by the others - the lady president of the council also approached this question that one of the great problems in the ue is naturally the great cultural differences . the information presented/displayed here are a good sample of it . we must take care of that the director on equality of opportunities really comprises of the norm . i believe that this method , adopted in the first place by finland , is viable in numerous sectors and , since it comprises of the strategy of equality of sexes of the commission , can be waited for much of him . in name of the equality of opportunities , the french women have conquered , thanks to europe , the right to work at night . like french citizen , that vision of the world is to me particularly foreign . in spite of these observations , we will vote in favor of this report , then , naturally , we are in favor of the equality of opportunities , but this one is first of all respect of everyone . the one that it clears to the mothers the freedom to educate to its children without remuneration , will go the invoice to him more ahead in form of youthful criminality and vandalism . in this context them memory our report on the division of the rights derived from pensions in case of divorce thanks to which the pensions of survival and the age of retirement were incorporated finally the director of 1979 . the polish women very were thanked for us by to have made clear that the representative presents/displays there did not transmit the attitude of the polish women . a greater participation of the woman in all the levels of the government and in all the scopes of the life is essential to give greater depth to the democracy and to reach and to maintain la paz . in order to finish , it wanted to refer me to the situation of the women in the countries candidates to the adhesion to the european union . the council , specially the men who compose it , have in this matter the important task of guiding europe in the fight against the mafias of operation of women . this commerce of slaves is not something that the responsible politicians can elude , avoid or ignore . of the information and interventions that today we are analyzing we can deduce , as we already knew many of us , that the problem of the equality of opportunities is a problem of structural order and that , to approach it , are necessary global strategies , because the women we are a category neither a homogenous social group nor no group . certain it is that i was a little sad when seeing that maria de belém roseira no longer occupied this position . two of their señorías have mentioned new social rights , new fiscal rights . third , because they are the strategic base not only for the european union - having to our disposition an image of the situation in the letter of the human rights has even played a role important - but also at national level , since the states already can members by means of the benchmark determine national objectives . it is closed the joint debate . these amendments it is necessary to understand them in the new context of the interinstitutional agreement and , therefore , the parliament can transigir with not insisting on these amendments of comythology taking into account that have been surpassed somehow by the new interinstitutional frame . nevertheless , i , personally , continue thinking that the text approved in its day by the parliament responded far better to the new realities arisen from the inner market and the liberalization of the markets , in the measurement in which the control and clarification elements that introduced the assumed amendments did not suppose a greater guarantee of than the norm was going to be fulfilled and of that were going away to follow procedures at the time of its application such . if we want that the third countries accept the commitments , the european community must be the first jealous one in guarding by the fulfillment of its own norms , because if a country has the possibility of placing in the community products by the route of the contraband why is going away to bother in negotiating with us no type of concession? also , the amendment of the parliament on the customs proceedings by means of computer science declarations , accepted by the council , will take to the customs administrations of the states members to that they are equipped with more modern computer science means of control . but now it is too much late since you finish adopting the voting and the deputies have voted to favor . votings (continuation) report (a5-0198/2000) on the annual information of the commission "equality of opportunities for women and men in the european union - 1997 , 1998 and 1999" (com (1998) 302 - c5-0106/1999) (com (1999) 106 - c5-0289/2000) (com (2000) 123 - c5-0290/2000 - 1999/2109 (cos)) commission of rights of the woman and equality of opportunities . ponente: lone dybkjær . it is not the first time that i express myself on the mobility of the students and the body of professors . this report is as much more important whatever than it takes place in a while critical for the european union: the one of the extension . the discrimination is not fought creating put administrative additional but changing the mentality of the people . i have voted against the mann report , then , although it is necessary , indeed , to try to obtain the equality of treatment of the people in the matter of use and work , would not be necessary to take the fervor until the point to leave all protection of the liberties and all respect of the state of right . like lay convinced that i am , i have not been able to associate me to her . the pne greets this director and her objective to end the discrimination in the work place . if we try to elaborate a reasonable director and viable we cannot load it of florituras and illusions , since it is not what it is expected of a legislative text . however , the plpe has important reserves respect to the following areas . also elements exist that , in our opinion , would have to leave to the will of the states members , such as the general aplicaión , the benefit of formation to workers of certain groups of age , the nature of the mediation system , and the form in which the pymes must interpret the director . they go hulten observes acertadamente in this same interview that we only can begin with a positive agenda when problems like the fraud , wastefulness as well as the lack of efficiency have been resolved and effectiveness in the process of decision making . the reason of my vote to this report is related , in the essential , with the question of narrower relations between the european union and nato and also with the advance towards a policy of common defense . in the report the export is also understood of arms in europe like a way to solve conflicts in the near territories . nevertheless , nonacceptance that demands a policy of common defense and a policy of security and european defense in nato . the children are the first victims of the televising violence . it cheers to me that that study has been made . to communitarian scale one is going away to constitute a committee of experts with the mandate to elaborate a memorandum that in front of establishes the general principles for the protection of the minor means . dybkjær report (a5-0198/2000) the fact that is specially interesting , for the first time , it is evident the necessity to evaluate the effectiveness of the political initiatives with the annual information of the commission . peru sir president , in peru moments are lived at the moment on uncertainty and all we fed the hope on which the present situation is solved through a process , in which all the civil and political rights are guaranteed , that are used for the fortification and the consolidation as the democracy and la paz in peru , country that has undergone 25 ,000 died fifteen years in the last . the word at issue is the word "democracy" . sir president , ladies and gentlemen , the conditions in which the peruvian elections in month of may were developed the past were unacceptable . b5-0793/2000 of mrs . . ainardi and others , in name of the group of left the european unitary left/green nordic , on the situation of the women in afghanistan . and for that reason it also seems to me positive that the resolution includes several clear and unequivocal points relative indeed to the situation of the women and calls the attention on how necessary is that we try to help to prevent that the regime talibán continues with its total discrimination of the woman . to the ue it waits for an important task to him . the recognition on the part of any state cannot take place member while the policy of violation of the human rights persists , in individual the systematic discrimination towards the women . and this yes which we must have it in account from the european institutions and also that the cultures of the drug are used to buy arms . nevertheless , it will support all its to the neighboring countries with object to help them to improve its resources at the time of fighting badly this . i believe that it is a good moment to remember the necessity that the european union begins to design a policy of comprehensivo character with respect to latin america that , possibly , could avoid that these countries periodically cross crisis situations like which they have taken place in some of them . sir president , ladies and gentlemen , as much the commission as the parliament we welcomed with enormous satisfaction the liberation of the spanish jesuita , mr . . alexander matos castro , happened the last week . b5-0782/2000 of mr . . haarder , in name of the group of the european party of liberal , democratic and the reformist ones , on macedonian: law of superior education and universities ; for that reason same , all we were glad enormously of which the problem of superior education finally seems to direct itself towards a really positive solution . this is , reason why to me it concerns , a good example for all the neighboring countries of which hatred through education can not only be seeded , as it happens now so often , but that education also can serve as cradles for a pacific multi-ethnic coexistence . i also had preferred who had been a solution that deserved the approval of all the parties represented in the parliament . permítanme that takes advantage of this opportunity to indicate that the commission already has had very good experiences in which to the collaboration with the high commissioner , mr . goes to der stoel , talks about . we are not today debating in this assembly to only express our grief . we are debating mainly on which it has happened , on why it has happened and how we are going to correct the situation , how we will be able to help from now on , the commission and the european parliament , so that such events are not repeated in the future . in any case , sir president , we are in agreement with this proposal of common resolution , that we supported as is now , with character of urgent , and naturally , basing to us on which i have referred previously , we are not in agreement with the amendments that have also appeared like urgent . as far as the amendment on the conditions of work , there is a director on this subject ; on the other hand the formulation of the amendment is not as satisfactory as the text . simply , this is not acceptable for the northern islands and eastern scot and either are not it for the potential route from the north sea to the european continent , who i hope is established in a future not very distant . i am glad of which the greek government has suspended this exemption meanwhile . for that reason same , the commission immediately went to the greek government of the shipwreck of the samina express , soliciing information about the application of the effective communitarian right . therefore , it would wish to formulate the following question , requesting to him that it raises it to the presidency . i ask myself if in addition to the suppression of friday some have begun to also suppress thursday . i mean to them also that , on the part of the european union , they are in march the mechanisms so that at the moment at which the popular will of the serbian town is respected , that is to say , at the moment at which we have a government maintained by the people who have voted in the ballot boxes by mr . . kostunica , we pruned to have: first , an immediate rise of the sanctions and , second , a package of economic aid that can help the serbian town to recompose its economy . perhaps it is decided at the moment in the streets of belgrade if the democratic change begins now and if it can be carried out without violence . we condemned all the actions that can be understood like provocations , specially in which talks about the holy places of jerusalem . and we must tend the hand to him of a very symbolic way - since mr . has said . solana with that meeting in zagreb . chocante it is the fact that the police and the israeli army has used fragmentation bullets , bullets that when they reach the body explode in tens of pieces and that are prohibited internationally , even in the fights between soldiers , and that now have been used against citizens . i consider that europe can do much and must make much in this sense with transparency and decision . consequently , we must do everything what is in our hand to stop this fire as rapidly as possible . the provocations like the action of ariel sharon are due to avoid . today it has happened the same , and it is what will prevent and it has prevented europe , in all these years , to play a role of mediation in oriente .medio , leaving that paper to the united states . we will not sacrifice to the serbian population in name of our sublime and moral objectives , since it could mean the death of thousands of people in serbia and yugoslavia . lady president , as last point wanted to along with propose that , as soon as it is possible and as soon as is a new yugoslav government , is sent a delegation of the parliament to plan , the new yugoslav government , the reconstruction of a new serb . lady delegated president , ladies and gentlemen , is clear that today we are living probably an historical day in this parliament , the day in which aim to one of the last pillars of a totalitarian dictatorship in europe is possibly put . sir president , creates a problem since in the german file for the urgency subjects - i do not know if the same lingüísticas- happens in the other versions only take shelter the amendments of group gue . the proposals of resolution and the common text need . sir president , would only want to call the attention of his señorías on the pile of documents that we have brought this week for voting . if the parliament could present/display amendments to the decision of the council , surely it would remember the social problems and of unemployment of the croatia derived from the diet imposed to this country , but in these circumstances legal foundations for such type of amendments do not exist . this is the occasion to vindicate such objective as far as the activity of the bei . sir president , yesterday in the evening , we spoke on serb and the revolutionary changes that are taking place there . for this reason , i want to make an urgent call to my colleagues and , also in special to the council , so that during the negotiations of the budget of the year that comes and from the later years they fit to the maximum to the proposal of the commission that , in my opinion , it has carried out the best valuation of the total costs in the croatia and also in other zones of the balkan mountains . in 1990 democratic elections were celebrated , that they were considered internationally like free and clean . for that reason yes , to this economic aid yes , to this guarantee , but also an energetic request to the commission so that it supports totally to this deeply european country , now already governed democratically in conformity with the state of right , and so that it puts it in the list of the candidates to the entrance , because i believe that the croatia has deserved all our endorsement . like the ponente , i ask myself if actually it will be had money to this aim , mainly , considering that , shortly , will be due to establish an ample monetary flow towards serb and that the budget of the union is not going away to increase . also the delegations of the croatia and our parliament asked the council who extended the mandate of the bei . i hope that they begin the sooner the contacts and , like for the croatia , aids to the serbian town are also granted that deserves all our respect . (the act it is approved) therefore , it is with this spirit that we invited the women of the european parliament to that they participate in this delegation: tuesday and wednesday there will be a list and we will gather the companies and the adhesions to the delegation , indeed with the spirit to establish between women peace bridges there where , however , there is violence . really , there has been more suffering for the basoues and the spaniards ; certainly , spaniards and basoues are fed up with the present conflict . lady president , as it remembers , in the last partial period of sessions , i evoked the difficult situation of the defender of the british democracy , james mawdsley , who had been stopped illegally by the burman authorities . lady president , in my case is really a question relative to the regulation . in fact , that report apparently technician , who does not seem to bring great modifications of political order is extremely important in the measurement in that , subrepticiamente , he introduces the possibility of applying genetic engineering to grape growing modified genetically . if we did not vote the report , postponements will take place . the council of state - since you have said you have misestimated east resource and she has communicated in had to us forms this desestimación . nevertheless , now the case repeats and affects a colleague who , although is of the ppe , does not belong to my political scope in italy . mr . . for that reason we plead for the introduction of a social marker , as also it has been made for the inner market , with clear measures , maximum terms and limits of time . lady minister , i hope that the council is inspired by the expectations of the parliament and hope that in the summit of nize it is able to shape in an european social agenda ambitious objectives with which we pruned to continue working together in the coming years . as a result of the informal council on "use and social policy" of 8 july last in paris , the presidency has asked all the involved actors - european parliament , of course , economic and social committee , committee of the regions social interlocutors , ong , groups and committees of the council that communicate their proposals to him . to oppose the quantitative thing to the qualitative thing is a false debate and lisbon established a double objective clearly: more uses and of better quality . it is necessary to foment that mobility and at the same time to guarantee the security of the professional trajectories . we must try to inventory of the lagoons that are in the system and , in any case , to put them in the agenda . the open coordination is , in our opinion , the way to cross if we are going to assure a social europe . the putting in practice of the announced social pretensions in lisbon demands a communitarian effort , a plan of action for the creation of uses in the services , in individual those tie ones with the society of the information . evidently the collaboration of the commission is important , but the social problems have local root and is necessary to handle respecting them the concrete circumstances . the social thing acted like correction factor of the most ominous effects of the economic policies . the original proposal of the commission was far better without modifications ; enhorabuena mrs . comisaria . anna diamantopoulou , by its excellent document . it is a magnificent agenda and i can still remember with what difficulties we advanced in the matter of social protection in the last legislature . i believe that he will be very positive also to help to conciliate the familiar and professional life of the women . sometimes i have the impression that with the modernization concept the socavamiento is understood frequently of the social protection . which are the basic points of the text? still it is difficult to determine objective european that they have the same vigor for all the states members , since the reality is different for each one . the commission has presented/displayed 49 amendments . possibly this concerns only to the parliament and the commission , but , comisaria mrs . . another point is the increase of the support of the community at the time of judging the necessity of additional initiatives , including , if outside necessary , the transposition of the legislation , the comparison and the fight against the discrimination . in the good ideas or the good directed plans have the past not needed to reach the equality , but often its application has failed . it is not normal that the voice of the women is monopolized by a handful of professionals of the vindication who live on the injection of the public money . the equality of the women and the men in the civil life , that allows to the women the total benefit of the human rights and fundamental liberties . i hope that , finally , the actors men also connect here and fight the trasnochados rolls of sort and stereotypes . i believe that meanwhile we must thank to him to have followed the debate , since its presence was not predicted during this debate . policy of competition we must provides to our companies the best conditions so that they have possibility mainly of planning its production and its future . the consumers must have access to an ample variety of products of high quality and to competitive prices , and in last instance this one is the reason to continue advancing with the single market and , along with this one , with the free competition , because it benefits all our citizens . he is the one of the decision to subsidize or the decision of not subsidizing in the scope of the mineral coal . point 16 of the riis-jørgensen report speaks of greater legal security in the treatment of the requests of fusion and shorter and effective terms for the appeals before the courts . in all the cases one is public companies that do not have their financial force to an impeccable enterprise management , but to the last and present monopolistas positions . we needed a greater introduction the citizen in the information on competition policy , so that this one notices the advantages . one is questions of great importance for the regional economy and the use , and i hope that , in the future , this it is shown so that these aids , the domestic subventions that affect to the development and the regional economy and whose more exemplary factor is indeed the transport , can continue being granted . this communication contains three guessed right messages . evans by its excellent report on the norm in the matter of aids of state to the iron and steel industry and on the eighth report on the aids of state in the european union . i want , therefore , to assure mr . . palace and karas , as well as to the other deputies who have taken part on these points , that the regulation very considers its preoccupations . otherwise we will be making a skinny favor to the competition and the consumers . the debate is closed . the financing mechanism develops to the article 119 of the treaty of monetary the european union that continues in vigor during the third phase of the economic union and only for the states members that do not participate in the unique currency . sir president , gentleman commissioner , distinguished gentlemen and gentlemen , i want to thank because today we pruned to still discuss the proposal of director of the council who modifies 193 director 68// the eec on the commerce with materials of vegetative multiplication of the grapevine and i also wait for a positive voting morning . some of them sent , the 5 of july , the call of beaune , where they express his preoccupation as opposed to the introduction of the omg in the profession . the rules that prevén are by the other favorable thing to the production of a diversified vegetal material and that offer the best sanitary guarantees , which is fundamental , to effectively accompany the reconstruction by the communitarian vineyard , key point of the new vinícola and vitícola ocm . it is necessary to say it aloud and clear , it was not necessary to overload articles of that director with references to director 90/220 in process of revision to less wanting to promote to the force the genetic manipulations of the grapevine . i am pleased to communicate to them that we can also accept amendments 35 to 40 presented/displayed by mr . . graefe zu baringdorf , oriented to fortify the transposition of the requirements of security and management in accordance with director 90/220 . it wanted simply to observe that it has not been requested to the parliament that is pronounced like so . lady president , with regard to point 14 of our act on the rogatory of suspension of the parliamentary immunity of mr . . pacheco pereira . i am going to be more precise on the qualified majority . on the ponderación of the votes , they also follow on the table the two known options affluent: simple ponderación for which one confirms light , a very light one , majority , or double majority , but with different formulas , double majority simple or reponderada or a form of "demographic mesh" . on the other hand , without damage of an evaluation of the necessities and the coordination of the economic and financial attendance to the yugoslav federal republic , that will be entrusted jointly to the european commission and the world bank , the european council of biarritz decided to grant to the yugoslav federal republic one first humanitarian aid of urgency of 200 million euros . but , they watch , señorías , if there were to say spontaneously and very sincerely my impression to them , would say the following thing: whichever it is the gentleness of those questions - composition of the commission and system of voting , will not be necessary to be based on that to calibrate the failure or the success of nize . another positive aspect was also the approval of the fundamental bill of rights on the part of the government and chiefs of state . however , sir president of the council , i cannot let remember at the same time why this was possible . we do not have to kill of boredom the spirit of nize and , therefore , there is a fundamental priority in the 50 days that are: to elevate the negotiation at the political level . in this sense i would also want to go to my colleagues of the european popular party - and him request to mr . . poettering that listens to me because what we defend in this assembly we have it to defend outside . reason why we know of the performance of prime minister and presidents in biarritz on the most arduous questions of the reform of the treaty , the letter probably gets to be the greater trophy in nize . sending a great consultation to the populations , to the national parliaments , that allowed to obtain a letter really based on the necessities , the council would be in truth in consonancia with the european citizen aspirations . thus , then , it is necessary to make a call to all so that they return to the origins of our union , have the value that had giscard d ' estaing and mr . . schmitt , when deciding the election by universal suffrage of the european parliament in 1976 and 1979 , and deciding that in 2009 we will have finally a president of the european union , president of the commission . in that respect , it wanted to respond to which has said mr . . poettering on the division between the great countries and the small ones . i return to talk about with words to the subjects of outer commercial policy , because it is a totally serious subject . one treats , anyway , of something precious that has emphasized all the members of the european council . one second very positive thing has been the adoption of the letter in its totality . aside from that , it seems to me that on that decisive question for the future of the european union and its way of decision , biarritz obtained some so many and we cannot by less congratulating itself . i hope that we will still be able to convince , to advance , to obtain positive results in nize on the matter . i mention two concrete examples: on the one hand , we happened of the right to the work to the right to work and , by another one , several social rights including in the reviewed social letter of the council of europe do not appear in the letter . from the debates that have been celebrated in all europe , including those of biarritz , it is clear that the states greater members are partly trying to intimidate to the states smaller members to reform the european union in consonancia with the direction followed by first and with its desires . the displeasures of both extreme are the test for the negotiators that they advance just towards a balance . the leadership of the european union has not formulated a vision clearly . a commission based on criteria of representation of each one of the states reveals a foresighted vision little . a union of this nature would be centralist and give to the small states of the union less power than the one than the bicameral system of the u .s .a . grants to the small american states . after the summit of sharm-el-sheikh in that all the implied parts were present in order to find a route to end the violence and to resume the dialogue between barak and arafat , we have seen how difficult turns out to stop the confrontations , even though was a moment in which it seemed that it would be obtained . evidently , bad informers make say him to mr . . baron things that are not certain with respect to italy and to my party . it is important that the introduction of the european tax on the energy consumption , that until now has been blocked by the application of the unamimity principle , advances . we would not have to allow that between the states members the fear arises to that can be advanced towards solutions next to a directory . in my opinion , the convention has made an excellent work and i am proud of to have been member of the same one . in this last case , the question will be the one of in what moment will work that great and small principle of the strictly egalitarian rotation between . the extension to subjects really of the voting by qualified majority , along with the codecision , the preservation of article 250 , in its present tenor , the place and the paper of the commission in the cooperations reinforced and not only on the first pillar: those are some of the elements that will allow us to judge right away if there is , after all , success or failure . . (fr) sir president , thanks in the first place to jacques , to jacques delors , thanks to altiero spinelli and fernand herman , thanks to all , from vaclav havel to car it ciampi , from joschka fischer to jacques chirac , michel barnier to pierre moscovici , chris patten to simitis coast , including a florence , and to the multitude of present european deputies whom he has retaken , as of 1999 , the great movement in favor of an european constitution . we do not criticize in excess trading europe , and is a socialist the one that says it: it has given more wealth us for all . pongámonos according to the minus on this objective , and since we do it , we say how to reach it . i have had , sir president , the satisfaction to state that the proposals presented/displayed lately to the intergubernamental conference agree in the substantial thing with all or leaves from the criteria that i have exposed . . (fr) sir ponentes president , gentleman commissioner , gentlemen , delegated ladies and gentlemen , has loved you to celebrate , this morning , a debate on the questions in which its assembly has considered necessary to complete the opinion relative to the intergubernamental conference that had expressed month of april the past . thus , respecting the existing constitutional frame , it seems difficult to me - i warn to them - to anticipate more than a procedure of consultative opinion of the parliament at the moment of the beginning . you know it perfectly , that supposes that we make certain elections political , of a reach rather ampler than the regulation of the three indicated exigencies previously . i myself i have emphasized who the formula adopted for the letter was a way to explore . but i have caught perfectly that beyond the linguistic aspect , its question hides another preoccupation . there am also porqué wanted here to be thankful to him , at heart and in the form , the initiative that you have taken . the putting in practice of the reinforced cooperations would not have to take to the creation of new organs that came to add themselves to the institutions of the union . it is hour to review treaties . the european council letter against this basic european consensus with its refusal to integrate in treaties the european letter of the fundamental rights , to give a binding legal value him and to grant to the citizens whose rights are injured the possibility of going to the european court of justice . otherwise , i believe that it will not be possible to obtain a europe of the citizens and the citizens . paragraph 8: the constitution will treat - and i mention - "subjects that have been opened" . until the moment nobody has known to explain to me what has changed in the meantime . secondly , respect to an insufficient agenda , that has left outside specially excellent questions for the future of the union and the interest of the citizenship . sir minister , says that on the eve of the revolution bolshevik - event that was going to have so serious consequences in all the world the russian orthodox church was immersed in complex debates on the design of the clothes corresponding to the cuaresma . therefore , the cooperations must offer all the guarantees that the ponente has proposed , opened all , respecting the spirit of treaties and without being against to the communitarian heap . however , there is an aspect that it wanted to emphasize: it does not seem to me correct that it is demanded or advance towards the exigency of a referendum obligatory in all the countries members to be approved the modifications indeed propose . gil robles by its work . we have celebrated a debate very in depth on two subjects that , being different , are in a point . we are arranged to order to us that one vows during the november sessions , allowing so they are approved during the french presidency . (the parliament adopts the resolution) what means "the introduction of the possibility of acceding progressively to the retirement , through the on time partial work" , but a threat at the age of the retirement , in spite of all already excessively elevated in numerous countries? it is known that as much to the pensioners as to the children they like jams . i have asked the pensioners who have sent me here to the european parliament with the party of the pensioners if they would like to drink wine manipulated genetically . or still , exceptionally , to have material of standard vegetative multiplication when other categories cannot satisfy the necessities . consequently , sir president , i ask to him: perhaps the variations of the labor cost do not constitute by these reasons a limitation to the free competition in the european union? thus , the vote only could be , since it has been , in against . in spite of the advance towards a greater desreglamentación in the european union , the state aids can continue playing a role constructive to obtain the economic and social progress . in order to protect the medio .ambiente , the services public and to guarantee the equality of rent of the inhabitants of the regions economically weaker , these aids can turn out indispensable . we indicated the danger that also they locate in the front sight of the european union the aids of little spread after consolidating the control of the european union in the important state aids , with the excuse of the competition in the small and medium companies . section i saw , economic and social committee an examination of the calendar of execution of headings 2 , 3 , 4 and 7 of the budget allows to state that only one average of 8 % of all the commitments is covered by the corresponding payments . three years ago we started up our initiative in favor of the use with the support to the access of the small and medium companies to the risk capital . the parliament sets out to do it of two ways . the european institutions will have only fulfilled their assignment if this is obtained . in this context , i want to thank for the vice-president responsible for the budgetary subjects , the colleague gerhard schmid , by his constructive collaboration . we want that this committee maintains its ability to work , but cannot allow that it is the institution that less quick attention to the exhortations of the european parliament like part of the budgetary authority . it is to say that year 2001 is going to be the last complete budgetary exercise and in this context it is due to also value the proposal of the commission and the one that now we presented/displayed the parliament . in addition , also we requested that the administrative expenses are reviewed . from 1985 - i say the 85- commission of budgets of the parliament well comes making an effort in obtaining that the procedures of the european parliament consider the financial incidence of the resolutions that votes the plenary session . and i finish , to sir president , being thankful the diligence of the other institutions in the transaction of this joint declaration . now it is requested to them to pronounce itself with respect to a budget that already was amended in first reading by the council . with regard to the internal policies , the council left to a prudent margin , in heading 3 , more important that the proposed one by the commission . it would wish , to conclude , that the symbolic value does not occur to the financial perspective that they do not have . an examination of the three sets of numbers allows to also appreciate that still considerable differences exist , of exclusively quantitative order , as well as , naturally , as far as the content . i must remember that the year last , after a long debate , a new decision was reached on the comythology in common agreement with the council , and i have few hopes of which it is possible to reopen the debate . in the approved financial perspective in berlin for the period up to 2006 8 ,100 million euros for program meda were anticipated . solana . for that reason i would like to ask to them as much the council as to the commission of budgets of the parliament to that they think about the foreign policy and not only in the budget when they take care of the foreign policy . second one talks about the aid that is to lend itself to the victims of the violations of the human rights that require treatments in specialized institutions . if in the term that still we have left it is able to reach a commitment solution that supports the important work of the commission of economic and monetary subjects , we will be able to reach an agreement ; in opposite case , we will hold our position . it is enough whereupon we watch our television sets and we see the present difficulties in the oriente .medio so that we remember it every day . therefore , i trust that in the morning voting still we manage to obtain the necessary majority in favor of the observatory of dublín . sir president , wanted to do some observations , beginning by the rural policy , from the perspective of the commission of agriculture . we have requested that is approved an indicative credit of two million euros for a information campaign on the pcp . the executive commission must negotiate with weighty arguments to obtain a reasonable agreement with morocco and to the council and the affected governments it corresponds to them to impel politically this negotiation . today we examined the budget of 2001 with the image of the town of serb in our retinas . altogether , we would want that these amendments were approved . an important form as the european citizens can guard so that their preoccupations are approached is the one to resort to the defender of the town or to make requests to the parliament . step first a the budget of the parliament . for surprise of many of the members of my delegation , at the beginning of september we established a basic strategy unanimously and the 400 amendments introduced by some of my colleagues were in certain way a surprise to us to many from the members from the commission from budgets . it is difficult to think that the increase of positions is going to solve the problem of the management , if it continues being old fashioned and complex procedures in the commission and the council to approach the numerous existing problems . this assembly has demonstrated repeatedly in the last years that its work bases on the principle of a rigorous austerity . he is not permissible that during years is spoken very carefreely of commitments and it is always promised to fulfill them , but when the moment arrives for paying , then it is said that they are excessive and it is necessary to trim them a little . we briefed million just a few - it cannot much more be and then we do succulent promises to them , and soon , when really they need it , we return to retire them . budget 2001 , just as already happened with the one of the last year , has had to face practically insoluble conflicts between the pressure in favor of the consolidation and the austerity , as it was within the framework decided in the interinstitutional agreement with object to guarantee the financing of the extension , by a side and , by the other side , the urgent necessity to finance the pact of stability for the balkan mountains . the exigencies of a greater yield also require more personnel . the adoption of this amendment , in its initial version , could have begun to change the putting , but a majority of the commission of budgets rejected this idea . this way , the european parliament is prepared , says what says , to implicitly accept the position of the council . and in this case , the examples are , lamentably , numerous: of the treatment privileged to the associations with federalist vocation or the numerous ong with a function , a philosophy and an operation of most debatable , to the financing of the european political parties , happening through the amounts devoured in the prince program , to try to in a while persuade to the citizens of the states members of the good founded of euro in which the european currency experiences a loss of confidence to a large extent shared by the european , from our danish friends to the leaders of the european central bank . finally , the heaton-harris colleague has correctly shown with his amendments the simpleza of many european programs in which a propagandistic history is offered to the citizen on european integration and which they are , attention , financed by the own citizen . in addition , also we must modernize our administrative systems and must continue giving , also , a good example . program meda , dedicated to the river basin of the mediterranean , geographic zone of the greater strategic importance , is a good example of lack of execution capacity . when it is spoken to make reductions or to find bottoms in category 4 to finance certain priorities , one is not due to forget that the parliament has its priorities . we expressed it with clarity in the voting in commission . so that this number will be due to clarify . thank you very much , mr . wynn . it means simply that true elements of flexibility exist to advance in such-and-such policy , even when some cannot or it does not wish to do it , and what is worth for the countries of the union it is worth also for the countries candidates . i think that austria cannot complain the happened thing , all the opposite . the recommendations of the regional organizations , as well as the experiences of the neighboring countries will be able without a doubt some to contribute to the definition of these means . in 1984 , 0 .2 % of proprietors in colombia had 32 % of the earth . the council is not here for commenting one or another aspect of this question , that is extremely delicate and painful . at the same time , a debate cannot either begin this way on questions that are , once again , extremely complex . question n º 10 formulated by (h-0722/00): therefore , i will take care of myself to give a definitive answer to this difficult question . simply , we have him feeling , and its answer demonstrates a little to it , that the presidency of the council is not very voluntarista at the time of treating this question . therefore , the entrance of this tax evidently will not be null . i also excuse to them , but we are going to apply the regulation . however , it would ask to him you if i have interpreted or whom the french presidency does not have intention to propose new measures for the adoption of the tobin tax , or if i must interpret that one is not absolutely a question of political will , but simply that also you , those that are seated in the left part of the chamber , have reached the in question conclusion from something impossible . the implantation of the tobin tax at world-wide level is impossible . on the other hand , awaiting the approval of this director on the prevention of the transmissible espongiformes encefalopatías , it was taken , in june of 2000 , the decision to retire the materials that present/display risks with respect to these diseases , with the purpose of stopping all new progression of the epidemic and assuring to the consumer the possible the most elevated level sanitary protection . i do not have other elements that those that i finish communicating to them . we followed and know the work well the commission and the council on the package erika 1 . but , with respect to this step , that is known both countries and known in the european union , that they are a specially difficult step , by that great ships journey to only gain hours , with the risk of which old shells come to run aground and to cause a catastrophe , i had liked to know , and mainly to the inhabitants of córcega and sardinia , had liked to know if it will be possible and if it is anticipated to level prohibit simple and the passage of the straits of bonifcacio to these great ships , to these great containers . therefore , i believe that we must support , in principle , the proposals of the commission to modify the personnel policy . the budget needs new bottoms in cash for serbia and kosovo . i hope , sir president , and i finish with this , that stands out in spite of all the lines of the budget in 50 million euros to finance the peace accord between israel and the olp . for that reason , from the european parliament we will propose new measures , not directed so much to look for new financing - that already we know that in the present conditions is not going away to be able to execute but to fix new commitments interinstitutional that improve the quality of the cost and assure that euro is not wasted . think that in european policy , like in any other matter , sometimes the moderate options stop being majority . it is conceived to grow dark instead of clarifying and respect to the presupuestación based on the activities has disappointed me the adopted attitude today . nevertheless , the one that the expenses are distributed according to activities , also raises in greater measurement how the budget is seen like a political instrument where the distribution of the expenses reflects clear political priorities . and we find a plurianual solution then , so that for the next year and the next year we do not have again also to happen through this discussion over how finding money for the reconstruction of the balkan mountains . the interested ones in the development of a sustainable farming sector have to know that the fundamental direction of the recent reform decided in berlin is a bridge crossing of the support to products to the direct support to the rents of the agriculturists . señorías , a budget is always more than a cold calculation of numbers . finally , he is immoral , sir president , to trim the expenses for the agricultural policy , program meda , the social excluded ones , and thus to try to guarantee the resources destined to finance the obligations of the european union in kosovo and yugoslavia . he is very simple: this winter the serbs cannot starve of cold or . on the other hand , it wanted to show my preoccupation before the fact that the different parliaments from the young people are had including in program socrates . as he is natural , also we have to say clearly to the council who to him also is incumbent part to him of the responsibility in which it concerns to the deficient development of many programs pertaining to the heading of operations outside of the area . stable solutions around those aids and , in greater measurement , for the long term planning are needed that needs in the west of the balkan mountains . i believe that the majority is arranged to accept it , with the condition of which those resources are used of suitable form . i share with ponente mrs . . rühle the preoccupations and criteria that have mentioned this late in relation to the chapters of the investigation and social aids . two weeks ago , we celebrated parliamentary assembly the mixed acp . at the same time , we demanded that the bottom of investigation and information dowry of budgetary means destined to the alternative product study for the present cultivators of tobacco . i want that it is very clear that , in which to ireland of the north one talks about , had the europeaha union imaginable the most direct and positive influence . in this model the respect to the norms and the procedures is guaranteed by an independent authority and , in last instance , by the judges . from this form it will be arrived for the first time at a codecision in first reading on a complex and extremely full text from technical difficulties related to a specially sensible sector to the protection of the individual liberties . he is very advisable that has not been fused their respective tasks . it knows for example that system schengen has stored more than 10 million of cards that affects to near million and average of citizens , that europol is seeing how their competitions are extended incessantly , collate data coming from different services of police of the fifteen states members , and it under the exclusive control of an authority whose competitions and means are not made their available to allow him that it fulfills truely another task . said this , i take advantage of the presence the commissioner to say that one feels like opportune to worry to me in front of nonsingle about the protection of the citizen the new technologies , but also as opposed to the use of the same ones to foment the capacity of the european citizen in order to act and to interact the european institutions in front of . the amendments numbered like 1 , 2 , 4 to 10 , 12 to 40 , 42 to 54 , 57 , 58 and 60 to 64 gather the text of the council for the points in which the commission can give its agreement . it is evident then that its opinion on the legislative proposals relative to the protection of the personal data specially will be considered in the measurement in which constitutes an important contribution to the legislative debate between the institutions . the treaty recognizes in effect the ultraperipheral regions a difficult , agravated economic and social situation by the particular obstacles between which the permanence and the conjugación cause serious damages to the development of these regions . it will contribute thus to the promotion of the economic and social progress by means of a level of high use . therefore , i congratulate mrs . . sudre and we waited for with great interest the normative development of the proposals of the commission so that soon the specificities can be taken into account , as planned in section 2 of article 299 of the treaty of amsterdam . for many european some ultraperipheral regions they are not more than a tourist destiny in the map . our rates of unemployment are between highest of the union . i am glad of which the commission has adopted by ample majority the amendments that i presented/displayed . in my opinion , it is very important that the ultraperipheral zones are integrated in the transeuropeas networks of transports , energy and telecommunications . the approval unanimously of the deputies of the commission of regional policy of the report presented/displayed by our colleague margie sudre represents the fidelity of the european parliament one of his more important commitments . we cannot debate all a series of circumstances and to think that , reached that suitable and idyllic point - we denominate it thus - , no longer it will be necessary to adopt more measuring in the treatment of these three zones and , specially , of the ultraperipheral regions about which today we are debating . this article ladies and gentlemen does not allow us to do it everything , but it allows to reinforce and , i believe us that it is necessary , to extend and to improve our action . for the preparation of the proposals that are necessary , the commission evidently collaborates with the states members and the regions at issue . we know that in these regions there are persistent difficulties and i create therefore , objectively , according to its real level of development , that will have necessity during long time of the support of the regional policy and particular measures . a meeting of this type could be organized again throughout year 2001 , when we go more advanced in the accomplishment of the program presented/displayed in march . the presidency declared totally settled the subject and i it acceptance . i believe that the parliament is right in relying on the present dispositions , because , since has said another colleague to it , it is not often badly an operation of the voting devices , but who the deputies forget to vote , and if a vote could be corrected , it would be a problem never to finish . there is no doubt that i am what like . , sir commissioner , in addition to the authority , is really necessary that the competent services of the commission , in collaboration and coordination with the states members , establish a system of homogenous and effective controls in all the nourishing chain and that the network of nourishing laboratories of the european union is harnessed and worked of way coordinated with the commission . in order to prevent that the same scientific researches are repeated it imposes the collaboration with the national and communitarian research centers . today we discussed on white libro , and would have to define some general principles . these procedures already have been modified and changed and now we counted on our own "food standards agency" . finally , also we will support some of the new amendments , without a doubt , amendments 11 up to 13 and 7 up to 9 , and want a free voting of amendment 14 . to the light of this difference it first of all wanted to emphasize that the one that is guaranteed the nourishing security depends on the solidity of inspection made them by the authorities , and we do not forget that the degree of solidity of the same ones comes determined by the weakest link . we dealed with a subject in that they show the superficiality and the vacuidad the debate that we maintain on the political union of europe . let us trust , then , to the european authority of nourishing security solely the scientific experience , in coordination with our national agencies . if we followed the sign of the advance of the main diseases coming from the foods that affect to europe at the present time , most of them they did his first appearance in the américas . nevertheless , the previous conditions are due to determine to summon to the authority of such way is guaranteed an efficient and fast performance . also we must indicate , since they have done some of the previous oradores , in special mr . . whitehead and mrs . gebhardt , who white libro is much more that any new regulating work of the union . sir president , today i feel happy and i thank to the commission , because it has initiated the works to improve the nourishing security , to mr . . bowis and to all the commission of medio .ambiente , public and political health of the consumer . i think that amendment 17 is specially interesting . in her one says that there is to consult the organizations of consumers . another aspect is the organic revision of the norms of labeled so much for the sale to by greater like retail than , with respect to the rastreabilidad of products and of its components , it offers a correct information to the consumer and allows to purify possible responsibilities in the case of risk or crisis . in my opinion , the adoption of a new legislation does not offer an suitable answer to the breach of the existing legislation . thanks to the voting in the commission of medio .ambiente we were able to restore certain balance including in the scope of application the problems related to the nutrition and some important references to the paper of the small and medium companies in the protection of the different nourishing customs . sir president , wanted to unite my voice to the one of other colleagues who have congratulated to the ponente , mr . . bowis , by to have looked at east concrete problem of a so constructive and logical way . sir president , the one that white libro on nourishing security in himself magazine legislative character does not reduce the double value that without a doubt it has . the ponente , but also many deputies pertaining to the commission , among them i myself , we have put the accent in the nourishing authority and , in fact , this is to be sorry in certain way . the integrity and the independence of this agency will protect with better guarantees the security of the european consumers . throughout this process i have thought repeatedly that we have had luck at the time of choosing to the ponente of the report . sir president , also loved i to congratulate the colleague mr . . bowis by the remarkable made effort to include all the points of view in its report and mainly by to have accepted to refer us to the general concept of feeding . after all , sir president , the policy cannot avoid his responsibility . and most important of everything , it will have to gain the respect of its pairs , the confidence of the public and the will of the governments of the states members to accept its conclusions . it is as well as i see an nourishing authority for the future . we have the world-wide organization of the health in geneva . nonhidden that when it was published white libro i pronounced myself against this authority . therefore , it is precise to guarantee that union european has standards more high possible of security nourishing , although this exposition - unanimously shared - must also analyze the consequences that imply , from the economic point of view , a productive necessity . the tasks will be the following ones: independent scientific research , independent advising , controls and inspection , system of fast alert and also coordination to recover the confidence . like landmark to the margin , i can say to the oradores that have talked about to the necessity of flexibility in relation to the production of local culinarias specialties and typical products , that this subject already is contemplated in the legislation on the hygiene . this will facilitate the task of the commission with regard to the presentation of a balanced proposal that considers the greater possible number of the opinions of the parliament and the numerous ones interested in the scope of the nourishing security . rather , in the past , this problematic one was one of the driving forces that , from the political point of view , the company/signature of the convention of ottawa supposed . i reiterate my opposite position to 19 amendments 10 and , by budgetary coherence and , as far as amendment 29 , i request the voting by separated parts to obtain one better formulation of all the text that i believe that it has undergone some lack of interpretation . and here the first question arises: the necessity that the european union , in individual the commission , does all the possible one before the nonsignatory countries so that they get to sign the agreement of ottawa . sir president , considered and dear colleagues , all we know what consequences have the mines antipeople although in isolated cases frequently great military justifications exist . the one that proposed for the first time , in 1996 was the parliament , the creation of a horizontal budgetary game and an suitable legal foundation that constituted a unique platform for the ample range of interventions that we undertake in this important scope . although i cannot hide the fact that , evidently , the powers of persuasion of the union directed to obtain this objective are limited to a certain extent by the difficulties that prevail in some states members to subscribe and to ratify the convention . the effectiveness of the action against the mines will be greater if this one has been elaborated in agreement with the specific conditions of each situation . as the parliament knows , too many already exist and , as also the parliament knows , with our proposals on the reform of the communitarian attendance to third countries we hoped to be able to back leave the heavy control individual of each project and to center to us , however , in our negotiations with the states global members on strategies and programs . the ong have proliferated in answer to the necessity and , nevertheless , when almost four years have passed from the first conference of the nations united on mines celebrated in geneva and more of a year from the take effect of the convention of ottawa , we are forced to recognize that many countries and thousands of people , generally in the poorest regions of the world , continue suffering the terrible consequences of the terrestrial mines antipeople and the ammunition without detonating . the commission must improve the quality of its programs , as well as the speed whereupon applies them . i think , nevertheless , that if you returned to study them at great length she would give account of which some of them - in my opinion they at least have to do with the campaigns of sensibilización , the transparency , the access of the ong , things that work well at this moment , but that could work better . patten also is right in that the parliament and the council they must maintain his hands far from the administration and i very kindly listened to the commentaries of mr . . patten on this point , because by the sight it thinks that we must still maintain our hands more far . sir president , our group has been active from kill time in all the range of vindications and necessary performances , from the interruption of the production , destruction of stocks , stops of the commercialization , mine clearing , rehabilitation of the victims , and sensibilización . it is soon incumbent on the states to support the process in the international forums . the mines naturally represent a great obstacle for the reconstruction in these countries as well as for the return of the refugees . to the elimination rate that we took it would take - since it has been said previously rather more than 100 years in cleaning to the planet of mines antipeople . a third sector i see it in concrete measures that they would be due to propose , to examine and to apply . each boy which we pruned to save of the death by the hurt mines or terrible in bosnia , africa or in any other place deserves the effort of all we . it is precise , in effect , to press to the countries of the european union that have not signed it , like finland , or that has not ratified it , like greece . dear colleagues , you to finland watch ! and , finally , we hoped that within the framework from the future tasks of the european common troops it is come to the formation of technicians , in individual of people who have interest in the disappearance of the mines in the local level . it is not emphasized either that the listing of countries more seriously infected includes/understands , fundamentally , countries of the developing world . the proposals of the parliament could not be inconsecuentes with the objectives of lisbon . the ponente van lancker wants fundamentally that the parliament decides on the modification of the proposal of the commission , adding a series of fields in which it is adapted to legislate and fixing some rights to the european scope . for example , it is wanted to extend the process of luxembourg , that is applicable for the use policy , also to the protection and the social exclusion . the most important powers , like germany , france , the united kingdom and , to a certain extent , italy , agree in putting under their domination to the small countries of eastern europe and the south that ask for their adhesion to the european union . nevertheless , by legal reasons , we considered erroneous to now make already a reference to the same one in art . 6 of the treaty of the ue because in the convention - in accordance with its structure it is not possible to be decided formally , reason why it does not have any legal support . the inclusion of the new text in treaties could give rise to legal confusion . on the other hand , the ponente becomes echo of the new fashionable theory in brussels , supposed the double legitimacy of the european union: the one of the citizens , represented by the european parliament , and the one of the states , represented by the council . the swedish and danish social democrats we have voted today against the report presented/displayed by oliver duhamel on the constitucionalización of treaties . for that , he is essential that the european union gets to have a constitution that includes the fundamental bill of rights . a constitution would only have sense if it constituted the democratic frame of a true european federation , of the united states of europe . it said to have believed to understand to us , in agreement with a great part of the political class , that we preferred that our international relations were governed by an international treaty . . (in) greeting the report of mr . . duhamel because it makes an interesting and constructive contribution to the idea of the constitucionalización of treaties . let us think that a reorganization of treaties and its simplification would allow the citizens to see with clarity the scope of competitions of the ue - and its limits - , as well as the procedures to exert these competitions . until the treaty of amsterdam , in 1997 , europe was a intergovernmental superunion . group edd votes against the report presented/displayed by jose maria gil-robles gil-delgado on the reinforced cooperation . this report demonstrates , in effect , the conception of a very monolithic union , where all the cooperations would have to be expressed within the "unique institutional frame" and where all would have to be oriented towards the objective of super-estado . it is necessary , then , to avoid to reduce the march of the set and , therefore , to authorize to some states members to advance , developing the mechanism of the reinforced cooperations . the structures by which the operation of the inner market is governed have seen crowned by the success from beginnings of the nineties . . (nl) the european cooperation can be useful to solve transfronterizos problems . these zones could constitute a formidable laboratory in the matter of sustainable development . the technocrats , the european judges , have wanted to suppress therefore "the rate of wharf" , that tries resources to our municipalities of the overseas french departments and , mainly , protects our craftsmen . france , by its side , has overseas departments in the indian ocean and the caribbean . its independence will be an element indispensable for the credibility of this organism . our voting has clarify , then , the paper of the composition of the future european authority , but also it has defined our exigencies on its financing and its independence . secondly , the european agency must completely be independent . it is necessary to consider the type of agricultural and agro-industrial methods , the problem of the imports of nourishing goods , the composition of the ingredients of foods for animals , the maximum levels of dioxinas and remainders of plaguicidas , the nourishing additives and of another nature , granting priority to the nourishing security . we have voted in favor of amendment 15 , since we energetically defend the defense of the tie european cultural patrimony to the local nourishing production . i would like to make two requests . one to my colleagues of the commission of agriculture who have presented/displayed near 30 amendments . also we want to brief 50 % of the credits in the budgetary line and another 50 % in the reserve . i state here that proposals exist to reduce the budget . report (a5-0300/2000) of mrs . . haug , in name of the commission of budgets , on the project of general budget of the european union for exercise 2001 - section iii , commission (c5-0300/2000 - 1999/2190 (bud)) lady president , my name appears like signer of several amendments to this report . (the parliament approves the resolution) the authentic surprise of this budget talks about the operations outside of the area where it dominates to the egoísmo and the meanness . also it is possible to release resources by means of the use of the flexibility instruments . . () i have voted against the haug report , in the same way that i have voted in favor of the proposal of my group to reject the budget for 2001 . we talked about in individual to the new project pilot who will finance reconnaissances in the matter of fight against pederastia . this fehacientemente demonstrates the little motivation that wakes up the project of european union , even between the politically active citizens . this way , from 20 to 30 % of the markets they will be offered again to the private competition . since all this is not guaranteed the present with report , i have voted against the same one , of the unacceptably low national thresholds , that decimate the subventions - in combination with retired the propose reductions of the maximum limit of to 5 % for the citruses , to 8 .5 % for apples and pears , and to 10 % for the rest of fruits and vegetables , patent takes control that , for enormous amounts of fruits and transformed vegetables , that will rot in the fields and the factories of the cooperatives , will be no opportunity of market , with the lowered consequence general of the prices . this way the agriculturists will see themselves irremisiblemente forced the starting of their cultures . i have voted in favor of this report , because hortofrutícula corresponds to the hopes of the portuguese organizations of the sector , who have vindicated a drastic modification of the ocm of the fruits and hortícolas products to consider it deeply harmful for the national interests . report johan van hecke (a5-0296/2000) the root of the problem is in the sacrifice of everything , even of the quality of the medio .ambiente and the climate , in the altar of the capitalist operation of the productive resources and the obtaining of the maximum benefit . in kioto , one remembered that the richest countries took care to maintain their air clean , although also can register of form limited in its own list of results the emissions produced in other parts that have contributed to reduce . . (fr) the fight against the effect conservatory is an element of vital importance for the industrialized countries , and specially to have towards the towns of the third world that already pay with their life the consequences of the climatic heating . the art to live consists of coexisting of sensible form with those risks and uncertainties . the efforts directed to the exact establishment of the suspicious substances of being will have to be guaranteed and in the same way to be redoubled changing endocrinos (a . e . the consumer and the pymes do not benefit sufficiently from the inner market , that is completed with the introduction of euro . after all , the banks are forced until now by the states members to communicate to their central bank the transfronterizos payments that surpass the 12 ,500 euros , with views to the statistics relative to the balance of payments . of course , one such demands to these companies strict criteria in prudencial matter and of money laundering . we even know cases in which the commissions by transfronterizas transferences have increased after the introduction of euro , and not only in a small quantity . the european central bank could contribute applying a unitary data format european in the transactions of payments , as well as with the use of a unitary banking authentication code at european level within the international system they went . he is crucial that the consumers accept euro . lady president , the report of mrs . . peijs , relative to the payments of little value in the internal market , retakes the old vindication of the european parliament on the high cost of the transfronterizas transferences in the union . the peijs report thus says in considering the d to it of the resolution project . i will mention it: "the high expenses related to the transfronterizas transferences are detrimental for the confidence of the consumers in euro" . therefore , we have much to still do in this land , but the resources and the means whereupon we counted the politicians in that point are much smaller than the existing ones in relation to this question of the payments in the inner market . the market of euro will constitute the future in an inner market , and the citizen does not understand that , in this space in which the change risks disappear and the means of electronic payment through the bank of internet are gotten up to the daily life , a transference of munich to salzburgo is much more expensive that a transference of munich to kiel . the accomplishment of this objective will still suppose many years to us of work to us and you . in that opportunity , also we will take care of the reduction of the term to carry out the transfronterizas transferences , question on which it has been insisted on the report of mrs . . peijs . the debate is closed . nevertheless a pragmatic approach seems to be a good policy preferring and as proximity that locates the small company in the heart of the device , more than a proposal than , with the pretext to avoid small unconnected measures , it would only serve to create statistics whose concrete use would be perfectly impossible . however , i want to formulate three observations on this program . let us remember that the first program of communitarian action in this scope was adopted in 1983 , is to say for seventeen years . also , always i have been in favor of which this leans in an efficient and pragmatic policy . it would say that they are true economic commandos and of innovation , they are in forward edge and they are exposed to the risks that this carries . to the aim we will have to consider the results of the works of the colloquy "sciences and government" whom the week last in brussels under the égida one of the center of technological prospectiva of seville took place , as well as the pursuit of this colloquy , since there are numerous interferences with the subject that we treated today . the ponente enumerates a series of priorities in order to reinforce the european enterprise climate . this is very advisable for europe , because it can lend a fast aid , suitable and technically correct . sir president , also i want to add myself to gratefulness that mrs . has received . montfort by the excellent made work . the important thing is to find the balance adapted , to avoid a continuous situation of people who fail to expenses of other people . this one is not justice and , therefore , east support report . that is also the governing principle of the letter for the small companies . the program will do the necessary thing so that the networks offer this information . it is evident that main target of the plan is to limit the emigration towards countries of the european union , as well as to repatriate whichever people remain illegally in the european union . i emphasize specially the necessity to take measures directed to the improvement from the inner security , to the reinforcement of the dialogue between european and the albanian local authorities , and , with regards to the commission and to the council , the impulse of concrete actions in collaboration with the albanian , italian and greek authorities . the deficient social , economic and political situation in combination with the lack or the insufficient legal security and the organized delinquency causes massive migratory movements . sir president , unlike mrs . . pack , i think that whatever more groups take care better of albania . it is evident that it is not possible to find a solution immediate to the totality of this problem , but , in a term not very long , will be necessary to create a reasonably right , safe world and with future possibilities . also a crack between the donors , all we exists , europe , the united states , that we give money , we formulated similar projects and questions , and the same people who are on the land . let us take advantage of , then , the bilateral agreements that of clear and legal way fix the works , the time and place of residence , the wage , the hours , the conditions of work and social security , in such a way that the immigrants can be like a force the service of the economies of our countries and to contribute to the friendship and the cooperation between the towns and not to cultivate nationalistic aspirations and of the times of the cold war . one repatriates people who have integrated themselves suitably . the attention point does not have to reside in the ways to limit the flow of emigrants and refugees , but in how improving the conditions of life of the zone so that people can remain in her homes . sir president , i also believe that , as mr . has said very well . dimitrakopoulos , with respect to the difficulties of albania - economic , social and of inner security - continues being fundamental the subject to help that country to restore the state of right , to offer security to the citizens and to restore the authority of the institutions and the local administrations . i share the opinion of the liese colleague which we needed a distribution of the loads in the matter of policy of asylum and refugees . the plan of action for albania and the bordering region were approved in june of the present year , and are , then , sixth of the series . short whiles the frustration is dominated , and also the surprise before the european right , and we want to make a call to this parliament , but also to the other communitarian institutions , not to back down before the effort of the meticulous work , to work accurately and to make available for it the necessary time and the necessary collaborators . with this report we want to command to the citizens the message from which we took in serious the complaints on the deficient quality from the legislation and on the suprarregionalización and the centralism . one is in himself a quite important matter , naturally , although one would not say that judging by the reduced attendance to debate more in depth this question . another question more of vital importance is that the report raises the question of the subsidiariedad , that to a certain extent is controversial this late in this camera . also he would be very interesting which it made a present study of the situation of the legislation , to the light of this principle , to return it simpler , is transparent more , more effective and more pertinent , undoing of superfluous texts , as it invites to it paragraph to him 6 of this report . after to have studied the report with much thoroughness , i have reached the conclusion that not even it is a political principle: it is a theological principle . that is to say , it is necessary to also guarantee the recognition of the principle of subsidiariedad to the smallest communities , to the independent realities , the intermediate nuclei , the social nuclei , the families and the citizens who are the only true sovereigns of a legislative and administrative action . déjenme , then , to give a synthesis vision . i yield the word to mr . . commissioner . is this one an area in which we must take part and elaborate a detailed legislation that guarantees that it will be implanted everywhere , or we must consider like alternative a voluntary agreement that is fulfilled and can control? - (of) i have voted in favor of the report , although i have not obtained the approval of some amendments , because it deals with the question about the high costs of change and the transferences in the zone euro when within fifteen months they are had , even , the same currencies and tickets in the eleven states members , will turn out more expensive to remove that uniform money outside the country in which it is lived . sir president , gentleman commissioner , dear colleagues , i must begin being sorry who the commissioner of fishing , mr . . fischler , cannot be today here . it must be an agreement that impels the fishing cooperation and the moroccan fishing sector , but that also satisfies totally the fishing interests with the european fleets . therefore , we have arrived at a consensus to work from the perspective of a responsible collaboration , after which morocco will expose their opinions in a meeting that , since you have indicated , will be celebrated in brussels the 30 of october , that is to say , monday . it does few weeks , i myself i was in algeciras , the spanish southern coast . it is not very far from morocco . the time , in his to happen , taught to us that in addition to difficult it could become impossible . by means of the fishing agreements the union can exert fishing activities and interchange rights of fishing with third countries . i have read in a specialized swedish magazine in fishing that one of those boats disembarks its load in the aaiún , that is described like a moroccan port . all it is in game . they are in danger all our agreements of fishing , not only with morocco , because also they are mauritania and soon guinea , among others . eleven months one has taken in arriving at the flexion point in which we are , the meeting of day 30 and , in this sense , also we know to value the last measures of commissioner fischler , the results of its trip of the last day the 26 to morocco and maintained interviews of high level , even with the own king . but i would like to transmit today to the commission , represented with dignity by commissioner busquin , very brief messages . my question to the commission is: if an agreement with morocco is not obtained , or if that agreement is celebrated in the terms indicated by the commission , an agreement that stimulates the moroccan production , thinks the commission to adopt structural measures to compensate the delay that is going away to produce in the affected regions? as we imagined , the difficulties in the negotiation with the moroccan authorities have been very great . finally , in the undesirable case that the negotiations failed , the union has the political and moral obligation to support to the fishermen and the proprietors with satisfactory aids that assure means to them subsistence . it is necessary to dismantle the excess of capacity of the fishing industry of the ue . for that reason we as rapidly as possible needed to narrow economic and political relations with marruecossin damage of the imposition of our european interests in the matter of fishing . for that reason the commission is working on the base of a new cooperation directed to a development that interests to both parts and allows , on the one hand , the integral development of the moroccan fishing sector , the fleet , the acuicultura , the commercial transformation and the investigation and , on the other hand , the concession of possibilities of fishing to the european fishermen . rights of the professors of languages "not only in german there is a clear difference between both formulations . in 1999 july , the commission took east procedure of infraction before the court of justice . therefore , unless it is managed at the present time to harmonize the orderings - thing that we hoped - , the respect of the subsidiariedad principle cannot allow that it is made pass through discrimination the one that , more likely , is the request of a privilege . perhaps we pruned to accept that the previous commission under the direction of mr . . santer was not the best one , that is the reason for which it dissolved . members of the commission of juridicos subjects and inner market of all the union and all the parties have been combined to say that it does not serve as anything to speak on rights , to support bills of rights , if in real cases in which they refuse to him the rights to certain people do not undertake effective actions so that they are recognized and applied , and this is the problem in this case . this is absolutely unacceptable in a modern europe . naturally , the scope of the education falls within the subsidiariedad , but within the framework of contracts , the freedom of movement of the workers and the prohibition of all discrimination concern us all , although we are favorable - and i specially , because i come from a federal state - at the beginning of subsidiariedad like principle computer of the collaboration in the european union and to that the distribution of competitions between the different levels from europe is ordered according to princio of subsidiariedad as rapidly as possible . in this context , no longer it is possible to be spoken of discrimination . sir president , you would be made treat by a great connoisseur of the surgical terms in italian , english , french , german or by a surgeon? (the session rises to the 10 ,56 hours . ) we want to show our deep condolencia to them . i give the word to mr . . ceyhun , that is expressed in quality of ponente and name of the group of the socialists . in which one talks about to the declarations of the council and the commission on the third asia-europe encounter , the council has informed to us who does not wish to take part at this moment . therefore , it is a question that , based on treaties and the euratom treaty , is competition of the commission ; it affects , or it can affect , many citizens who are not exclusively spanish because in that zone and within its area , without there is no plan of emergency , there are hundreds of thousands of originating european citizens of the fifteen countries of the union , aside from which they come from outside , because it is the coast of the sun . lady president , is sad , but very ilustrativo to find out through the minister of spanish interior , mr . . greater ear , of than is possibility some of no dialogue with the basque nationalists , even if in the future a new truce took place . i solicit that we take in consideration this week an affirmation from the commission on the decision from the british government to introduce a tribute of discriminatory character for the carriers of nonbritish nationality . since the liberal called parties , even european , more and more tend to ally with inspiration forces xenófoba , racist , authoritarian , i believe that this is a serious nonsingle danger for italy , but that in addition is a signal that affects all europe . however , in the report they also appear observations critics towards the french proposal . these demands are gathered in amendments 2 and 4 of the report of mrs . . karamanou . the initiative of the french presidency that we examined today intends to both improve general agreements of judicial attendance in penal matter - that i finish mentioning - in special in the scope of the fight against the whitening . i cannot less than to affirm than if the idea of the fight against the money laundering is harmed , the fault will be of the council and not of the parliament . we cannot but congratulate to them by that work . marinho - and i also agree - , the way is the comunitarización . all those that have taken part agree in which it is a very valuable initiative and we supported their affirmations . what we needed is that operational capacity is granted to europol to act of transfronteriza form . cases thus are too many common ones in our present europe . for that reason , before supporting my to a hasty rage of mutual recognitions of judicial resolutions , it would wish that a joint recognition of right standards existed . i include/understand that it is very difficult because here we must construct from a dispersion of instruments . but it also constitutes a necessity in order to fortify the economic zone of the european union , and is also a desire of the citizens , to who there are to correspond , because the citizens of the union have a right to the security . in the european union , we must continue carrying out a tenacious fight against the money laundering , conscious that , mainly after the creation of the single market and the liberalization of the markets of capitals and the financial services , a police and judicial cooperation between the states prevails effective members , as effective as it is possible . like financial consultant , nothing authorizes to supposition that the lawyer , like so , is not exerting his profession . in the same way , it meant that i am conscious of the gentleness of the question raised by several of its señorías on the conditions in which the confidentiality of the legal professions can constitute a rejection based to the cooperation in judicial matter on the fight against the money laundering . this is certain , specially , in the case of serious crimes , crimes of special gravity and transfronterizo character . altogether , the task is so great and so important that it cannot solely be carried out by the council . therefore an effective instrument makes lack reinforce the rights of the citizens adopting and recognize the competition of the court of justice , in individual as far as its right of interpretation and to its power to decide or no . therefore , to the time that quick my support to a greater cooperation and coordination , i believe that to make of it a legal system it would be a mistaken decision and we will be against her . the second point also is interesting . this is something beneficial and turns out satisfactory to verify that it has as much support in this parliament . i am going to take advantage of this opportunity since several deputies have raised very delicate questions to say very frankly to them , as she finishes indicating it mr . . coelho , which this initiative first of all seems to us to be one first initiative that shows the political will of the council to surpass the delay in the matter of judicial cooperation , in relation to the police cooperation . thus i consider it also like an instrument important to guarantee the jurisdictional control of europol . program fair relative to the investigation in the scope of the fishing , agriculture and the land-industry comprised of iv the program investigation frame that extended from 1994 to 1998 . facing the importance of the research program for the agriculture and the fishing , he is lamentable that have been stated some problems that talk about the organization of the program . the report of the national audit office on the program fair , on which the report of the ponente is based , was not published until march of this year , although the sector letters were sent to the commission in december of 1998 and february of 1999 . in name of the commission of fishing , i would like to emphasize several points . you emphasized , and i thank for it , the spirit within as that report was elaborated , thanks to i engage in a dialog with the national audit office and the services of the commission and to the interest that you put to him . that demonstrates that the commission did not remain inactive and that took to effect the observations that you have formulated . step now to the question that mrs . . thank you very much , sir commissioner . this prize will be given to the coarse association ' already ' in the session of next december . i have the deep conviction of with her also opens to the constituent process that this assembly has demanded so many times and with as much insistence , although some chiefs of state and of government they do not want to recognize it . i am specially contented to be today before you to debate in depth a beautiful project as it is the letter of the fundamental rights of the european union , before you they assume the final position on this text . as for me , i do not have any doubt that this occasion will appear . it is truth well , nevertheless , that has been able to formulate some critics on the content of the letter . i believe that one is a taking of important position and that i welcome favorably . for the parliament it was a great success to obtain - and the groups we made common in this aspect in front , which is a positive result that the european parliament was represented by 16 deputies in the convention on the fundamental rights . the letter that today appears constitutes , to my to seem , a great bet and can become the business card of europe , as it indicated to a great european newspaper in a holder the 26 of september of 2000 . therefore , my group continues thinking that it is absolutely fundamental to include a reference to the letter in section 2 of article 6 of the treaty . those were many that thought that europe had to the aim the possibility of getting out the only zone of free change and of the the liberal jam to lay the the foundations of a europe of the citizens . in the european summit of nize , in december , the civil society has i decide to mobilize itself to make hear its voice and proclaim its desire of a letter that offers true guarantees for the citizens of europe . by this , in addition to the companies , it is important that effective political commitments exist , turned day to day - every day - by all the states and all the political forces . then we cry or we put face to be happy , we celebrate this great event that is not more than a great empty event . the convention has made an excellent work . they are at the same time the rights of the person , the rights of the citizen , but also the social rights . the right to a good administration , to that mrs . also made reference . malmström , is one of the most important advances . not yet i am safe , because i have not had the news on the matter , of to what extent will have freedom lebreles of mr . . blair to speak to the clear ones in favor of this shining project . the last time , you spoke of the glass average empty or average plenty . but the council of colony , helped by the enclosure , that its paper of confusion sowing machine has carried out of wonder , has finished making forget to that this is competition of the national parliaments and that these last ones are being underused , to the being displaced progressively . a surplus of protection in the matter of fundamental rights is as detrimental as a deficit . when one listens to the interventions of some deputies , account occurs of which that information is more necessary that never . the great question that now divides to us is why it serves this letter . therefore , once again we are disappointed and insatisfechos . certain , we will vote in favor of the letter , but with the spirit of which this will not be able to mobilize that enthusiasm and that participation of the citizens , so necessary for europe and , as usual , they will be the governments - and some governments more than others - to load with the historical responsibility of this . according to the coponente , mr . . duff , is an important step to improve the quality of european integration . for that they need it , i recommend to them that they read the explanations of convention 49 and both marries law of courts related to the letter . sir president , during long time i have been which they doubt . for the first time from the creation of the european union , we were before the foundations of a constitution , a constitution for the supranational structure that forms the union . the manifestation is in favor of a social and democratic europe , in favor of a europe of the citizens . the letter project can serve , at the moment , like a text of interesting discussion on the future of the collaboration between the european towns for the environmental parties , unions , organizations , the churches and other many groupings of the states members and the countries candidates of the union . it wanted to insist on three aspects that my colleagues have already boarded here throughout this morning . the letter that today we are going to approve so much reinforces since it makes the fundamental rights and the communitarian values visible on which our community will be founded . me one , naturally , to those and which they wish to include in 6 article a reference to the letter and its later integration in treaties . we have already seen the case of bernard connolly whose critical book on the commission was retired of the circulation by order of the court of first instance . this synthesis is important from the moment in that the union must establish the legal statute , in terms of rights and obligations , of the natural ones of third countries that are legally in the european union . reason why to me it concerns , i am convinced just as he that , on the one hand , it will have unique effects immediate and of which , on the other hand , will be binding next . in the course of this debate , i have heard some forceful formulas: the letter would be a bone for the dog - being the dog the european parliament or taparrabo of the resignations of a dying french presidency , mainly in the form to take the cig . this is the reason that has taken to our parliament to propose the beginning of a forum euroturco , reuniting in a deep reflection to the qualified representatives of the turkish community and to the european parliamentarians who have received the mandate . the temptation to establish conditions of pseudodemocratic type to the concession from the loans to turkey has been great , but , with regard to this report , there have been no technical possibilities for it . once raised this , i know , logically , that the candidacy of turkey continues provoking interrogative . the desire of the presidency is that this project is adopted quickly , if is possible in fact the 20 of november , by the next council of "general subjects" , and since i have already indicated , respecting the decisions very precise seizures in helsinki . however , it continues being valid what the commission in its report declares very clearly on the progresses made in the way of the adhesion: turkey , like all the other countries candidates , must fulfill the criteria of copenhagen like part of the approach process . president sezar expressed with all clarity in his speech before the turkish parliament of the last month why also from the point of view of turkey another alternative does not exist that to follow this route of reforms . i totally share the words of the turkish president . thank you very much by its attention . also in this case some slightly positive signals have been emitted . we are going to oppose us to the attempts , some of them enough espúreos , to ruin the balance that the report obtains successfully , in individual the amendments that they try to make of the european parliament a court of the past . it is a clear evidence , like is evident that turkey will have , like all civilized society , that to be made to the idea confront its past , by very horrible which this one has been . the adhesion of turkey on this base and taking care of strategic considerations of the united states or nato would enrich to the european union and not only would constitute a significant step towards a united europe . it is that no longer it is considered that only one small part of the turkish territory form leaves from the european continent? we will vote therefore against this report , since we have voted against all the directed information to incorporate to turkey to the european union . the damage resides mainly in which the hope of an adhesion awoke in turkey that , nevertheless , will not be able to be fulfilled due to the political situation . report (a5-0310/2000) of mrs . . langenhagen , in name of the commission of budgetary control , on special report n º 9/99 of the national audit office on the actions of investigation in the scope of agriculture and the fishing: program fair ("fisheries , agriculture & agro-industrial research") , accompanied by the answers of the commission (c5-0227/2000 - 2000/2133 (cos)) i welcome with east approval report and i am going to vote in favor of him . instead of elevating the social human rights and rights , it will facilitate the operations destined to degrade its level . there is no doubt that its final destiny is to be the introduction of a future european constitution that , as well , will be the coronation of the march of the european union in the federalización in where , of form already legislated , will make the decisions the few powerful ones and all they will apply them . the primary target is to serve to the interests of the monopolístico capital of the european union , at the cost of the interests of the workers and , in general , of the towns . a typical case appears in article 2-2 , "nobody can be condemned the capital punishment , nor be executed" . nowhere she says herself , in spite of our demands , that the family is made up of a man and a woman whom educate children , nor which constitutes the fundamental cell of the society . in the measurement in which nobody has chosen the judges , it represents a diminution of the democratic government . certainly , it would have preferred that directly it was integrated in our european treaties ! nevertheless , i have abstained in the final voting , because i believe that certain social rights are formulated of a way less frank than the economic rights . the initial idea of the convention was the one to have a consensual text that allowed the fifteen governments to transform it into binding by means of its incorporation to treaties . in fact , the fight against the social exclusion is relegated to the rank of the attendance , instead of imposing the exigency of binding elementary rights for the employers and the states . as for me , i am convinced that the laicism is a emancipador value and of the present time . also the property needs the tie social duties . evidently , this document is not the suitable one to get to be binding , because it is not a legal text . members of the irish government have raised questions recently on if brussels threatens the irish identity and mr . . ahern , to time that affirmed the adhesion from ireland to the fundamental ue like for its prosperity and economic success , resisted firmly to any step fast to europe more federal - centralized , because it would escape to a great extent what most of the european they wish - or are arranged to accept at the moment . guess which of the two has prevailed . i emphasize of step that throughout this period of sessions , a total of seven information is originated by national initiatives , which demonstrates that this system , there where it exists , is at heart very productive . these voluntaristas measures are absolutely indispensable to fight this phenomenon , that has not stopped to be developed and to internationalize itself . by means of this initiative , the french presidency proposes the adoption of decision-i mark for the approach of the legislation and the penal procedures on money laundering (for example , to track , to congeal and to confiscate the bottoms) . all the states members must tipificar the money laundering like a punished penal crime like minimum with a pain of four years of imprisonment . as the money laundering acquires vast proportions anywhere in the world , it is evident that europol must have competitions to fight against him with views to devise an european strategy in the matter of police and judicial cooperation . i welcome with approval the report of mrs . . roure on another initiative of the french presidency: this directed time to intensify the cooperation in the legal sphere to guard so that obstacles are not put in order to prevent the connected extradition of delinquents accused of money laundering or other crimes that involve the use of illicit bottoms . lady president , this one is the only report that i have not supported . it would be the first member geographically united with asia and a great muslim tradition . this bond specially in this stage in which more and more we used the money of the bei but without completely covering the economic risks that we took . in this frame i emphasize the basic conclusion of the article 22 that that says turkey does not fulfill the criteria political of copenhagen and i make notice the amount of sentences of its actions and their omissions in the scope of the human rights , the democratic liberties and their international behavior , as well as the recommendations relative of the european parliament to this country so that agrees to the european values due . sir president , worries the fact to us that any push in this direction on the part of the press nor of the turkish personalities is not heard in these days , but that rather an attempt of reaction are . nicosia is today , twelve years after the fall of the wall of berlin , the only divided european capital . morillon- that this is not still fulfilled in a sufficient degree and that turkey must continue perseverando in its efforts . sir president , gentleman president of the council , gentleman commissioner , dear colleagues , desire to take the word in this debate as my ponente for the adhesion of cyprus . sir president , we cannot vote in favor of the morillon report because we are sure that , contrary to which affirms , and many in turkey therefore wait for it , the adhesion process is not going to improve the life of the towns . but , at the same time , i believe that the too black situation does not have to be painted . therefore , an internal entailment between both exists . euromediterráneas conferences in marseilles mr . . brok , that has been united to us , was asked indeed for the delays undergone by the negotiation . we , the european , have a experience that to take advantage of . in fact , no longer one treats solely , like in 1995 , to restore a balance with the east of europe , but also to prepare the future extension of the union . the xenophobia , the terrorism of state and other forms of terrorism also comprise of this persistence and i hope that we have occasion to also fix the situation in this aspect . one is a reality that we must confront . but in that respect we once again have to be frank . all this means to recognize the improper thing of the obtained results to date , although the answers , in my opinion , are not still to the height of the situation , although is necessary to say that five years are not many for so complex processes . by this i believe that the debate that today we approached can serve so that we become aware from the importance of this policy for all the union . one is not about that all these necessities compete to each other , but which we find new bottoms . the gear of the violence in the next east , the war undertaken with violence and determination against the palestine population , which israel continues denying its right to be a state , threatens the future of all the region . sir president , as well as in nize the european union must find the balance between the deepening and the extension , in marseilles he would have to reach a relation balanced between its central european function and its mediterranean responsibility . nevertheless , in the balance that extend those days of five years of process of barcelona the idea that abounds we can occur by satisfied by the simple continuity of the process , by the fact that have been ministerial meetings with presence of representatives of israel , of the palestine authority , of syria , of the lebanon , etc . and it is , perhaps , a sad consolation . the common problems are many that today they affect the euromediterránea zone: illegal immigration , the poverty , the outer debt , the human rights , the drought and the terrorism , that the life of human beings and innocent families destroys without mercy , as tragically we are experimenting in spain , algeria or the next oriente .medio . we are arranged to believe to them , but the countries of the south need more than promises or speeches: it corresponds to us to take care of them . europe has not made any policy in the matter of beneficient desertificación nor of water of the mediterranean countries and is precise to think about making a policy of mediterranean medio .ambiente , that understands the coordinates , the logics and even the climatic diversity of the mediterranean . the present proposals much more are balanced . now , the agency of kosovo . we do not have to defraud its expectations and now more than ever all those countries they need our aid . i conclude saying - i repeat with it the words of the commission that these two proposals constitute the angular stone of a process that must lead to that those countries that have had and have so many problems can be integrated totally in the european structures . in ahead we must concentrate the responsibility in few people or a director , if therefore they prefer it , with object of which a person really assumes the responsibility in front of the organism that selects the concrete programs . i want to give thanks , therefore , to all and all the colleagues who have considered important east objective and me congratulo of which in the future we pruned to contribute something more to these countries in this context , also with regard to the contents . i read in some news relative to the bosnian elections that the ultranationalists had gained the parliamentary elections in bosnia and herzegovina . the european union - you know it has participated with determination to contribute to these historical changes . the examination of the information westendorp and lagendijk on the proposals of relative regulations , one to the program frame and , the other , to the european agency of reconstruction gives the occasion us to return to speak on the magnitude of the support that the union wants to grant to the western balkan mountains with the purpose of accompanying association and stabilization the process . the victory so waited for of the democracy in the croatia , soon in the federal republic of yugoslavia , imposes , we know it , to the european union to go far much more . question-and-answer session (advice) to be similar subjects 2 questions n º and n º 3 will be answered jointly . a new term of four months finishes granting itself to the parts - it is resolution 1324- to make an effort in progressing in both fronts . i wanted to ask to him in what situation is the agreement of association with morocco . - (fr) the stability and the development of the caucasus represent one of the strategic priorities of the union . with regard to the discussion with turkey , we left an important debate on this subject and you exactly know the positions the european union in this respect . i only want that the minister returns to insist on which this propose legislation he goes directed against those who explodes and they benefit from people who are in a desperate situation and it does not go directed to criminalize to the immigrant or the potential immigrant . laws are not only required , but also measured destined to encourage the debate and to concienciar to the public opinion . i create indeed that it is precise to fight against these crimes at all costs , absolutely all the means , and i verify that as much the council of the union like the general assembly of the united nations and , in my opinion , the turkish government , is arranged to do it . in any case , measures were taken indeed because the other 14 countries disapproved it . i put an example: if at some future date in my country , france - and here i express myself in my quality of minister arrived at the power a party from extreme right , i would wish that they took themselves against my country measured of the type that was taken against austria . as for me , i have wanted to speak of values: i spoke of values as they appear in our texts , i spoke of values as they have reaffirmed themselves in the letter of the fundamental rights and i spoke specially - it is truth of the fight against all the discriminations , that is enrolled in the frontispiece of european texts . that is what we must make respect . them memory that this political dialogue constitutes , on a par of the future association for the adhesion , one of the elements of the strategy of defined preadhesion of turkey in this occasion . question n º 12 formulated by (h-0850/00): we are working in that sense and this one is , without a doubt some , the route that we are going to follow . with this reason , it is precise to recognize that the moroccan part has not responded to the communitarian supply . one is citizens of scotland , where , after 110 days of halting , any person accused of a crime must be judged or set free and never it is possible to be returned to accuse it of that crime . have been taken specific measures (for example , security of the provision , energy efficiency) so that the economies of the states members are suffered less of the external crises? which are the measures and the priorities of the council in the short and mid term as far as the energy efficiency and the saving of energy? the position of the union on the extraterritorial measures decreed by the united states has not changed . finally , i remembered that the european union took note with preoccupation from the observations done on the land by the organisms and programs of the united nations and , therefore , deplored the negative and often dramatic consequences of the economic embargo for the cuban population . it does not include/understand the council who is a problem extremely politician and who cannot in front of maintain the same intervals the victim and to the priest? on the one hand , this office covers the decision with the commission to decentralize , and by another one it can present/display exceptional results in the work that makes . these do not respect the borders . he is ours to have to fight against the transfronterizas illegal activities , trátese of criminal cooperation , drug traffic or traffic of human beings . and he would be correct that the commissioner , mr . . patten , that has a great experience - not to call it wisdom - in the management of the international crises , it along with go to the seat of this office the visits that have made to different regions from the balkan peninsula , that go to salonica to see how east service works . but this region , the tormented region more of europe , never has been so full of hope as today . before nothing , i would like to thank for to the camera his excellent and fast examination of rough drafts of the regulations . i would like to congratulate to the ponentes of the pertinent commissions: in the first place to mr . . also we have obtained immediate results in serb , where the commission , in the course of only four weeks , wrote up a program of aid of emergency by value of 200 million euros . naturally , also we can accept the proposal of which the director whom she adopts the commission reflects the search of more effectiveness emphasized in our reforms . i hope that the parliament includes/understands the sense of the proposals that i presented/displayed in may and that will continue working constructively with others on this difficult and complex question , but i cannot offer my support to the amendment of the parliament to eliminate the unamimity requirement , because it would enter contradiction with the opinion of the meeting of cuestores . the challenge for the third summit of seoul was to deepen as much in process asem for the governmental participants as for the amplest public . in the field of the relation between towns , compatible to the previous one , the principle stayed to open the process of the asem to a greater segment of the civil society , although the initiative of the ong to establish a social forum cannot be carried out due to the opposition of certain asian participants . from this point of view it cheers us that the summit of seoul has been celebrated and that except for one or two exceptions all the chiefs of state attended her . two concrete proposals have been adopted even , that is to say , a round table on the globalización and duo fellowship program , 4300 fellowships by a value of 25 million american dollars . the communication of the commission is limited to treat the aspects relative to the competitions that correspond to the community and the states members in the tasks derived from the participation in the same ones . if we left from the base of which of all the ribereños states that there are in the world they are very little those that count on the economic potential , legal , legislative and political whereupon it counts the european union , will be included/understood to what extent we must be asked which is our responsibility . the reform of the pcp is important , but to obtain the suitable reforms is even more important . i think now about the numerous populations of migratory fish . all we are very conscious of him in all the european union and even beyond its borders . sir delegated president , ladies and gentlemen , before nothing wanted to thank for its support to them to our efforts to foment and to reinforce the participation of the community in the regional organizations of fishing . although in this land already some advances have been obtained , is precise to fit the calendar . in effect , the continuous improvement of the productivity of the deposits already generates a growth of the supply and if this one had to be accompanied by an extension without limits of the production apparatus , it would take place again , ineluctablemente , a strong imbalance of the market . he would be much more advisable that instead of it each criador of pigs worried to constitute its own reserve . thus , each criador of pigs would have its own moneybox . also reference to the necessity is made to foment the organizations of producers , whose implantation defers much from a state member to another one . the organizations of markets , so and as have worked to date , fomented the process of concentration instead of preventing it . this case the globalización of the economy becomes trap , and it does not have anything to do with cyclical crises . all criador , whatever it is the place where it is in the union , will be able to take refuge in this device . sir president , gentleman commissioner , the ponente of this report , mr . . garot , is boarded with objectivity and much precision this proposal of the commission on the creation of bottoms for the sector of the pig cattle . it is a balance question . in this sense , i must say , nevertheless , that the garot colleague reaches another conclusion and that i also , almost i can say yes , i can be almost in agreement with the proposal of the commission as it is , but we are sincere , really nonfigure in her the essence of the problem . step now to comment the idea to include to the criadores specialized in cochinillos in the proposed system , so and as is formulated in amendments 7 and 13 . thus the things , what is what the commission has presented/displayed us? in the first place , it is examined the budgetary execution and the practices of management of the budget within the specific headings . the court reiterates , therefore , his commentaries of previous years on the negative consequences of these practices , like for example , the decision making little satisfactory and hasty , the risk of committing errors that the heavy service load represents , et cetera . the dramatic events of the recent past have demonstrated , without sort of doubt , the increasing importance of the management subjects and control of the european agenda . this supposes to penalize to the states conscious members and to award financially to less scrupulous . in this context , i also wanted to indicate very briefly that the improvement of the global management of the aids in the scope of the foreign policy is a central aspect of the works of the commission , as much with regard to the institutional reconstruction of all this scope like also from the point of view of the necessity to reduce more decidedly and with greater rapidity than in the past the elevated load of the slow payments . the european parliament now is in an extremely difficult tesitura , since this same year declared - in the month of january that was not arranged to accept that the liquidation of accounts of exercise 1999 continued being plagued of serious errors . i would like to approach several problems and i hope that mr . . karlsson can today answer my questions . we must have of more numbers and more doing . this year i already want to try to see if this is possible so that we pruned to begin to value the work of the main directorates . all we know naturally that the commission is introducing modifications . this way the level of errors will be reduced . therefore , as much now as in the future , it will be judged to the commission based on the fulfillment of the norms . in the first place , permítanme to thank for mr . . karlsson that the cooperation with the commission of budgetary control in this occasion has been far better that in previous years . also , i want to request to him that it publishes a classification of the countries that present/display the worse trajectory of bad administration in the ue and what scopes . lady president , also i want to show my more sincere gratefulness to the national audit office by his report , as well as by the political valuation that offered to us yesterday in the commission of budgetary control . also the efforts were emphasized there once again to introduce reforms and their necessity . it is necessary that it is included what has indicated mrs . before go to der laan , and in this we agreed totally . for it it can that is necessary to grant greater powers to the president of the court so that it makes decisions relative to the methods of work of the court and to the way in which this one makes its communications . the types vary from a state to another one , as well as their composition . in that it was his more important work on the common agrarian policy , the special report on the herbaceous cultures , the court concluded that from 1993 to 1997 the communitarian budget paid a sum superior to 13 ,000 million euros more than what he would have been reasonable . it does not make questions to which it is impossible to respond . the national audit office also must change his methods of work . always there is something of which to be glad . this report has been approved by a great majority in the commission of medio .ambiente of the parliament and , therefore , i am going to defend the result of the voting in that commission . the second point talks about the prohibition to export that as much it has been praised before . by this , i must say that i have great objections against this disposition and would prefer that she rejects herself . in one second or one third reading we are going to need famous the 314 votes and insurance that we will not obtain them with a report like which now one appears . the commission has begun to adopt provisional measures , perhaps but pleasing , in this direction and the commissioner can say us something more on the matter when he responds to the debate . we showed our agreement with the ponente when it insists on the information to the consumer about the risks and in the transparency , specially in the scope of the health and the security . i believe that he is better to have in mind the subsidiariedad . nevertheless , memory a great discussion which i had with my elisabetta daughter when it was nine years old and requested to me to go single by the street . it is precise to guarantee the protection of the consumer without fissures , without duplicating the regulations or that these are even contradicted . it wanted to also emphasize the importance of the amendments approved by the commission of medio .ambiente that reinforce the transparency facing the final consumer and which they determine the responsibilities nonsingle of the producers , but also of the distributors in the possible operations of recovery of considered products dangerous . this also means that when new sectorial legislation is introduced , this one will happen to replace the corresponding dispositions of the present director . many of the amendments presented/displayed in the report represent an improvement of the document and , therefore , the commission can accept them . thirdly , amendment 4 proposes to add , in considering , the obligation of which the states members elaborate information reasoned with the cooperation of public or deprived institutions , competent and independent . although the commission is in favor of the cooperation and of the common principles , the propose formulation goes against the subsidiaridad principle . the commission has not received any complaint with respect to the present formulation and the modifications would debilitate the dispositions . amendments 39 and 44 propose that the public has access to the information on dangerous products solely when the prohibition or the decision has been emitted to retire the product , and that the exchange of information protected by the professional secret would not have to be possible between the authorities responsible for the monitoring of the market . mr . martelli , as norm would not correspond to him to take part until the round of votings has been completed but , like an exception , i am going to briefly grant the use to him of the word . report (a5-0294/2000) of mrs . . eriksson in name of the commission of rights of the woman and equality of opportunities on the proposal of decision of the council (com (2000) 335 - c5-0386/2000 - 2000/0143 (cns)) on the program relative to the communitarian strategy frame on the equality between men and women (2001-2005) sir president , desire to refer me to the order of the voting of the amendments on section 10 , that is to say , on the armenian genocide . (the parliament approves the resolution) the responsibility is double: of the governments of the states of the union and the governments of the mediterranean partners . this aid is than just more to the light of the tragedy . the prohibition of the nocturnal work for the women was one of the few scopes in which the social legislation of some countries , directed to protect the women , it was more outpost for the workers that stops the workers . i the future hope that in the present commission every year , at its due moment , a balance of the situation , creating therefore the opportune conditions so that the european parliament can analyze and debate the situation with greater depth . by these reasons , lamenting it , i have voted in against . it is important that our products are safe , but we would not have to exaggerate adopting extreme actions . today the agency of reconstruction of kosovo is governed by a direction advice , in which each one of the representatives of the states members and the commission has a vote and in which the decisions are taken by majority of two thirds . i believe that in the case of serb the equivalent one of algeria is called kosovo . . (it gives) the danish social democrats we have voted against the report that will restore aids to the pig producers of the ue . only , that , even with certain opening of the french presidency , knows that the commission rejects those proposals and in the council it does not seem to exist a majority to approve them . a small variation in the coarse supply to cause a crisis situation . sir president , the genocide of the armenians was the first of a whole series of slaughters perpetrated throughout the century xx , that can be considered the century of the genocides . since sweden is not arranged to participate in a common military defense , but in the civil handling of the crises , we did not endorse the point 15 that "welcomes with satisfaction the will of turkey to contribute within the framework to the improvement of the european capacities of the common european policy of security and defensa (pecsd)" . but beyond this obligation to remember that one is due to demand to all the democracies and that the european know difficult and the painful thing that it is - so difficult that some european countries have not made it completely - , is important that those acts of barbarism that destroyed lives by ethnic reasons , religious or cultural and that hit to the universal conscience do not return to never take place more . one is , without a doubt , of a debate different from the one today ; but , considering the importance that for me has turkey , today it wished to insist on it . thanks to that no longer it is prevented that the population exerts its right of self-determination , la paz has been possible in these places . i have voted in favor of the amendments that request this recognition , today , to continue with this testimony and to recognize the pain a town . that event happened in the days of the ottoman empire . not only the report jové peres would wish to systematize this situation with respect to the existing regional organizations and to whom they are being created , but that it would want , in addition , to reinforce it and to end the custom of the commission to resort to the support of technicians coming from different states members . my observations are valid , evidently , for the subject that today occupies to us: the representation of the european community in the regional organizations of fishing , but also is applied to the carried out negotiations , for example , within the framework of the world-wide organization of comercio . my suggestion of union had the support of the then president of the council , mr . trittin , and of the european commission of which the decision of the parliament to unite three directive ones as soon as it found opposition . i mention an example: the pvc represents 0 .7 % of the incinerated remainders . i will conclude , sir president , declaring that group ppe/of is satisfied with the work made in this third reading . sir president , i also want to thank to him to mr . . blokland by the elaboration of this so important report . the incineration does not mean recycling . the report of the deputy to the parliament , mr . . blokland , that has arrived now for the third reading , has been for many of the chosen members of the commission of medio .ambiente for the first time to the parliament the first test of maturity , during which we have learned the procedures of the parliament . it introduces stricter limits for the emissions of the new cement furnaces that the remainders coincinerate , since it has indicated mrs . . evans . beyond the diverse national situations , we can , then , verify , in all the states of the european union , an almost general diminution of the obligatory cover , a greater importance of the paper that the denominated systems of complementary insurance of disease and the agudización of discriminatory factors carry out . one would treat , however , of a director proposal who includes the following elements: the prohibition to use nominative medical information coming from the genetic investigation , a key point ; the absence of previous examination of health to the subscription ; the creation of an obligation of life guarantee on the part of the insurer ; the assumption better coordinated of the indemnifications for the people who work and move in the union and , finally , the creation of a mediation mechanism . every time we were more positives with respect to the transfronteriza attention reason why the action of the market is applied to the sanitary attention progressively . the united states often serves to us as "example" for the free market economy , but we would commit a terrible error if we took them like model in the matter of sanitary policy . it would be an error that the ue elaborated norms on , for example , sanitary information or that they demanded that made sure to everybody , destroying with it the diversity of regimes of insurances of existing disease nowadays in many countries and which work on actuarial principles . more ahead one saw that there was a way to be taken care of . it is in game the health of all the citizens of our states members and the cohesion of our territories . it is not chance that faces to me this kind of problems from my dutch origin . sir president , dear colleagues , mr . . rocard urges to the commission to that it defines in a green book the own characteristics of a basic insurance for the legal systems of disease insurance . it is a subject that worries specially . sir president , who we have dedicated ourselves throughout our life to the study of the social questions we remembered that old the manuals used to include a definition of the social protection like a set of measures of state protection for attention of economically evaluables risks , of individual or familiar concretion and to which the individuals - the familiar unit could not take care of by themselves . this means that there is to reflect much on porqué of the failure of public the medical aid . the complementary insurance of disease part of a legal system in agreements and services . with its attempt to eliminate the discrimination by reasons for the health state , mr . . rocard would have killed the hen of gold eggs . the commission will take part immediately within the framework of its competitions and i will try to respond to the conclusions of its report . i also hope that the directed proposals are approved to recognize that the qualification and integration in the professional life receive a particular importance , reason why agrees to consider the more and more important phenomenon of the social exclusion and the poverty in spite of the exercise of a remunerated professional activity . sir president , distinguished ladies and gentlemen , also we , from the perspective of the commission of economic and monetary subjects , want to congratulate to the ponente by their document . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the communication of the commission on the recommendations of the commission about the opinion of the council on the update of the stability programs of germany , finland and the netherlands . this has taken to a different reflection and to ask to us if that pact of stability and growth has been exhausted with the attainment of the quantitative objective of a determined final number , or if it agrees to introduce other aspects referred to the quality of the public finances in the next programs . our basic message is , therefore , that the margin to make tributary reductions must be complemented with a strict control of the public cost . i believe that seen globally a positive balance can be extracted . they mention that in one of the greatest countries of europe , that also is one of most important for the european economy , that is to say , germany , runs the risk of ending up entering which it seems a stage of overheat of its economy . . sir president , thank you very much mr . . della vedova . i believe that you wished that today we talked about these two chapters: to the present time of the fight against the eeb in europe and to its developments in france . we propose to the european commission and our partners of the union who prepare the extension of tests on european scale , based on the scientific recommendations . thus , the effectiveness , independence and the transparency will be the principles key that will guide clearly the evaluation of the nourishing risk in europe . i will return on this point advanced more . however , it is necessary to carry out these tests on a much greater scale . the measures of active monitoring , between which the tests are included at random , take place to come up that the infected animals of eeb enter the chains nourishing and of feeding animal . in a situation like in which we were , always he is tempting to look for a magical solution , a solution that , of a single blow , eliminates the risk and restores the confidence . monday i will ask the states members if the fear exists of which the lagoons in the application of the controls during these last years , against the communitarian legislation in the matter , are a factor in the present increase of the eeb incidence . nevertheless both things can be possible , act quickly and continue being serious . on you it depends to provide them quickly . this exigency is essential , specially being the eeb . our group asks for the immediate prohibition of flours of meat and bones for all the animals while the states members cannot guarantee the elaboration of laws on the prevention of the eeb and the rigorous application of the european directors . i do not know if one is the panacea , sir commissioner , but in name of the caution principle , i believe that the experience forces to prohibit from today the use of flours animals in the feeding of all the animals of young , including the pigs , the poultries and the fish . i believe that the debate that has begun in our assembly , consisting of looking for who - of the council , the commission or the assembly - has made the plus or the minus , it seems to me quite superfluous . in the first place , as others have said before i to it , it is necessary to practice systematic tests of detection in all the bovines sacrificed destined to the feeding of the european . making gallic of value and ambition we will be able to conjugate the sanitary interest of european and the economic interest of our producers , to be able , this way , to restore the confidence . i insist , they are not absolutely responsible for the crisis . for that reason the european union will have to show its solidarity towards them . i either acceptance the arrogance of some states members that , when not practicing the detection tests , do not demand a regulation . european solidarity also must play a role , because our policy has shown its incoherences: i leave fallow , flours animals for the rumiantes , nitrates , pesticidas . then i must listen what says here , in this assembly , mr . . gollnisch that its group has been the point of the spear in the discussion on the eeb . also we considered opportune to obtain that any center is limited and that prohiba the meat export until its security is not demonstrated . it is not possible that we , from the policy , do not emphasize sufficiently this priority . it cheers to me that we continue analyzing the reach of the tests on an experimental base . but if we generalized the detection tests , if we destroyed flours animals , if we impose the slaughter of all the herd by a single ill animal , we must demand sanitary norms strictly equivalent to the countries third that are our commercial partners and who they look for to export towards the community alive , channels and prepared animals with meat . the causes reside elsewhere . lady president , i celebrate much that the commission has been pronounced , finally , of vehement way in favor of tests that covers all the territory . indeed , france has demonstrated it: who it looks for , it finds . what is what it prevents us to act? why we needed that a crisis takes place to come here to assure that we , the parliament , create firmly that the public health constitutes top priority? the bond between the piensos of bones and the eeb , that on the other hand a form of completely unnatural feeding constitutes , has been left patent for everybody . for that reason , i request to him to the european commission that imposes a certain degree of harmonization in this aspect . i make a call to the european commission so that it makes a total overhaul of the systems in vigor in france to solve the cases of eeb . the result is that the poison enters the system , as happens at the moment , and it destroys it . naturally , the coexistence is difficult , in the matter , of the national legislations and an european legislation . also , legislation in vigor exists that it establishes how it must be elaborated the flour of meat and bones , the treatment that it must be put under this i think - one more a measurement of safeguard that it has been including in the system protecting the public health and the nourishing security . therefore , i have requested to the permanent veterinary committee , that is reunited at these precise moments , that it examines east subject to determine to what age these tests must be carried out . i talk about to analyze the greater animal housings of a determined age to detect if it exists i infect and , in affirmative case , to separate to the animal from the nourishing chain . serve like example the technique as the pillow that caused the death of an immigrant in belgium , the use of sedative forts in spain , the transport of immigrants hacinados in warehouses of boats in italy and spain , the tragedy of the 58 died chinese immigrants in the united kingdom in the port of dover , after to be stopped several times in european territory , and the generalized use as different means from coaction and intimidation with the expelled immigrants . that one is my commitment . of me i respond . the subject of the violence against the women adopts many forms: the familiar violence , that is a silenced crime , the diverse forms of sexual operation , the traffic of women , the traffic of people . . sir president , to mr . . nogueira would say to him that , evidently , in the model that we have defined , the monetary policy , corresponds to the central bank and is the european central bank that acts according to the criteria established in the treaty . sir president , i believe that in the public opinion it is very important to distinguish between the inner effect and the outer effect , and to me it would interest the following thing to me: will be able now in march the commission , shortly before the physical introduction of euro , an action to explain to the population the difference between the inner effect and the outer effect of the monetary stability? if the greek part does not adopt the opportune measures , the commission will continue the procedure that already it has initiated . what the commission does is to guarantee that a measurement and monitoring system exists . in the same decision , the commission was had it jeopardize to study the regimes of aid to all the states members , being based on approved specific criteria of compatibility until year 2004 , year in which will expire the date of validity of the authorization of the french regime of aid . the attainment of a europe that foments integration , in words of the european council of lisbon , demands a effort and a general support . secondly , allowing to take greater advantage of the experience of the actors who work on the land , of the ong , the local colectivities , the social organisms and of the own people who are in exclusion situation . there is much people of outpost age which they would be in agreement with it , like the people who have worked many hours by a reduced wage that does not provide a decent vital sustenance (workers of the field , for example) . they can be people with psychic problems . they can be numerous groups that do not know the language necessary to find a a job . in the united states a more flexible use guarantees that the poverty is lived during shorter periods with a very short unemployment . in my own country , near the 75 % of which they work and they live below the threshold of the poverty they are women . by this , we must try to fulfill , at least partly , this commitment . i am convinced of the good will of mrs . . that dowry will be due to reinforce on the matter considering the necessary procedures and the realism . . (in) sir president , i want to thank and to congratulate mrs . . figueiredo , and i also want to express my gratefulness to the other members of the parliament that are not present and that have showed the opinion of the other commissions . also i agree in emphasizing the importance of the ong and the regional and local actors , as you indicate , as well as of a better reflection in the text of its experience on the land . we have already agreed upon which the committee of social protection will meet regularly with the contact group , formed by deputies of the parliament . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the debate of the report (a5-0320/2000) of mrs . . rothe , in name of the commission of industry , foreign trade , investigation and energy , on the proposal of director of the european parliament and the council (com (2000) 279 - c5-0281/2000 - 2000/0116 (cod)) relative to the promotion of the electricity generated from renewable power plants in the inner market of the electricity . we needed now binding objectives already . another essential point to which the commission has given to its assent that problematic one of the connection to the network and the access to the same one for the renewable energies . concretely in my country , in spain , these directives would be responsible for which of to 2010 225 ,000 million additional tons of co2 are emitted here to the atmosphere and of which we did not prune to fulfill the objectives of kyoto . sir president , commissioner , colleagues , the proposal of the commission to create a frame in which the proportion of electricity coming from renewable power sources increases sensibly in the european union in the mid term is a worthy initiative of praise . the effort that the ponente , mrs . . but the threat always can come from the compatibility with the internal market . the remainders are not renewable a natural resource , although every day more take place more and . consequently , this director acquires the involuntary present time . yet , support decidedly this proposal . sir president , i want to thank to mrs . . rothe by its excellent report , that arrives very opportunely in this week , exactly when we are fighting the crisis of the climatic change . the promotion of the consumption of the electricity generated from renewable power plants is something very worthy of support . drastic technological adaptations are required . rather , the proposals on energy appear only once in a while and without much coherence . rothe and would wish to conclude , simply , mentioning three problems that have arisen throughout this debate . on the other hand , by a principle of coherence , the translated objective mentioned ones to national parameters have to be binding , since otherwise the director would lack content and substance . for the same reason , amendment 3 , partly , although not the amendment 7 , that is too technical for the text of the proposal . but , señorías , we cannot accept the parts that prejudge the application of the norms on state aids . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the debate of the report (a5-0308/2000) of mrs . . theorin , in name of the commission of rights of the woman and equality of opportunities , on the participation of the women in the pacific resolution of conflicts (2000/2025 (ini)) . while the formal processes of peace are a territory almost exclusively masculine , the international experiences and declarations demonstrate the importance of the feminine participation in the solution of the conflicts and the construction of la paz . the decisions on the execution and application of aid actions are of the responsibility of the crisis cabinets and here the objective and specialized competition of the women enjoys little attention and recognition . apparently , they want to hold its position of being able in questions of foreign policy and defense and think that the interests of the women can be defended by the men . sir president , would wish first to even express all the interest that deserves east report to me , whose excellence it would want to emphasize , the great excellence . also it must have financial resources that allow to help to the women victims of this situation . sir president , already many things have been said and i am not going away to reiterate . theorin , to which we must this excellent report , that deals with the most important subject and the maxima the present time . how , neither the more nor the less , a substantial participation of the women in the diplomatic resolution of conflicts can change the world and transform the dominant culture of the confrontation and the violence into culture of peace , dialogue and democratic adjustment of the differences . for that reason , support the exigencies of the report by which the women must have a right to influence diplomatically . a report very documented , deep , rigorous , able to enunciate fundamental principles with the clarity that becomes in article 17 , audacious but simultaneously with a great practical sense and very necessary proposals . i think that there is to condemn all the violations and all the forms of slavery ! the fifth point is the paper of i throw it , the humanitarian office of the european community , in relation to which it is the challenge and the invitation of the parliament to consider the dimension of the sort . the problem is that that work makes million people , specially women , for whom in addition a great demand exists although this work does not count on any type of regularización . i believe that we must force to the states members to regulate this sector through the labor directors so and as one has considered in the opinion of the european parliament around these directors . the migrante population usually is an important group in this sector , which demands special measures , like specialized centers of welcome , which they facilitate the necessary aid . it is a subject of which the countries must take care members . the demand has promoted in the last years of meteoric way but this fact as soon as it has considered in general the professional life and in the rights and obligations derived from it . (the session rises to the 24 ,00 hours) (alive applause) we not only must create the internal system of liberties and peace , but also harmonize it with the norms and customs that the european community and the european union have been maintaining for decades . the first step which we must give in our bet by the constitutional reconstruction of the federal state is to define a frame for possible amplest the democratic dialogue on the character of the relations between both republics . you , the representatives of the european parliament , who are the direct representatives of the citizens of their states members , the citizens of europe , are those that are in better conditions for including/understanding why the possibility in himself of entering europe seems to us so uncertain to us , the citizens of the present federal republic of yugoslavia . we resumed our session . and it is that one is about a subject of great importance and interest for the citizens , so that would be right and necessary that we could conclude it du the commission communicated that it would present/display a proposal makes specific on the matter within half year , and has maintained its word . at the moment , the european union account or with a practice as far as the document publication , and is possible to remember that many audacious citizens and many states progressive members have been or years fighting so that the transparency is increased . this report still requires also to be altered in the parliament and i create , therefore , that must here be improved . we were glad to find in the report a decisive principle that also we defend with vehemence from the commission of budgets . now the possibility occurs him of throwing a look to the subjects that do not enjoy special esteem on the part of group and mass media of interest and thus to be able to participate better in the open debate and democratic that has as much importance for the confidence towards the ue . the request commission pleads for shorter terms to make public the documents . when no longer it is justified , the document will have to be accessible . also i would like to emphasize that all the citizens will have guaranteed the access to documents , of many forms . the dogma of the political responsibility does not have to be confused with the rights of access to documents on the part of the citizens . it wanted to make a call to the ponentes so that they eliminate of the regulation all reference to the rights of the parliamentarians , since that one deals with the access of the citizens to documents , and i want to request to all its señorías who watch very well that their interests do not prevail in damage of the interests of the public . in these scopes , the access to documents is not guaranteed and is forbidden not only the citizens , but even to the european parliament to which , on the other hand , not even it inquires to him or it consults about fundamental documents . but a great drop of bitterness still remains . sir president , in the first place i would like to thank to mr . . cashman to have carried out a wonderful work with this report . it is a very important report , that it constitutes a substantial part of which we could call the new principle of publicity of the ue . (technical failure) one is not only the principle of free access to all the documents , but also , naturally , of which finally it is managed to open the doors of the sessions of the council , so that the council does not take in a future , in the style of metternich , his decisions single and privily , soon to be able to incordiar easily to brussels . secondly , it wanted to make an observation on the work relative to the exceptions . our population considers that europe is not democratic , that the decisions are taken behind closed doors . maij-weggen , to present/display in a period so short east informs . in accordance with article 255 of the treaty , the proposed regulation must be adopted before the 1 of may of 2001 , that is to say , two years after the take effect of the treaty of amsterdam . they will allow me that it now approaches some problems that they prevent at this moment that the commission can accept certain amendments . since i have indicated previously , in some cases we can agree , in principle , with the amendments , but we must work together from the technical and administrative point of view , for example , with respect to the referring amendments to the document classification and the registry . we do not have any written document and he would please me that , also for the future , the commission sent to the deputies , in writing , its recommendations . welcome we welcome of favorable way the greater granted importance in the attenuation of the risk of the credits , in individual to the guarantees that can offer the small companies . report (a5-0321/2000) of mr . . blokland on the joint text , approved by the committee of conciliation , on the director of the european parliament and the council [ c5-0371/2000 - 1998/(0289 cod) ] on incineration of remainders sir president , i can request to him to the liberal group , also request it in as much one of the co-ponentes , that approaches the question of a form a little more practice? therefore , it is a common desire of the groups ppe-de and pse that the voting is postponed until november ii . i propose therefore to send the voting of the villiers report to november ii . i have followed the order that the competent services have facilitated me and the plenary session did not decide another thing . like president of turn , today i must say only this to him , like colleague , i can say to him that i agree with you . beyond the negative attitude that showed in first stage already , when the european parliament denounced the threat in great britain , and in the second phase , when the scandal in great britain had arrived at its algider point , the measures were limited this country substantially , without no program immediate of rigorous controls and reconstruction from the cattle ranch to european scale . for that reason we wished to extract four great lessons that there will be to consider in the future . we have voted in favor of this common resolution . the increase of the number of cases in england of the new variant of the disease of creutzfeld-jacob and the situation in france have brought to the daily routine , still with greater vehemence , the question of the "crazy cows" (eeb) . by fear to that the panic between the citizens or worried spreads to avoid commercial catastrophes , some governments have not facilitated in real time to the commission the due information or they have not come , from the first moment in which these dangerous phenomena were pronounced , to immediately block the consumption of products at issue and to prohibit its export . the agriculturists cannot face this crisis single they: it is necessary to put in practice a plan of support of the cattle ranch as well as a series of measures to reconquer the confidence of the consumers . the incapacity of all the european instances (advice , commission , parliament) to define pertinent a communitarian policy that responds to the necessities of security of the states members more directly affected is going to indeed create problems of hierarchy between the obligations of the single market and the exigencies of health and security of our populations . we have obtained , after numerous debates with the council , satisfaction in several points . the days of the garbage dumps are arriving at their aim and must be replaced by more beneficial technologies for the medioambiente . that the social agents and , specially , representatives of the affected groups participate in the processes to which the program goes , indeed , although we have to congratulate by the rise of the growth and the reduction of unemployment , we do not have to hide the persistence , even the agravamiento , of the inequalities . i believe that the ponente is right when a greater participation of the public authorities , the social interlocutors and the civil society in measures to overcome the present poverty and the social exclusion requests . the "poor workers" , of which the majority is women , employees on time partial , to the loss and in the total precariedad , are united to the misery courtship that the official speeches on the recovery ignore totally . three years ago , prime minister settled down a unit against the social exclusion that governmental tie in operations of reduction of the social exclusion elaborating common solutions for common problems . until now it has installed more than 60 rotors than they occupy the surface of thousand football grounds . the dependency , that is of approximately 50 % for all the union , can happen to 70 % of here to 2020 if a development of the renewable energies does not take place . it is truth well that we must adopt a security norm more effective outpost and in which one talks about to the use of the nuclear energy and the storage of the nuclear remainders . we must look for , therefore , an energy that is natural , but that i continued without being used in as much not produces the technical advances for it . the preparation of asem 4 must be the occasion to affirm the democratic exigency , on the one hand , assuring the information and the intervention to him of the chosen assemblies and the civil society - that the beginning of a social forum tolerates mainly - and , by another one , completely taking in consideration the social , environmental and human rights . it is that lately that parliament has been victim of some ambiguities and even of some critics . we saw that it such crossed ups and downs through which it passed east parliament in its beginnings , because it had to battle and it continues battling to have more competitions , more resources , more presence and to make be worth its representativeness . the central american parliament , like the european parliament , must be winning in prestige , in credibility and legitimacy , being based on the activity of its political groups , because the life of the parties is , or would have at least to be , reflected faithful of the societies that represent . as far as the human rights , we have come supporting from 1990 the programs of cooperation in favor of the respect of the human rights by means of the formation and sensibilización in this matter . (b5-0855/2000) of mr . . van den bos , in name of group eldr ; the extreme confusion that has characterized the electoral context in these last weeks in the ivory coast , until now nevertheless economic model , is symptomatic of a country in crisis , in economic crisis , social hopelessness and therefore political chaos . the political , military and religious leaders must do all the possible one to obtain a national reconciliation . it is precise that through the debate on the "marfilidad" , that confused debate that is not other that the putting in practice of the national preference that we are fighting in our own countries , whose logical and last consequence is the application of the ethnic cleaning , totally is fought and suppressed to any reference or connotation on the "marfilidad" in the constitution of the ivory coast . also it has supported the suspension of the constitution , with the intention to eliminate his maximum opponent , watara , being based in which their parents were not both natives from ivory coast . sir president , dear colleagues , although the ivory coast was a stability bastion and democracy compared with the countries of central and western africa , has been suffering for a long time tensions of ethnic and religious character ; recently , abuses have occurred authority on the part of the previous government of president badié , which lead to a violent taking of the power by the military . we mainly condemned the ethnic violence and to the political people in charge whose demagoguery has caused it . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the joint debate of the following proposals of resolution: the next meeting between cleans up it and the ue in laos in december offers a crucial opportunity to us to demonstrate ours more energetic sentence of this regime . by the others , i do not have any confidence in which our own ministers raise these questions there . they clean up has become , in the felt plenary session of the word , in a paper tiger by its failure in facing the terrible events of burma . the meeting has affirmed that it has intention to squash to the party as a whole . it is an historical debt and , of course , the situation is difficult . these light improvements - that not must certainly to the author of the amendments of the socialist group , mr . . sakellariou - they have taken place throughout these last years and have taken to a situation that is not without a doubt more tragic but than it continues being disastrous and that anyway is not to the height of the challenges of the vietnam of today . mr . swoboda , the european parliament is flexible , efficient . nevertheless , it would be good that , in hanoi , the american president does not only concentrate itself in the reinforcement of the mutual collaboration , but that makes it depend indeed on firm promises on the part of vietnam as far as coming to a drastic improvement of the miserable ruling situation in the country in the matter of human rights . i request to the council and the commission who protest firmly before this flagrant violation of the freedom of cult committed by the vietnamese authorities . the process has lead , also , to the company/signature in the agreement of cooperation between comisio'n and viet nam in 1995 . naturally they are parts that were contained in that proposal of resolution that we presented/displayed . i agree in which we must do everything what we pruned to help them , but would help more changing the situation than it has caused to its misfortune and the one of innumerable people anywhere in the world . the questions that are being analyzed are to means and long term . sir president , gentleman commissioner , the floods that weeks ago affected numerous zones of the north of italy , as well as to other european states - united kingdom , spain , ireland and france - returns to create to this parliament as much the problem of an urgent and extraordinary action to alleviate the necessities of the people , the communities and the affected companies , like the one of one more a policy long term than he comes up that natural catastrophes of this spread can be repeated . the sector of the transports , dice its continuous predicted growth - more of 38 % in the next decade , he will be the one that requires more important measures . the session rises . perhaps this form leaves from the uses and customs of this parliament , but it seems extremely delicate to let think to me that the european parliamentary institution adopts commitments in a subject like this one , considers the possibility of trusting a mission like this one to the commission with a so low participation . (the parliament rejects the postponement request) . the economic and social policy of the ue , that has lead to the reduction of the buying capacity and the contributing possibilities of the workers , the appearance of new diseases and impunity of the pharmaceutical companies have caused a sensible increase of the expenses in health . by the others , an ample field is opened therefore insuring the private ones , with the only condition of which they do not select (in the beginning) to the patients and the insurance premiums by pathology . who does not receive and spends much money , no longer she counts . sir president , ladies and gentlemen , i am glad to be today in the presence of a group of visitors of my beautiful electoral district , which i am thankful of heart . this supposes that time occurs to the organizations sufficient so that they adapt to the new dispositions . the report considers an increasing consensus that tends to indicate the incapacity of the present norm to take in consideration the evolutions from the financial sector from these last ten years . we say yes also to a narrower consideration of the minimizadoras techniques of risk , and also say yes to the extension of the fundamental idea of the committee of basel . and also we considered the important contribution satisfactory that this report does to all the process . and , finally , and this one is a key point , we are absolutely conscious that we must respect the established institutional balance in the treaty . the voting will tomorrow take place to the 9 hours . permítame , sir president , who before finishing takes advantage of east moment to congratulate defending mr . . jacob söderman , to congratulate it by the work that has made in the fight against the bad administration and , for that reason , also in the contribution to a greater approach of the european citizens to the life of the communitarian institutions . sir president , luckyly the european parliament always has maintained , in agreement with the nordic tradition , that there is to reinforce and to strengthen the situation of the defender of the town . the voting will tomorrow take place to the 9 hours . after all , the access to the documentation is a fundamental civil right and for a candidate there is no more important documentation that the related one to the examinations . there are legitimate similarity that a candidate can have access to his copy corrected , since the access to documents is a fundamental right , recognized in addition by the fundamental bill of rights that we finished approving this week . thus it must be . the example would have to follow it the rest of the institutions and organs , since it has recommended the request commission . the citizens of the european union would have to receive a positive impression when they deal with the european institutions . and the new thing in this case is that it will have to be guided in his practices by the search of the excellence and to avoid everything what , in agreement with our experience , it can reduce credibility to him in the own countries members . with respect to other institutions , it depends on same the possibility of adopting the procedures raised in this report or requests of the defender of the town . the act of the session of has been distributed yesterday . if this prevents an inevitable catastrophe we would be before a democratic bankruptcy , but if they do not consider excellent to go , they do not deserve the votes . the adopted criteria of greater prudence are right , nevertheless , is necessary to also consider other aspects of the question , in individual the solution coefficient that is a coefficient of ponderación by type of counterpart that approximates the risk of implicit credit in the assets of a bank . provisional creation of the european school of polici'a (eep) this police cooperation is fundamental so that the great objective can be reached to provide to the european citizens a high level of security within the european space of freedom , security and justice . the extension of the european union , with the extension of the space of free circulation of citizens , must be accompanied by complementary measures by security and pacific coexistence between the states members . reason why i see , the conditions in the french jails and portuguese they are very different . that is to say , if it wants common standards , it is necessary to define them first , because if you will not have completely many-colored a police formation . however , thanks to the work of mr . . posselt , finally anticipates that the formation of the police personnel will have to also include the human rights and the defense , being also important and appropriate at this moment the suggestion to create a school of virtual police that takes advantage of the potentialities internet . but we were here in strasbourg , before an almost desert camera , listening to the unimaginable thing . our own prime minister , mr . . is good idea and in union european in that the people enjoy freedom of circulation , freedom of commerce and freedom of establishment , in which the travellers of scotland can go to sicily or greece , is logical to hope that a common system for the maintenance of the empire of the law is developed . in the netherlands , the police this trained in the desescalada one of the conflicts and the tolerant repression , and considers like normal social phenomena the existence of subcultures , the ethnic minorities , the use of the churches like ports of refuge on the part of people who lack a legal permission of residence and the organization of political protests . who believes in the good solutions that defend does not have to be scared to confront them with the solutions of the others . i hope that the academy will provide in this point a valid exposition for the future . it is a good illustration of which it begins to designate itself at the moment with the name of europe in networks , a europe that locates to the nations in direct bonding , without maintaining superstructures useless . most of the cases of kidnapping of children it is being managed very adapted and efficiently by the central authorities of all the states members . so that he is essential that overwhelms that lagoon for reasons with fairness , realism before the sociological evolution and equality of rights and obligations for all the citizens of the european union . meanwhile , we greeted this measurement and we are going to give our sincere vote him . from our affection by the raised objective , we are in agreement with the propose measures . the question of a day talks about clearly the people who often travel to the other part of the world to see her son . the takings of position of the european parliament in this respect , as well as the jurisprudence of the court of justice of the european communities , confirms this exposition of the commission . it consists me that the fifa already has played to obtain more time and has been delayed more of the account before presenting/displaying an answer to the formal declaration of the commission made in 1998 . he is natural that is the commissioner in charge of the sport subjects that represent in the future the union in the wada . decision of the united kingdom to apply a tax to the nonbritish carriers by highway ireland is evidently a very small but opened market , and everything what we bought almost comes from the united kingdom . in conclusion , we are hurrying when maintaining this debate in the european parliament , but greeting the fact and the declaration of commissioner vitorino , that express clearly that the united kingdom has the right to introduce the system of euro-vignette , whenever it respects the rules and norms in vigor . sir president , the expenses and the tolls are sensible , and i can assure it for the case austria , where always we are with that question to returns , and where always solutions for the traffic are looking for . the question is not to discriminate against the rest of conductors or carriers of europe in benefit of the british conductors . it is going to pay by vignette more than what it goes to him to report unless exists some special exemption or a base to per diem . the 22 of november , is to say to the same day of the 25 anniversary of the coronation of king juan carlos , who laid the way for the democracy in spain , one of the high figures of this democracy finishes as well paying with its life its faith in the freedom , the tolerance and the respect of the others . guárdenlas then all with taken care of much . the negotiating position of the european union was centered in the safeguard of the environmental integrity of the protocol of kyoto in the spheres of the change of the use of earth and forestry , the question of the "drains" , the relation between the mechanism of kyoto and the internal measures , known like "complementaridad" , and the fulfillment . with views to prepare the next session , the ue does not have to resume the conversations on all the questions , but to be centered in the fundamental priorities , individual the mechanisms of the "drains" , the "complementaridad" and a rigorous regime of fulfillment . mr . . prescott has remained now under the water and we do not know how long will take in sinking . finally , it mainly seems to me positive which they have not yielded in the subject of the reductions , because in that scope is very difficult to carry out exact measurements . it is not possible to give to reverse gear respect to the nuclear energy . nevertheless , we must follow ahead . in may of 2001 , in bonn , the equality must be gotten up . during the conference of pursuit of bonn , that will be celebrated in may of 2001 , still similar commitment would have to look for . if we want to have all a planet in which to live in the future , the imperative that we confronted in relation to the climatic change is clearly one of the greater ones of century xxi . the same it is applied to the partial measurements of co2 wells , as the additional plantation of forests . the conference of is will follow it ahead , like you us you have announced it , mrs . comisaria , the spring that comes in bonn . lady president , thanks for its intervention comisaria wallström . if in something there were no lack of unity it was in the relation between the delegation of the european parliament and the commission . not to obtain an agreement in the next meeting of the cop6 is not an option . we had a very constructive attitude and we negotiated until the last minute of those conversations in is it . it has the word , gentleman president in exercise of the council . with respect to the coordination of the regimes of social security , to the tributary regime , the questions of asylum , visas and immigration , to the commercial negotiations in the scope of the services - subject of great importance , some countries continue having great problems . i want to add that not yet they have reached an agreement on the distribution of the benches in the european parliament . to reach an agreement that allows the union to work after new adhesions , all those that are prepared at this moment actively , is a crucial step for the future of the union and the extended union . of course , her president is invited . it will be transmitted in nize , and naturally we hoped that it is ratified . they see because you as the debates will be very dense in nize . in order that the union can be effective , the conference must make significant progresses in this sense and this also supposes to extend the codecision procedure . one has talked about to the codecision on the part of the european parliament . (applause) imperative saying is the reunification of our old continent , an extension that does not have parallel as far as its scale and for that it is for which it must prepare the summit to us of nize . lady president , the primary target of the summit of nize is to extend the european union and to prepare to the union for this extension . lady president , gentleman president of the council , gentleman president of the commission , i create to be able to affirm that to date the governments of the fifteen have not been covered with glory . this method is not good . now the adoption of decisions by qualified majority in 49 scopes sets out . the decisions by majority kill the right of i veto of the parliamentary democracies of the countries members , but the ue does not become she herself a parliamentary democracy . sir president , europe needs a leadership , needs clarity , needs to make elections , needs dynamism . the principle of the blackmail of the proclamation does not seem to us acceptable , at sight of the conclusions of the european council of biarritz , this even though last one was informal . these are , sir president in exercise of the council , the elements on whose base we will evaluate the results of nize , and we also expressed our adhesion to him as far as the point that has mentioned with regard to the services of general economic interest . i will take position before the treaty of nize when it sees the result , however , it is a somewhat schizophrenic experience to attend this debate . in amsterdam the heads of government and state suspended and must return to prove luck in nize . if the breach between the great and small countries in the council opens too much we run the risk of undergoing within years an enormous crisis of legitimation in the european union , since the small ones will let feel comfortable from fear of not being able to defend their identity . the french president and prime minister seem more obsessed by their own political future that by the one of europe . serious legal problems will be able to arise from interpretation when not incorporating the text to the treaty , but only subscribing it politically . on the other hand , i emphasize the great importance of giving strong institutions to our europe to balance an institutional emptiness with respect to the acceleration that has been obtained at economic level with euro . the declared objective of this revision is the configuration of more effective institutions , adapted already for an extended europe , and , at the same time , the reduction of the undeniable democratic deficit . but it also means the reconstruction of own committee 133: to increase its surrender of accounts ; to guard so that their daily routine and its conclusions are accessible and their composition is ample and nonexcluding . sir president , i go not only to the president in exercise of the council , but also to all the governments of the states members , when i say that , if an agreement in nize is not obtained on these difficult questions , these will not disappear . the process of codecision during the last year has demonstrated that it works . and in this direction it would say that we would have to assume that the scope of the commercial policy will be including in that extension of the qualified majority . when she was a girl of seven years , one was forced to flee from its country before the advance of the red army , a fugitive one that hid in the roadside ditches so that soviet aviation did not make trizas . the méndez colleague of vigo finishes talking about , with reason , to the letter . we cannot hope more of him . the understanding is more and more close and , perhaps although splitter does not represent the common minimum , is without a doubt a small common splitter , even very small . - (fr) sir president , would first of all wish to thank to the deputies , because i think that he is a debate of a great quality . therefore , one is not absolutely not proclaiming the letter , is not a transparency problem . in effect , the system of the egalitarian rotation also concerns to the great countries , that , in a while given , could be without commissioner , like the others . i believe that the parliament will be able to verify that the european union has improved the institutional mechanisms that will allow him to face the continuation of this development of the european union that unites us to all . the voting will take place tomorrow . sir president , wanted to add me to the declaration of mr . . i am against totally to that nobody threatens an invited minister , is turkish or of any other nationality . it is obvious that in this house of the european democracy we must guarantee the security of all our guests and all the one that is under our ceiling . the minister of health , adducing that the tablets do not make damage and with the affirmation of "we deal the tumors with the marijuana" , has mined the bases of the dignity of all human person having requested the liberalization of the drug . less than it can say is that it is not a good way to act , not to say a snub for our parliament , and unless it is considered that the european deputies do not have anything to say on the human rights , when they finish voting by ample majority the fundamental bill of rights , such will be absent of this forum of the european union , to which , the last year , many of them had attended to engage in a dialog with the ong and the institutions . we have already spoken sufficient on that subject . before amsterdam the european parliament and also the commission already was those in favor of which the person in charge in the matter of foreign policy was vice-president of the commission and at the same time assumed the role of high representative , with special obligation and relation towards the council . since it did it before the summit of feira , when voting a resolution the 15 of june , the european parliament would have to tomorrow approve a text that summarizes its position , on the eve of the council of nize . the development of the pecsd is a new departure point for the european project and , therefore , it requires that the existing institutional frame is clarified . the european council would have to confirm in nize several decisions , that step to mention . for the first debate , at the beginning of year , the commission will establish a picture , country by country , based in the last budgetary year , that will describe the state of the commitments , the payments and the amounts that are to eliminate in relation to the main programs financed by the communitarian budget and the fed . we have worked also in the question of the regional cooperation , notion that caused certain resistance by some countries of this region , which they do not want that it becomes them to lock up in a past of that they have left , and i can say that , thanks to this summit , have included/understood that was no contradiction between a regional cooperation and its progression , its approach , with respect to the european union , mainly through the process of stabilization and association confirmed and needed in this occasion . before a summit with india had taken place , under portuguese presidency , and a ministerial meeting with the anase will be held . it is not a reason to discourage to us . them memory the fan of the missions: humanitarian aid , evacuation of nationals , prevention of conflicts , but also separation by the force of belligerent parts . this one is based , naturally , in the autonomy of decision of the european union and in the recognition of the voluntary and political character of the adopted commitments . he has done more than nobody like personification of the resolution of conflicts in a part of the world that i know well and has been praised suitably anywhere in the world by his managements . part of the attention lent in the mass media to the creation of that force in the country that better i know is to me very amazing . it wanted to thank for mrs . . lalumière that is outstanding the report on the prevention of conflicts that is preparing the commission along with the high representative for the european council of nize . thank you very much , sir commissioner christopher patten . that one will be , in my opinion , the true test for the european union . the impatient citizens complain which the european democracy is too slow . the citizens also must have the greater possible access to the information and documents . in the present proposals it completely continues being uncertain which would have to be this paper . with an european flag in the car , one goes away by all sides , until a the most disinherited of the fields of refugees . this is the reason , sir president , by whom europe must , in my opinion , to be decided to act now . if as european we did not manage independently to play a role responsible in the solution for this conflict of the united states , we will have to count whereupon in other centers of conflicts not it does not grant confidence to us like mediators either . only that its personal commitment does not replace the democratic legitimation of the european policy of security and defense . i cannot accept certain particular points of the report of mrs . . lalumière . the abandonment of this ample fan of instruments of civil prevention of the conflicts will be long term like an error . the declarations of the council are not enough to me with the observation of which already we have adopted resolutions and that this will advance in some direction . as they can imagine , we rejected information both , and we commit ourselves to use all our forces against the policy of which they are expression . . . third: a free corridor of nuclear weapons is due to create , as in its day olof palme proposed , from the baltic sea to the black sea . it wanted to congratulate mrs . . lalumière by its report . the brok report also takes care of the position of high representative of the common policy in the matter of security and defense . what pity , i say to them to mr . . they go order and to my other colleagues , because my colleagues to the other side of the pool , the sea of ireland , have much to offer in this field: the tradition , the experience and the practice . the european parliament , in collaboration with the national parliaments , constitutes , to ours to understand , the indicated instance more for it . i believe that the lessons that we learn in this last experience will serve to us in the future when we face the necessity to establish a policy and an european defense capabilities , that , in my opinion , is a so essential component of european integration as it is it the unique currency . also , i think that the combination between these different means is a property , is a possibility , specific to the european union and that the task that we have before us , if this policy advances and it consolidates , is the one to develop to a true european culture of the prevention and the treatment of the conflicts . i believe that a positive dialogue is going to be developed . sir president , ladies , gentlemen , señorías , the resignation of the commission , in march of 1999 , revealed the necessity to reform his structures and their methods of work . the reform , that can be conceived from above , has to be clear and has to expose itself to the unions , to the set of the personnel , and who is indeed associated to the set of the personnel to all this process . this disposition will demand time , but he is inevitable and essential for the reform . the reform of the commission is an essential act for the future of our institutions . compiling my report , i have been able to study not only white libro , but also the second informs into the committee of independent experts and the resolution approved in this 19 parliament the past of january , propose by michiel van hulten , on the work of the mentioned committee of experts . the national audit office indicates in his report that is not against the previous visa suppression whenever this suppression is replaced by other procedures that offer guarantees , at least equivalent , and can thus imply other actors different from the financial inspector . all the great organizations are being made more open now ; more transparencies are becoming ; they are using the technologies of the information of new ways ; they are moving away of the traditional vertical forms of organization , sharing the information in all the organization and between organizations . sir president , gentleman commissioner , señorías , in spite of his reach , the content of white libro presented/displayed by commissioner kinnock does not raise an institutional subject directly . on the other hand , we have spoken of it this late within the framework of the debate on the common foreign policy . finally , it is necessary to approach the thorny subject of the anticipated proposal of retirement . the financial decentralization of control towards the main directorates is an important step , but it will only work if the personnel receives the suitable formation , if he has sufficient resources and if the responsibility of the wire chiefs is demanded suitably . the organs and their heads have to know possibilities clearly to carry out the best possible management . in the referring thing to the disciplinary procedure also there are promises here but until now not clear rules or statements on how these rules are due to apply . and the question of the externalización definitively is not clarified either . this reform is necessary to faithfully serve god and it cannot be imposed by means of rules . like all newness that modifies consolidated situations , it is evident that there is to be kind and to be careful . nevertheless , we are going to retire amendment 6 and are going to request a separated vote in the last part of amendment 15 since we do not think that the present system in the bce is lent to this situation . the previous time that i comprised east parliament , the president of the commission was jacques delors and along with worked commissioner brittan and , before him , with commissioner cockfield . lady president , gentlemen commissioners , señorías , we followed this reform with just hopes . subjects such as the crisis of the eeb , the prices of petroleum , the effect conservatory count on an express european component . the public also must have the sensation of which the commission is really accessible and is transparent . for the european parliament , the reform is a vital question on which it has decisive effects , whereas legislative budgetary authority and that . it defines many procedures clear by several routes to as much denounce presumed illicit acts inside as outside the institution in which the civil employee is used . therefore , i am convinced that we will have the pleasure to listen to him in future occasions . mr . garriga polledo , permítame that says briefly that the categories of the financial forecasts are conserved . the reform must be carried out by the personnel of the commission , reason why precise of acceptance . it seems to us that a cosmetic reform does not have sense of deep change at the moment . sir president , señorías , first of all wanted to emphasize the quality of the report of initiative of mrs . . sauquillo perez of the arc in relation to the reform of the commission and its incidences on the effectiveness of the relations of the european union with the countries developing . we want that responsibility exists but . before speaking of aid to projects , it is necessary to try to remove all the existing causes of advantage looking for and persecuting that has taken advantage of , exploded and abused the populations that are in necessity state . indeed because mr . . nielson is faithful to that colegiada responsibility will defend , without a doubt , the proposal tonight . more serious still it seems to us , in the proposal of the commission , the territorial separation that stays . in 2001 , for example , the financial responsibilities will be dispersed in 22 delegations , the computer science systems of other 15 delegations will be updated and 40 new positions of civil employees will be assigned to the external services . marine security but neither the erika , nor either the ievoli sun , was not french ships . in fact this has been one of the high-priority questions in the agenda of the commission from the fatal collapse , for 11 months , of the erika . we hoped and we trusted that the 21 of december the cabinet contributes his to the determination of the european institutions to really improve the marine security with the adoption of common positions for three texts . i believe that it is to our reach but we have to make sure that this agreement between in vigor . i include/understand and i celebrate the attempt of the minister of which we as rapidly as possible also finish with these two information ; for that reason i in principle consider its proposal positive of which , if possible , we debate the subject in december . fruit of all it , we have elaborated a parliamentary report of modification of the director who raises improvements in diverse conducive aspects to the reinforcing of the classification system , like means and instrument valid to guarantee the security of the marine traffic . however , the legacy of so many years , in which the materials simply were spilled , it remains , and sometimes it has returned to arise to torment to us , amenudo with very serious consequences . with this intention the information publication is essential to facilitate that the public opinion obtains data , emergency telephone , etc . i wait for great profits of the second series of proposals and the creation of an european agency of the marine security . i consider its argumentation praiseable , but we only can negotiate about results that have been analyzed in the council . we know , certainly , that in the control of the state of the port it has the past not been a strong subject in the marine security , we know that all the societies of classification have not exerted and in a serious way correct , but rather slapdash , its function of technical inspection of the ships , and we know that the oil tankers without double helmet are floating time bombs . we are constructing a new credibility , on the one hand , and we would not have to throw it to lose , on the other hand , by means of a mistaken performance of the commission . that that does not assume that responsibility has to remain of our waters and ports remote . the watts report hardens the measures against the ships that present/display serious risks or that hoist a convenience pavilion , without suppressing this type of pavilions . in spite of everything , i am glad of which the proposals of the commission have gathered the main formulated vindications by which we have been chosen by the french coast: prohibition of the oil tankers with unique helmet , reinforcement of the controls in the ports , and evaluation of the classification societies . also , i share its point of view to impel the obligation of the voyage data recorders . the guarantees of navigability of a ship demanded important measures on the responsible societies and the inspection , as it has been said already . in order to finish i say to them that these measures lack a firm commitment to reach the wished degree of security . everybody is saying it , and it completely seems to me just , that it has still not been reached present 25 % demanded of control on the part of the harbor state . it is not hour of simple commitments , of which by the way some predict a difficult fulfillment . respect to the classification society wanted to emphasize once again in this occasion - and this one it is also my task - the following thing: the main attention of the present discussion seems to be centered in the responsibility . in which one talks about the harbor control , it is important to advance in the rigor of the norm and the efficiency of them inspection . the laxitud as opposed to the great companies sample without doubt that are more powerful than the democratic institutions . . () sir president , señorías , a subject whose object is the security of the ships and , therefore , the security of the people and the protection of the medio .ambiente , is a very serious subject . the information that have appeared go in this direction . we agree with the imposition of a minimum limit for personal damages or material death and damages and whereupon offer to the states members the possibility of increasing those limits . the introduction of new technologies and improvements in the designs of the ships comprise of this important task . it is necessary that we advance towards a consensus at the possible highest level of regulation and marine security . it pleases to me to transmit to them that the commission is going to support many of the propose amendments in these three information . the commission is at readiness to accept amendments 6 , 7 and 8 , but it only can accept amendment 1 partially . it is to hope that the omi adopts the calendar of progressive elimination in their meeting of april of the year that comes . the work of the commission consists of confirming that the classification society continues fulfilling the criteria qualitative of the director and making the pursuit of the work of the classification societies . the commission appreciates the support received by the limit that proposed originally . again , this puts in evidence the urgent thing of the approval of reinforced , preventive and repairing communitarian measures for the protection of our seas . mr . turco , i have understood perfectly its message , and i will think about it . what must be clear as of this moment is that now it is already into the hands of the council advancing quickly . it seems that with regards to my report there is agreement . lady president , wanted to present/display the proposal that the amendment is modified so that begins with the words: "you are urgent , in this respect , the council and the commission . report (a5-0329/2000) of mr . . pomés ruiz , in name of the commission of budgetary control , on white libro of the reform of the commission (aspects relative to the commission of budgetary control) (com (2000) 0200 - c5-0445/2000 - 2000/2215 (cos)) mckenna report (a5-0336/2000) the immunity of the capital is reinforced with the privatization of the classification societies , that have happened to hands of the shipbuilders , by the nonexistence of a substantial control of the inspection by the state authorities , and even by the complicity of these authorities . for that reason it seems to me very positive that the ponentes watts , vachetta and piétrasanta have tried to close the fissures that still were in the proposal of the commission . the responsibility of the putting in practice of these measures thus falls to the states members . the oil tankers of unique helmet would not have to be able to sail this way when after year 2005 , 2010 or 2015 they have disappeared in other zones . nevertheless , mr . . hatzidakis advances proposals that restrict those of the commission . the promotion of one more a stricter norm at international level must continue being a main target of our policy of marine security . it is particularly important to leave in clear that the principle that the one that soils payment is totally effective . this communitarian action has to duplicate itself with a reactivation of the omi , which , equipped with a true one to be able of police to cause that code ism is applied , would be an effective instrument , to image of europol . while the sanctions to infrigir the norms are lower than the expenses to respect them , the companies that want the maximum of benefits will continue deciding on the mistaken route . preparation of the council of nize instead of upwards impelling the social human rights and rights , the letter will facilitate the operations destined to reduce them . lamentably , i throw in east lack point in the presented/displayed resolutions . although , like many , i have been sorry sometimes that prime minister , lionel jospin , has pronounced itself in few occasions during this semester "because of the cohabitation" , i know the important impulses that have permanently given to their ministers and desire to indicate it . as far as the social sphere , the proposals are very timid and not even they give effective content to transactions accepted in the summit of lisbon , in individual as far as the necessity of fortification of the economic and social cohesion . in this sense any decision would not have to be taken on the development of the ue that entailed the risk of alienating to the citizens of europe . the british town wishes a reform of the ue that increases the responsibility and the efficiency . this text takes the pretext from future (and the more and more distant) extension to request the reinforcement of a system already exhausted . now , the thing is that it burns not only between "great" and the "small ones" , but also between the "great ones" . . (sv) we celebrated and we supported a report that takes care of many important tendencies in relation to the common policy of security and defense . like every year , this ritual report of the european parliament , dedicated in principle to the annual balance of the pesc , gathers in fact the recognized method of the progressive slidings that consist , from a breach of obtained federalist nature in a given scope , in looking for without truce the extension , damage as much of treaties as of the decisions of the european councils . chatting with me , one found out that one is organizing a troops of the states of europe , a force able to take part to maintain la paz in europe and its environs . in addition , it is not task of the european parliament of defining what capacity must have a force of european intervention nor if within this context , for example , it must have capacity of commitment to an aerial battle and marine . the future conflicts will not be solved with armed interventions but that by means of a policy of social , economic and ecological justice . we radically are against this european army , like to nato and our own national army . for example , there are points that go too much far in relation to the pesc and nato , in the sense to use the "threats of armed interventions" like instrument of pressure in the activities of prevention of conflicts , thing that is opposed to the letter of the un . one decade after the revolutions that took place in the east , it seems to us a sad signal the one that the "european project of peace" sends with these information to the countries applicants . indeed six of these sections contain affirmations that they have to do with the subject . lamentably , it includes the clear objective of annulling the national laws on the abortion or to penalize or even to suppress the faith traditions that are against the abortion . if they knew it , many tens of thousand of women concerned of the european union would be glad of which we are taking care here of the legal regulation of the domestic work that exists in the submerged economy . smet proposes , among other things , that settle down an european definition of the domestic work . the necessities of the domestic workers would have to consider at the time of writing up labor legislation . they have paid the quotations for their pension to the different national governments who have made them disappear very quickly like good prestidigitadores . finally , the group union by the europe of the nations remembers encarecidamente that the citizens of the european union hope more than ever than the reform measures and the hirings are translated with the taking in consideration of the diversity of opinions and convictions that are pronounced in our countries . with regard to the human resources , the merit of the agents and a greater transparency in the matter of policy of personnel in general have to constitute themselves in the strongpoints of the new administrative reform . with occasion of this explanation of vote , i want to reiterate and to emphasize that , lamentably , our parliament does not have all the powers that must have . it wanted to finish with an intervention relative to the procedure . indeed , sir baron crespo , the news are contradictory . it is not a desire of the socialist group . this is indeed the reason that we see ourselves with difficulties: it is an important summit and everything what we say will jeopardize to us . i have to make present that the commission will meet tomorrow in the evening first of all to try to understand clearly which have been the conclusions of the intergubernamental conference . (the parliament shows its agreement on the proposal) to him it would be been thankful very if it took care of this request . and i want to denounce that it does few days , to one of which hunger strike did as solidarity sample , assassinated in rotterdam a fraction of the gray wolves . naturally , this would not have made lack if in june the council had lent a little more attention , or if he had lent at least something of attention to ours first reading and to the modified proposal of the european commission that already approached much which we we wanted . thirdly , it is necessary to study if the dispositions that we want to adopt contribute indeed to the improvement of the operation of the inner market and if they are provided in relation to the objective that we are persecuting . the second preoccupation , of fundamentally legal character , has taken to us , on the contrary , to turn still more narrows the interdependence between the harmonization of the market and the protection of the health and meticulously to follow the indications contained in the reasons by which the court of justice has recently annulled the director on the publicity , reasons that only through an instrumental reading can take to the conclusion that both aspects are incompatible . sir president , señorías , 80 mortal cases of the new variant of the disease of creutzfeld-jakob in europe and the european union , its cabinet , the commission and the parliament decides to prohibit flours animals and the entrance of head of cattle of more than thirty months in the nourishing chain without previous tests . let us think that it is obvious that articles 95 and 133 constitute the legal foundation of this director , as proposes the commission in amendment 1 . in agreement with the court , a total prohibition of the publicity of the tobacco is not justifiable in name of the good operation of the inner market . with respect to the description ones , like "low content in tar" , "smooth" and "light" , still to me it continues seeming that they are deceptive , and for that reason i am against amendments 10 and 30 . and also i want to speak of obligation in treaties . the ponente , mr . maaten , with good criterion has proposed to reinforce that legal foundation with a reference to another article , to article 133 relative to the foreign trade , and in addition it has proposed a series of modifications in some of articles to the object to avoid that this director opposes itself on the base of the jurisprudence settled down by the sentence of the court of justice . i feel much that also in the commission of legal subjects and inner market has arisen positions that consider that , in certain way , the sentence of the court of justice relative to the prohibition of the publicity of the empty tobacco of content this proposal of director . indeed , as my member of the commission of medio .ambiente , public and political health of the consumer , i have received strong pressures of several groups in the sense of regulating of stricter form the sale and presentation of products of the tobacco in europe . nevertheless , and this is all an irony , i do not see in this director no prohibition cultivate tobacco within the community , although in countries like greece the tobacco that is cultivated is so strong that , in accordance with this director , its use for the product manufacture of the tobacco would be constituent of crime . i believe that also it is necessary to thank to mr . . byrne to have declared so clearly with respect to the legal base . than more average million people every year in the european union dies absurdly , and this number is called to grow if we did not act now . in my opinion , this legal foundation does not serve either as anything and for that reason it is guessed right that the unions , that the companies and that our colleagues talk about the loss of jobs here . i love that it is decided on the photographic warnings , which a reasonable list of ingredients , that are carried out investigations in all europe , that are adopted measures of promotion of the health which they contribute to move away to the young people of the tobacco consumption , of tar , of the nicotine and the addiction is included . also in the commission of medio .ambiente there was good disposition to arrive at a commitment . i think on the matter about mrs . . the exemption would be applied to article 3 , so and as i understand the amendment , that is to say , at the levels of tar , nicotine and monoxide of carbon . been account of the general character of the director , we cannot separate parts of the others and , therefore , we must throw everything down . the stamping of a warning of great size in some cardboards would be a suitable solution . finally , in the report a total of 54 amendments has appeared , and it pleases to me to inform to them into which the commission can accept 33 , is total or partially . the main argument in favor of these amendments and of the elaboration of a report once passed five years affects the question of the extension of the european union , which , according to was said in the summit of nize , very opportune and is adapted . really , the summer schedule seems to go on a par with a greater quality of life , so that the positive effects of the period in which it is had amply compensate the fleeting problems related to the own change . the summertime is not the problem of our common house europe . a unique revision on the part of the commission within five years is sufficient . on the other hand they are the exigencies of the manufacturers of computers or electronic tacógrafos , or calendars and agendas . lady president , gentleman commissioner , dear colleagues , is precise to quickly authorize and of nonbureaucratic form the medical , necessary research for the patients , but in her it is precise that they are respected rigorously border ethically motivated , and the people object of the experiments must maximumly be protected against the abuse . this one is an important distinction that we do here in our report . thus , although it continues being some points of discrepancy with the council , wanted to remember that the result that we want to obtain by means of the approval of this director is fruit of a length and fruitful work of commitment on the part of mr . . liese , our ponente , to that i am thankful and i congratulate by its participativa and constructive management , and on the part of the council , who has been cooperative and opened the amendments approved by the commission of medio .ambiente in second reading . i think mainly about the investigation within the framework of the fight against the cancer , but there are many others . unfortunately , in spite of the relative measures , they appear new threats and diseases , and in many occasions the medicines whereupon we counted are not enough to eradicate them . it is to have of the medical community to look for forms updated or more effective against these challenges . the voting will tomorrow take place to the 12 ,30 hours . what we decided with the council and with the commission and , naturally , the commission of medio .ambiente public and political health of the consumer of the parliament , to avoid one second reading and power to continue without obstacles these programs and that emptinesses were not created , it was that yes , that extended in two years the four programs , as it had asked for the commission , but that the money occurred annually , so that , if meanwhile we had the approval and took effect the new program on the health , not outside necessary the extension nor that the money for the second year was used . of a general way , already it is hour of which the countries members are agreed in giving the european union , on a legitimately supranational subject , a greater manoeuvre margin and an appropriate budget: the diseases do not know borders . in effect , international organizations like europol have affirmed that to the drug import to the union this increasing . the public health is part of the national policy and must continue being it . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the debate of the report (a5-0355/2000) of mrs . . cerdeira morterero , in name of the commission of liberties and inner rights of the citizens , justice and subjects , on the initiative of the portuguese republic with views to the adoption of a decision frame relative to the statute of the victim in the penal process (9650/2000 - c5-0392/00 - 2000/0813 (cns)) . another initiative at international level is the declaration of the nations united on the fundamental principles of justice for the victims of the crimes and abuses authority , approved by means of resolution 40/34 of the general assembly the 29 of november of 1985 . perhaps you will remember the debate that was celebrated some time ago in this assembly on the call report i gave pietro . this initiative presents/displays three fundamental aspects: the right of the victim to the information , the access to justice and the right to indemnification by damages . nevertheless , in my opinion , the most significant aspect is the fact that finally conscience is taken , also in the sphere of the union , of the necessity as opposed to to change the point of view with respect to the intervention of the state to the crimes . one would be due to force to the states members to that they founded special units of the police for the victims of crimes . italy has requested in reiterated occasions the extradition of this multiple assassin to france , where lojacono is frees , so that it can finally fulfill his pain . the victims must be in the center of the attention . since they have indicated , the decision project frame contains three different types from measures: in the first place , it establishes minimum norms relative to the rights of the victims ; secondly , it establishes specific norms directed to consider the particular situation of those people who are victims of a crime in a state member different from the one of their state of origin and , thirdly , invites to the states to the development of measures of support the victims . it is already working in the interconnection at european level of the national services of support to the victims with the intention of guaranteeing an suitable attention of the victims , in individual if they do not reside in the place of commission of the crime . approval of the act of the previous session mr . has the word again . varela , president of the commission of fishing , competent for the bottom . excellent ! the last tuesday , in a dialogue to three bands we have given to the last adjustment to the joint declaration of the council and the parliament . this way , we have obtained a solution for budget 2001 . we must recall to mind internally how in the sector of the policy of aids we can obtain that all the existing necessities are developed in the direction of transparent procedures . we asked its name and they said to us: "it is the innombrable" . the council has come , therefore , to the second reading of the budget considering the agreements subscribed with the delegation of the parliament , with constant desire to vote a budget that allows to finance all the priorities of the european union and to respond to the real necessities and to the real capacity of execution of the credits . the third important element of this second reading of the council concerns the agreement reached on the dowry of the program "complete enterprise spirit" who continues and the program "initiative use" after years 2001 to 2005 . of more general form , it wanted to emphasize that the budgetary procedure that is going to finalize within days has demonstrated all the interest in the interinstitutional agreement of the 6 of may of 1999 . the discussions sometimes were fought , but always they were pertinent and cradles in permanent interchanges that have allowed to include/understand us better mutually and , therefore , to reach an agreement more easily , that i hope is satisfactory for all . the essential is that , as a result of the democratization of serb , no country of the region of the balkan mountains , now has less aid of the projected one before this evolution in serb took place . in fact , the repeated use , two years followed , of the flexibility instrument can be considered , equivocadamente in my opinion , as a form of revision of the financial perspective . haug must make some changes . today we have heard the council say that he is arranged to apply an increase of 3 .5 % . i very specially thank for to the commission and the council . sir president , i also wanted to thank to mrs . haug for his excellent work . i suspect that - this it is of simple form the flexibility is for the small amounts and the revision for the great ones , but in the next years we will see how it works . we were before the situation in that we must decide if we can approve or not this budget the next thursday . naturally , it is necessary to examine it very kindly . but the interinstitutional agreements between the three institutions are also an important good that it tries to obtain that we have a common security of planning . the increasing pressure mainly talks about unemployment , to the crisis of the eeb and the pact of stability for the balkan mountains . . (fr) lady delegated president , ladies and gentlemen european , is to me very pleasing to be before you today to present/display the balance to them of the french presidency of the union and also to evaluate the progresses reached during these last months . we had promised it: it is not left any fleco of nize . it corresponds to the procedure of the reinforced cooperations that has been facilitated widely in the first one and third pillars . it is simultaneously an immense challenge and also an historical stage towards the reunification of our continent . thanks to this letter our union is reinforced , safer of the values of dignity , freedom and solidarity that base it . and weeks ago , the freighter ievolu sun , that transported chemical agents , damaged near the islands anglonormandas . we had paid attention objectives and they have been fulfilled . lady delegated president , ladies and gentlemen european , this semester , i create to be able to say it today , has seen our union reinforce itself preparing itself to welcome new members , to reunite to the family now that we are safe of being able to work together ; to also reinforce itself in the heart of our fellow citizens in the land of the values , the one of the growth of the use , in the one of solidarity , in the one of the security and the preservation of the european social model ; to reinforce themselves and to win in hearing in the international scene . these are some of the subjects that were put under the attention of the government and chiefs of state . i am going to mention another one , a newness that , i have a feeling it , will not let have importance , since in nize also one has struggled the own organization of summits , her slowness , its complexity and its traveling character , and the european council has made the sensible decision to be celebrating them all in brussels . however , he is very worrisome which the number of members of the parliament has served , really , like variable of compensation for the balances of the council . to these problems and others related to such it will agree to the future dedicate to much more attention in happening of a paper of defense to a paper of greater proposal . (applause) (applause) the ambition that took to nize was the greater european ambition for a meeting in the summit many years ago . lady president , gentleman president of the republic , gentleman president of the commission , señorías , the judgment of my group is severe for the fifteen after the little promising spectacle that has offered to european , the probably stupefied ones when verifying in this occasion and direct what it really happens with the common vision , with the spirit of solidarity , the mutual confidence of the main european leaders . for any lúcida mind , they are announcing of very serious consequences which it leads the project to us of federal europe with 27 or 28 states members . it will also allow me to emphasize , sir president , who after nize , france appears again like only loser . lady president , gentleman president , the group by the europe of the democracies and the differences is sorry that the presidency has not given course to the message that was transmitted to him already in last july . many still do not see the port which must arrive in some occasion the european union . therefore , also there is a limit that must be considered . i believe that it is not only the opinion of the three political groups but also of others but that they have not been able to sign for technical reasons . thus , he is desirable to promote the medicine development in the community , since that way it is possible to offer to the patients greater possibilities of benefitting from highly effective treatments . i congratulate to my colleague mary honeyball by its first report for the european parliament . surprising the fantuzzo colleague has the word and i have great curiosity to know what pensioner has said to him now what . the victim must be dealed with as a person in a particular situation disorientation and distresses . . . factors that probably are much more serious , if the victim of the crime is it in a state member different from his . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the joint debate on: he was exasperating to see how the debates were concentrated on the question of knowing to whom to a vote or a vote would be granted to him more less , that would win , if germany or france , if the netherlands or belgium , if portugal or spain . we were glad of which a new method is applied and we hoped that , after this hope , that is based on the possibility of the reinforced cooperations , europe continues advancing , that is able to elaborate , facing the future , a constitution that gives back to our fellow citizens the hope , within this formidable project that is the european adventure . the states candidates who prepare themselves for the extension , will follow the example of egoísmo of our own states members . some are more contentments than others , but the fundamental message is clear: europe can now meet in a democratic one and extended ue that , above , is next to their citizen thanks to the treaty of nize . it has dominated the particular interest . when reaching an agreement in extremis on the treaty , an open crisis has been avoided that would have put in judgment fabric the extension , although it is possible to be spoken of a latent crisis which now we must face . i do not believe that he is more realistic to fight to reaffirm its own national prestige that to fight by the effectiveness of the operation of the union and i do not believe that the european citizens have mobilized themselves in mass to follow the naval battle of their governors in nize . and , nevertheless , what great project , eleven years after the fall of the wall of berlin ! in that occasion it was valid for europe average and now we must do it for all she . after nize , no longer the institutional obstacle can be invoked . in the first place , the institutional imbalance: the council much , the commission and the parliament little . this method has died . the consequences for europe would have been absolutely incalculable . for example , you know that at the beginning of the european union , the minority of blockade could form with which we denominated two "great" countries , and at the moment make lack three . the land is paid , the extension is possible , the european parliament occupies its own place in the debate , in the deepening of the routes and the ideas . the european public good , of which nobody is deposit taker - mr . . moscovici is right in this point - , it cannot be based on the sum of the national interests that are crossed and they are neutralized and , in this sense , prime minister verhofstadt has sent a rescuing message . we recommended that they were ratified . personally , i believe that the reponderación of the votes must consider the population , since it becomes in the european parliament and it would be due also to have done in the council . but nize , gentleman president , are not the aim of the way , but the departure point of a new stage with many challenges . for that reason , i want to return to which already it has been indicated today here in some occasions . although , indeed , it seems that we have been able to avoid the total paralysis of the future extended european union , desires of the french presidency have not been able to see itself reflected in the new treaty project . sir president , as for me , nize deserves , frankly , an insufficient one . i do not know if the commission will respond at the end of this debate , but would like to know , given i the absence of the council , if she has the same confidence in which in 2004 east european parliament she will have czech deputies , hungarian and polish and of the baltic countries . we have not hidden the necessity to advance with the same vigor and the same determination that we had before nize by the route of the extension to obtain the objectives that we have and that are the most important appointment with the history that the parliament and the commission must fulfill in the next years . on the other hand and , mainly , the problem of the financing of the balkan mountains follows without being solved for the next years . as for me , it wanted to congratulate to the ponentes , the president of the commission of budgets , to the commission , the council and the presidency by the made work , by the celebration in this agreement that will allow us to vote the budget for year 2001 . also it is positive that makes available of the small and medium companies , like main generating of additional credit , jobs . this way new jobs are created and the fight against unemployment is continued . in soccer terms , it is as a tie to 1 . because we do not have a budget and we have obtained an agreement in the conciliation we must imagine that all our problems have disappeared . that relevance we gained it not of the air , but of treaties , although sometimes to the council it costs to him to recognize it . this must go accompanied of a commitment of the school of commissioners by a right and effective distribution of the human and material resources for the management of the different policies , that is to say , the political priority the parliament and the priority of management of the commission must remember . for that reason , the task of the european common level is indeed the one to impel the securing and regeneration of the medio .ambiente . it has been spoken much of the later phase to nize . naturally , it is right in being always sent to this question . no longer it is spoken of the fear before the military violence , nor of a possible advance of the dictatorship . if it is watched well , it is that russia surpasses something to morocco in the budget , and i believe that that is not adapted . if the european got to depend logistically on russia , a very dangerous situation would be created . and here a program tacis only can take part of a way very limited not to say that it only can be a drop of water in the sea of necessities . it descends the natality and it increases mortality , and the net reduction of population is of the order of a million people to the year . own mr . . putin , and we would make it worse than he , says that the question of the future statute of chechenia is not the main thing . what happens in russia , with the population , with the society , gives them equal . sir president , the european union has approved in the years last diverse documents related to russia that constitute a good base for narrow relations with the russian federation . and in addition , what means the freedom for the checheno town? this one is the first step ; later we will try to obtain that the laws are respected , which would be the second step . in addition , the economic development will provide more stability , and quarter , like result of the previous thing , will appear characteristics of the society of the citizens . but it is an excellent report that , like the own common strategy , emphasizes the importance which we attributed to the relation - the strategic cooperation between the european union and russia . that means to center our measures in decisive sectors like the medio .ambiente - to which several of their señorías- have talked about and the nuclear security , in the own region of kaliningrado and the improvement of the coordination between the different sources from financing . we must avoid the error to which one of its señorías has talked about before and that was committed in the beginning of this century , when , after the leninista revolution of 1917 , russia was excluded from the european subjects with disastrous consequences totally . . (fr) as they know , the council has assumed a common position on the revision of the director 90/220/ec . therefore , i believe that by that side they are responded the questions that raised . therefore , totally i am arranged to propose that that debate is celebrated: simply , it is necessary to choose the most suitable frame . . (fr) i do not have reconnaissance groups sufficiently precise to respond to its complementary question . it cannot say that it does not have precise information on the matter . . (fr) the council remembers to his señoría the conclusions that he adopted in his meeting of 19 of may of 1998 in the matter of fraud in the sectors of the alcohol and the tobacco . all the states members have confirmed their will to intensify the fight against the fraud , as much in their interior as in the context of their relations . the european union has affirmed in several occasions the absolute respect that deserves the right of asylum to him . in this respect , the agreement of signed european acp-comunidad association in cotonou in june of 2000 establishes that the community will guarantee , to taking more in 2005 , the access with tax exemption of rights to the essential of original products of the developed countries less . them memory that the presidency is not there for expressing the fulano opinions or mengano , of such-and-such government , but to indicate which are , in a while "x" , a moment "t" , the positions of the council . a system of buy-destruction of these bovines nonanalyzed with the purpose of compensating to the cattle dealers at the cost of the market will settle down . presidency french has wished , from the beginning , that it occurred an european answer to this crisis , that is an nourishing crisis , a social crisis and a sanitary crisis . . (fr) within the framework of the process of barcelona , algeria subscribed a series of principles , among them the respect of the state of right . - (fr) i already had occasion , some weeks ago , to expose some reflections to them on the preparation of the special session of the general assembly of the united nations dedicated to the pursuit of the world-wide summit relative to the children who will be celebrated in september of 2001 . subject: obligations of turkey in the agreements of ue-turkey association the proposal of the commission relative to the agreements of association between the european union and turkey asks the european council who returns to examine the situation relative to the pending differences of resolution , particularly in which he talks about to his repercussions on the adhesion procedures , with the purpose of contributing to that the court the international of justice solves them before concludes year 2004 . in this frame of the association that has mentioned to us , they are going to debate on this subject the council and the turkish government? are respected suitably the rights to the defense and will contribute of some way the mutual recognition? on the other hand , each state member must make the national , sovereign decision , to jeopardize or national nontroops in the operation . subject: importance of the taxes for the operation of the inner market in an article published in the financial times in the month of november , the president of the commission affirms that a harmonization of the taxes will not take place nor will settle down levels common of taxes in the ue since the fiscal levels are competition of the national parliaments and must continue being it . the questions núms . 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 and 32 will obtain answer in writing . the agreement of stabilization and association republic of the croatia/european union arrives at the opportune moment . sir president , gentleman commissioner , considered and dear colleagues , in the first place i want to congratulate to the baltas colleague by its report , mainly by its fast report because he has been important and correct to react quickly before the changes happened in the croatia , which has mentioned the stenzel colleague already . the profits reached in this context are really positive . in 1991/92 they were expelled more than 250 ,000 croatians from the kraina , of the western and eastern eslavonia . this one has been , of course , an historical year for southeastern europe . i do not believe that she is bad an executory one for a year . one is an important aspect for us and i hope that we will be able to count on the support of the parliament when we return to consult officially to its señorías , once we have negotiated the agreement . the reaction against the wahid government is strong and the process seems suspended . also , the leaders of papua follow jailed . also , in our resolution , we requested to the european commission that follows this tendency political . thus the terms of the communication of the commission of beginnings of the year are justified , even though was characterized by certain euphoria consequence of those changes . the justice that do not become and the campings of refugees who eternizan themselves are spaces of confrontation between old and the new indonesios powers and give idea of the fragility of the democratization process . most devastating it is than in the molucas , the soldiers of the jihad can act at will of unacceptable form . irian jaya is also victim of the migration policy . and , for that , we must know how to choose priorities , cannot mix in the same plane environmental questions , questions of social policies , questions of economic policy with the fundamental problem of the respect of the democracy and the human rights , that must clearly be a political priority of our relation with indonesia . this resolution affirms categorically that irian jaya comprises of indonesia . the situation has improved and we must encourage to president wahid , but still there are horrible problems . it is clearly unacceptable that tens of thousands of refugees of eastern timor continue being hostages at the mercy of armed bandits who , in name of the patriotism indonesio , try to escape to the punishment by their criminal past . it is it by its size: the fourth country of the world in population ; it is it by his economic scale: it is it by his regional paper ; it is it by his environmental repercussions . for that reason , we must tie police , administrative and penal means and instruments as much between the states members as with the ue . (the president retires the word to the oradora) mrs . schreyer , you have emphasized here before this assembly in diverse occasions that , as competent comisaria for the fight against the fraud , sees its task in special in guaranteeing the independence of the olaf . the cause of the problems is the same creation of an economic administration in the communitarian plane because the models of redistribution of the money of the communitarian contributors established by the calls "communities" badly are designed and in many case absolutely they are not wished . i would like much to congratulate to the ponente - anybody to who i admire like person and politician by this report , but , lamentably , i cannot do it . the report turns on the protection of the financial interests of the community and on how we must approach them and it deals with questions of the greater importance . due to the limitation of time i am going to be brief in the exhibition of the diverse points . the debate is closed . we have a legislation of the ue to protect the companies of that bad management and now the commission has promised to introduce its own regulations to guard so that the payments are not delayed . we have other mechanisms to put of relief examples of fraud not noticed before . you , mrs . schreyer , it finishes mentioning the council saying that there was a state member that was against the creation of an european public prosecutor . i create , for that reason , that is very comprehensible that the parliament gives the national audit office which indeed hopes of these information . neither the commission nor the states members must be able to exempt of their responsibility , mainly not by means of the reciprocal remission to the responsibility of the other . it said it with all sincerity and it was sorry that thus outside . it has been a very useful step for the subject and i believe that he has been also very conscious on the other hand to include in its deliberations to the commission and the national audit office before the elaboration of this report . they can see in my explanations that i consider reasonable to continue debating on these proposals to see how the responsibilities can be established more intensely . the first decisive failure is the lack of harmonization . for that reason , i believe that we must also improve article 4 . within the single market the investors - or they are private , companies or bottoms of pensions must be able to exert the rights of property for the companies in which they invest and for the investors in them . we cannot close the eyes to the reality: when an acquisition of actions takes place take place reconstructions of group , dismissals . . . but , what is what we risked to do like parliament by virtue of the presented/displayed amendments? that one is the principle on which perhaps we divide ourselves tomorrow: the fundamental principle of a directed law to regulate the public supplies of acquisition . on the contrary , it would be easier to solve the problem to determine the competitions of the control authorities . the amendments of the ponente create confusion in the sphere of the litigations and it would not be well that we voted for the confusion in possible cases of litigation . an observation which i want to formulate in relation to this director on the public supplies of acquisition is the one to remember with all firmness that million voters of my country and million people have plans of pensions and savings based on investments in the market of values . mrs . . this procedure that already exists in some states members , talks about , nevertheless , not only to the scope of the public supplies of acquisition , but that goes further on and could possibly be analyzed within the framework of general overhaul adopted by the commission in the matter of right of societies . finally , i can remember to them that one is a directive frame according to the desire showed by the parliament in a previous phase . the participation right supposes to recognize the cannot be waived and intransferibles rights of the plastic artists to perceive a proportion of the product of the later sales of its works . on the one hand , the british lobistas fear the loss of jobs . consequently , the commitment adopted by the council is not more than a weak reflection of the initial proposal of the commission , widely supported by the european parliament in first reading . i also wait for the support of the commission , at least in one of the three great conflicting points . one is also a question relative to the vitality and the competitiveness of the european market of the art . in another case , the article would have been sold without a doubt in another place , that is to say , in america . nevertheless , this amendment is only acceptable partly . competition of the postal services it is my proposal , mr . . savary . in the first place , we must try that the prices of the postal services are favorable . secondly , we must try to obtain a high quality level and , thirdly , we must be able to guarantee a high availability of postal services in all the zones of the european union . the commission of legal subjects was more demanding in the relative thing to the limit of prices of the services reserved to the universal lender , but he is equal to its proposal on the limit of weight of 150 grams and common the rejection of the 50 established in the director proposal . finally , a new date of liberalization cannot be accepted in as much is no a previous evaluation . we know the difficulties that east ideologically loaded subject involves so , sometimes by both parts very well . therefore , although this measurement can find a good welcome between certain deputies of this assembly , their consequences would be devastating for the postal services of all the european union . also it will carry the closing of small stores that offer postal services in the countryside , because these depend on the postal services for their survival . if we followed our rate , we will need 100 years to make reality a market opened for the services of post office in europe . lady president , wanted to make three observations . in our deliberations on this new director we would have to know clearly a concrete subject . it is not thus nor it thus must be . if a right competition exists , the monopolistas can demonstrate that they know his office . nevertheless , if the grandmother is glad to receive the visit of an amiable mailman , which comprises also of postal services of high quality , we do not have to lament it , but who also would have to please to us . who goes so badly prepared to a negotiation , that has not presented/displayed the report asked for on the repercussions registered from 1997 , that argue with ideological expositions - exactly the objectives that you have mentioned only will be able to reach if we liberalized , we liberalized and we liberalized , it does not have to be surprised if it has tropezón and it falls of you brush . mr . bolkestein , the commission is the guardian of treaties . bolkestein , also frees the transfronterizo mail . he is as if we calculated the average rent between the very rich one and the very poor one ; the result could arithmetically be satisfactory , but it could not be considered socially of receipt , to cause , evidently , of the existence of the very poor one . they run new times mr . . simpson . the governments who did it were not socialist , but preservative or liberal . ever since it appeared the proposal , for me it was evident that the proposal never would be acceptable in the form that presented/displayed the commission . because on that opening and that liberalization we are all in agreement , but the rate is important . the effects of the first director have not become public since the consequences are evident: deprivation of rank and privileges and degradation of the conditions of work , inequality of operation of the public service in all the territory , mainly in the field and the popular districts . the proposal of the commission anticipates a progressive opening , which in my opinion will serve to improve the services that are lent to the consumer to an inferior price . it is a fundamental requirement for the development of the sector of the direct publicity . i make an express call to the british conservatives . permítame to say the following thing to an post: if this happens , they will have given a valuable breathing him . only we have left to wish that someday we know to surpass the completed situations and to overcome the egoistic corporativismos to cause that europe progresses truely . one has only liberalized 3 % of the letter market . one will be relegated by the technology and ignored by the consumers who will not obtain a good service by their money . only the introduction of real competition of a controlled and progressive way , according to an established calendar , will help them to obtain this objective . with respect to amendments 60 and 61 , i am in agreement with the principle to complete the inner market in a future date that will have to be determined within a reasonable term . the commission will present/display the same opinion and , therefore , the council will come on the proposal of the commission as he considers opportune . nevertheless , the parliament must be pronounced now . my second informs is looked much therefore like first and gathers the amendments voted by the plenary session . it is certain , sir commissioner , that we maintain some reserves , and some differences . sir president , sir commissioner , señorías , i want , in the first place , to congratulate to the ponente , mr . . dary , that so explicitly has commented us the reform , its history and its synthesis - who i am not going to repeat . it is a production that occurs in a series of communitarian special regions , the ultraperipheral regions , that have a series of difficulties to compete in the markets and that some of the few products that they have is this one indeed , the banana . in fact , it is a restriction of the chaos , because it tries to institute norms by which all we must be governed . he is not exaggerated to say that this question is one of which they have provoked a greater attention in all the institutions . we have to continue giving without complexes to these producers the average ones to live buying on high-priority form its production . sir president , we must express our gratefulness and recognition to the ponente by the treatment of this difficult report . also i thank for the presidents of the political groups of this parliament that have accepted the stubbornness and the tozudez of the ultraperipheral deputies so that this proposal of reform of the platanero sector struggles today in this assembly , can be expressed the mandatory opinion and thus to be able to arrive on time at the meeting of the cabinet from agriculture that will be celebrated in the next days and to enter in 2001 with a new reform of the ocm of bananas . in the present it debates has been spoken much of the apparent unamimity in the commission of agriculture and rural development at the time of supporting the report of mr . . dary . dear colleagues , i have the honor to inform to them into the presence in the official tribune of a delegation of the parliament of korea . this one has allowed to obtain a positive decision in favor of the average program in the council . report (a5-0377/2000) of mr . . trakatellis , in name of the commission of medio .ambiente , public and political health of the consumer , on the proposal of decision of the european parliament and the council (com (2000) 448 - c5-0400/2000 - 2000/0192 (cod)) relative to the prolongation of determined programs of communitarian action in the matter of public health , adopted by decisions n º 645/96/ec , n º 646/96/ec , n º 647/96/ec , n º 102/97/ec , n º 1400/97/ec and n º 1296/1999/ec and by which they are modified these decisions sir president , i only wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to remember , in relation to the declarations that the commissioner to the 00 ,15 hours of last night made , which amendment 1 jeopardizes to the commission . he has cheered to me to hear that mr . . (the parliament approves the amendment oral) amendment 2: the parliament was forced to insist and to present/display again most of them ; the referred ones to the size of the warning , the mention of the ingredients , the protection of the consumer and specially of the young people . it would have , for some deputies , two categories of population , that that are protected and that that puts in danger for economic reasons? . (in) i have special interest in explaining why i have voted against the prohibition to export from the ue the products derived from the tobacco that surpass a determined level of tar and nicotine and why i have supported the directed amendments to raise this prohibition . lady president , i would welcome with satisfaction the radical proposal to use images to illustrate the damage that the tobacco consumption causes to the health , since they do in canada . i believe that all this is positive , although wanted that - and i say it in this occasion - it was spent much more to prevent the diseases . it had preferred that this norm considered with a more coherent regulation with the directed activities the citizens of all the european union . zimmerling will strike a mortal blow to the vitality of the market of european art , with the loss of jobs and , i am afraid , which the alive artists will be very few who benefit from this right of participation . . (nl) it wanted to express my gratefulness to mr . . zimmerling by its work in this complex file . for this reason , i am myself forced to vote against the director . and the agreement of stabilization and association , the cards program and the european bank of investments cannot constitute the main instruments of the contribution of the european union to the economic and social development of the croatia . the indonesios government and the army have the obligation to guarantee the life and the security of the citizens , independently of the creed whom they profess . for that reason we must as rapidly as possible create the instruments necessary to more effectively fight the fraud of communitarian bottoms . the measurement would turn the ue a unique legal scope for investigation aims , to initiate judicial diligences and to execute the sentences relative to this type of crimes . sometimes it seems that we lose of east vista aspect . amendments 11 and 13 have by objective that the system of contingents is not reviewed but until within 10 years , without no commitment as far as the adoption of the system of unique tariff proposed by the commission and demanded by several commercial partners is adopted now ours . as far as considering relative to the preference for countries the acp , also we are in agreement with the post of 300 euros by ton , but the added one seems to us unnecessary "at the most" . in addition , the possibilities that our commercial partners so accept a prolonged prorogation would practically be null . in accordance with the daily routine , we happened to the declaration of the commission over summit ue/the united states of america . i recognize that it is easier to say the one than to do it , but we would have to try to resist to the temptation - and i know that the secretary of state albright shares this opinion - of which these summits are seen too much surrounded in the marrow of our daily political and economic relations . one of the main lessons has been that the european we must support a greater load of the promotion of the european security . i would be thankful to him that she in detail examined this aspect in the communication anticipated for this spring and also offered , in addition to the analysis that has asked for the other sector of the assembly , proposals in relation to all the aspects in which we have possibilities of reaching new goals in the future within the framework of the dialogue and the cooperation , in the scope of the foreign policy and the policy of security , but also in relation to pragmatic questions , as they can be the agreements of mutual recognition . also i have knowledge of the initiative "everything except armament" , which i welcome with satisfaction , and wanted to urge to the commission to that it takes advantage of the celebration the summit to urge to the united states to that they return to subscribe this initiative . it is precise therefore to act to prevent irreparable which it waits for to and those that , like mumia abu-jamal or léonard pelletier , have been being in the runner of the death for years . she is one devises useful and without a doubt we will follow it . thank you very much , sir commissioner . i am afraid that at this moment it finds me under crossfire of my own group . thirdly , it must be gone to simple formulas of collection of the tax and , in particular , to the form of investment of the passive subject . the first conclusion is that little it is possible to be done while that international frame is not modified . . (in) sir president , the first observation that wishes to make the commission which i represent is that the dispositions in vigor are unfavorable for the suppliers of the ue of the following services: software , computer science data processing and services , consisting of web hosting [ practical lodging web sites of third people ] , design of pages web and information . it had always heard that one of the first norms or principles of a legislator would have to be: not to dictate laws that cannot be fulfilled . it pleases me that in the report , partly thanks to the commission of medio .ambiente , a series takes shelter of important elements that they received an insufficient support due to an accumulation of circumstances in the commission of transport . nevertheless , to change the existing order in international matter , we will have to plead for the modification of the convention of chicago of 1944 . the vantage point that can obtain in the short term a country obtains it to expenses of another or other states of the ue . sir president , europe will be pioneering in the use of internet in the next decade . there are some who ask themselves , sir commissioner , why the european always we are so fast to fix taxes and to establish new rules . the convention of chicago has been obsolete in this point . i do not consider that the introduction of a common system of iva is a priority and i am not in agreement with which the introduction of a common system is necessary for a long time . our objective must be , therefore , clear and simplify our fiscal systems and not to increase , but to reduce , the taxes . the preferable option in is the one of type zero for the european and-companies much , facing locating them in equality of conditions that the american companies and of other parts of the world . the fiscal competition is in the interest of the citizens and the economy . thus , so that the operators of outside the union are subject to the same fiscal obligations that the domestic operators when they try services to the consumers , they will have to register with the object of iva in a state member of its election , being the type of iva of the chosen state the applied one to its operations . she is certain that the situation is not , nevertheless , so simple . the origin place in which the tax must be applied is reason for preoccupation and i believe that the deliberations around the number of countries that would fulfill the conditions so that the companies can be registered in them will be a thorny subject and , naturally , will cause a complaint of the united states before the omc . it completely makes no sense that i can hardly travel from london to brussels roundtrip by 89 pounds in virgin airways , for example , whereas when i use eurostar , that produces many less gases of effect conservatory and offers a way to travel much more comfortable , the equivalent one to 250 pounds by a similar trip must pay . sir president , this debate sees how old demons resurge . in short , it has been spoken of proposals that had been able to make the french presidency so that the imposition became in the consumption place , with an obligation for the borrowers be registered in all the states members . the measurement would locate on guard of disadvantage to the european airline companies in relation to those of third countries and would distort the structures of intracommunitarian tariffs with respect to the intercontinental ones . nevertheless , to me it seems to me that only within the framework of the oecd , and not by means of precise individual negotiations , it will be possible to reach a solution that does not cause an exit of capitals of europe . i am conscious that determined members they are overflowed with found opinions . of this form the complexity derived from the application of macroeconomic or similar criteria is avoided . permítanme to now deal with the proposal referred at the minimum level the normal tariff . one of the secondary consequences is that any preparatory work of importance in the work groups of the icao has not been carried out and seems improbable that during the next general assembly it is decided to renegotiate the agreement of chicago . this feeling , lamentably , pervive still today in the spirit of the public opinion in europe . and the last objective of this director is to reinforce the management of the situations of urgency in the sea , by means of the obligation to designate ports of refuge , the prohibition to put to sea during a strong storm and greater competitions of intervention in the sea on the part of the coastal state in case of serious risk of contamination . the oil companies say to us that they have created a voluntary bottom . i hope that after the impulse of nize , to the doubts and the resistance of some countries have been reduced and that we obtain it . we trusted , evidently , in her to guarantee the marine security , because it must know that it does not spend nor one week without we are interbare with this question: "what you do , delegated european , to guarantee the security , to change the rules? " . . (in) sir president , the commission has knowledge of which one of the plans announced by the government of the united kingdom the 8 of november of 2000 is the introduction of a species of rate for the users of the highways of the same type that the viñeta that pays all the nonbritish carriers by highway , british and the same , to use the road network of the united kingdom . secondly: if , in agreement with the original intention of the minister , this one it proposes to burden to the foreign trucks to subsidize to the carriers of its country , is that in opposition to the communitarian right? this imbalance of economic character between the rates and the taxes that support to the carriers in the different states members distorts the conditions in which the carriers of different nationalities compete in the united kingdom . on the flour question animals: its export is covered exactly equal by the legislation that regulates the production of meat flours and bones in the european union , and also is subject to the obligation to suppress of flours animals , for example , ill animal despoliation , legislation that will take effect from the 1 of march of 2001 . the jews are treasonous and disloyal . shelter great hopes of which in all the countries of the region we discover that the services of education foment the tolerance and not it intolerancia . the answer of mr . . monti is not unexpected . question n º 37 formulated by (h-0900/00): on the other hand , the commission will simultaneously propose a defensive mechanism of temporary aid , devised specifically to resist the korean disloyal practices during the necessary period until the conclusion of the procedure of the omc . this it is a dramatic subject . mr . . the usuary coke industry altogether uses 70 ,000 people , but this product does not represent more than a very marginal part of its costs , around 2 % . question n º 40 formulated by (h-0889/00): we have transmitted our proposal to countries the acp practically at the same time that to our states members . this initiative does not have on the other hand like object regular it , i must tranquilize it , in as much the additional amounts that they could be concerned in the communitarian market are low . those countries do not have unfortunately , taking into account their situation , no capacity of independent negotiation and therefore it is a gesture that in my opinion we must do unilaterally , without no counterpart . the procedure of the commission to grant the aids financial will conclude time soon , and this will also affect the resources that ecpat needs for year 2001 . . (in) we are following three types of activities in this scope . in the proposal of the commission the question referred to the geographic location is not the future court . . (in) i am not safe of which its señoría means with "proliferation" . . (nl) the question of mr . berenguer fuster talks about the commercial marks . the volume like a stimulus to renew our battle and to try that spain does the sooner what would have to do . to the previous question you have responded who the fault is of spain and which you will do what they must do ; in this case , nevertheless , the fault is of you . it has been a good explanation to the answer that had occurred me previously . director 89/48/the eec talks about to titles of professional formation with a minimum duration of three years after the secondary education . subject: marine transport services in the straits of the gulf of botnia between vaasa (finland) and umeå (sweden) the marine transport of the straits of the gulf of botnia is going to let work because it has stopped being profitable since to the marine companies it has been deprived to them of the possibility of exerting the duty free sale . for example , in that city of vaasa to which i have talked about , 550 jobs in the sector of the tourism are had indeed lost during last the two years , probably due to that same cease of the duty free sale . this proposal follows the objective of the summit of lisbon , because it goes directed to stimulate the development and use of the digital contents . also , i make a call to the commission so that it elaborates procedures of call of presentation of more effective and fast proposals . although we only included the useful content for the companies , concretely meteorology and geography - which is very desirable , certainly - , one is not due to forget that , with regards to the content destined the citizens , this one he is much more complex that the useful information for the companies . the digital contents , that represent more amount than quality , homogenizan and condense the social diversity . the second point , as essential as the previous one to my way to see , is that we take in consideration to the small and medium companies , to the companies in launch period . nevertheless , if we make of the necessity virtue , if we invested the perspective and we see our languages not like barriers , but like bridges , like an advantage , and as such we used them , these can be the base of the european market and a certain independence . i will not insist on the objectives of the present program: favorable conditions to the commercialization ; diffusion and use of the digital contents , with the purpose of fomenting the economic activity ; to extend the use possibilities ; to favor the operation of the potential of the european digital contents in comparison with and in front of the united states . therefore , it is more and more important to have the suitable conditions to the production of european multilingual digital contents . some of them are in certainly very valuable themselves , but better they will be located in other instruments that in the present decision . voting not goes to carry out this late and , if the greater group of this parliament thinks that tomorrow it would not be due to vote , me seems to me that the correct thing is that such proposal appears tomorrow , at the time of the voting and with the parliament in the heat of , instead of doing it today , which seems to me precipitated . . (nl) sir president , señorías , ladies and gentlemen , in europe has more and more citizen that annoyances by the noise undergo . the states members are free to determine when it begins afternoon and when the nocturnal period that follows to him . i am glad , then , by the proposal of the commission , although i see it like a first too cautious step . consequently , the reduction and prevention of the environmental noise will have to constitute the future in a fundamental aspect of the european environmental policy . the group of united left supports its to him to taste very , although we would have liked to have arrived something more far in the search of definitive solutions and the way to treat to which they make money with the annoyances caused by the noise . but , anyway , déjeme that says to something on dimes and diretes and the fight between frames within the commission and to his around , lately and today , right here . , consequently nonhidden that my country will have an enormous difficulty in accepting the proposal of the commission , except for if this one it incorporates a mechanism of sufficient flexibility so that the form of inherited life of our ancestors and , on the other hand , so appreciated so much by the own spaniards as by our foreign visitors , it can stay . however , it wanted to recommend to the assembly the report and , naturally , the proposal of the commission . secondly , the directors derived relative to the quality come norms . i would like to totally support the necessity to harmonize the noise indicators and evaluation methods , all the scope of maps of the noise , the elaboration of plans of action to reduce the noise and to protect calm zones according to agrees and to extend the reach of the information to the public . secondly , the present proposal uses a new approach to make an evaluation of the general situation of the noise in europe , in terms of the number of people who are themselves affected by the noise . they are acceptable , in principle or partly , the following amendments: 6 , 7 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 21 , 22 , 25 , 28 , 29 , 32 , 39 , 42 , 44 and 45 . on the other hand , in general , the additives cannot be used for products nonelaborated - what it happens in this case - , that is to say , that they have not been put under any treatment that has altered substantially its initial state . sir president , in the commission of medio .ambiente we have voted , along with the group of the ppe in favor of the report of mr . . lannoye , that , on the other hand , agrees with our aspirations . nobody affirms that . in accordance with the daily routine , it is come to the debate on the report (a5-372/2000) of mr . . staes , in name of the delegation of the european parliament in the committee of conciliation , on the joint text , approved by the committee of conciliation , of the director of the european parliament and the council who modifies the director 95/53/ec of the council by whom the principles relative to the organization of the official controls in the scope of the feeding settle down animal (c5-0499/2000 - 1998/0301 (cod)) . from the french presidency a clear signal , an evident message arrived to me . a message that said: "they will not happen" . after long negotiations in the committee of conciliation finally an acceptable commitment has been reached: the guarantee of which the measures of safeguard adopted by the commission will follow in vigor until they are replaced by another decision , and the commitment of the states members to lend all the aid to the civil employees of the commission who carry out the controls in situ . i welcome this legislation favorably . the structural bottoms of the ue , mainly through the fse , as well as the finances of the public property , must always go directed to the development of the zones worked against and poorer of our society . the cities of europe constitute important economic , political and sociocultural poles . other tools are clear laws and rigorous controls . also , the commission thanks for important that the european parliament in this proposal has supported him , as well as the numerous amendments of utility that have been presented/displayed . given the nature of the activity , the commission can accept amendments 10 and 23 . i say famous because one is a question that is very fashionable , and will agree with me in which it does not spend a day without the caution principle is not present in the holders of the press , with or without reason , with or without reason , but most of the times of erroneous way . the maximalistas try to block the innovation and the progress , whereas the minimalistas advise to resort at the beginning of caution only in case of significant danger for the health and the medio .ambiente , that is to say , when it exceeds a threshold that must be defined , but without it is known very well how ! the explanation of the different functions that must make each one is a requirement essential to restore the necessary confidence of the public in the scientific community , as well as in the people in charge of the decisions , we them politicians . in such situations usually it is observed a safety margin , by prudence . also we have requested measures in the world-wide organization of comercio , perhaps a norm , that guarantee the possibility of invoking other obligations in the context of the omc , such as those that we have contracted in the multilateral agreements on medio .ambiente , to extend the scope of the caution principle . evidently , also it is important to increase the legal weight of the precaution principle , turning it a norm of international right . the art to live consists of perceiving and dealing with with these risks and uncertainties prudent form . so soon it uses too much , with which the trivializa , as it uses less and it causes our indignation . we have , for example , the ftalatos in the toys . we have the strange idea to introduce toys in eatable caramels , ice creams and other products . the same it is valid for the pretension of the commission to carry out an exhaustive previous analysis of risks . the resolution makes a call to the commission so that it uses the adopted directions and it incorporates the caution principle whenever it is necessary at the time of elaborating his legislative proposals and all their actions . it is not possible to provide a minimum threshold of general risk . when granting for the first time the sajarov prize to defenders of the human rights that militate within the union , the european parliament affirms solemnly that any violation of these has to be fought without concessions . lady delegated president , ladies and gentlemen , first of all coarse the citizen initiative "already ! "she wishes to express his gratitude to this parliament by the honorable recognition that today she confers to us . and one not only is murders . i request that one becomes what i propose and that they trust me . (the parliament approves the resolution legislative) lady president , if this assembly me allows it wanted to make a verbal detailing to amendment 51 presented/displayed by me . report (a5-0334/2000) of mr . . garci'a-margallo and marfil , in name of the commission of economic and monetary subjects , on the communication of the commission to the council , the european parliament , the economic and social committee and the committee of the regions on the imposition of the aviation fuel (com (2000) 110 - c5-0207/2000 - 2000/2114 (cos)) the present agreement benefits to some companies , but it is detrimental for the medio .ambiente and the democracy . the happened most important event from our preceding budgetary debates is evidently the called crisis of the "crazy cows" . this will go clearly against the letter and the spirit in the agreements before mentioned of the government and chiefs of state on the subject of the seats . the parliament has been able to crystallize some high-priority aspects , among others , greater efforts to fight against unemployment and the poverty , numerous matters relative to the medio .ambiente and the equality of opportunities between men and women . we have voted against the attacks of the right against program life and european women ' s lobby . the importance of the dowry anticipated for kosovo does not leave , nevertheless , to provoke legitimate interrogations on the real capacity of absorption of this region of yugoslavia of the 350 million euros that initially had been anticipated to assign to him in 2001 . there is no reason to give fiscal advantages to a certain form of distribution . the fixation of a final date would be a clear information for the diverse actors of the postal market and the national monopolies could prepare themselves better with views to the liberalization . we can erase with a mere decision , supported by one perhaps reduced majority , all a conception of the postal service , conception that finds its roots and their explanations in the particularitities of each state? the limits proposed by the commission of 50 grs . with a tariff of until and twice average the official tariff are really too drastic and would have devastating effects for the offerers of universal services . to that it must our unequivocal one and it signs opposition to the majority of the intentions to which it goes directed . . (sv) we thought that the postal services are not a matter that must treat in the ue , although the proposal , after the treatment in the commission , has improved much in relation to the original one of the commission . dary report (a5-0374/2000) however , we considered that it must be protected of the consequences of this war to the small producers that work in their plantations without exploding to anybody , as well as its income without concerning the fluctuations of the market . in accordance with article 10 the freedom of opinion implies a series of obligations and responsibilities that can give rise to conditions , limitations and sanctions . we cannot but be glad of such initiative when one knows that the value of the european digital contents represents 5 % in terms of the european gip and 4 million in use terms . in these conditions , they are specially its coherence and its unit which has assured to the united states an preeminence in this market with future . i also hope that it is descended , in 2004 , in that distribution of competitions , applying the subsidiariedad criterion so that the independent regions and communities can have his estatus within the union . we only can be congratulated for that reason . for example , in the mentioned commercial negotiations previously , the national parliaments are going to see themselves undressed of their last rights of ratification , and a country , if he is minority in the council , no longer will be able to say "not" when a negotiation violates its interests . we have warned in repeated occasions of the dangers of such thing and the occurred thing in nize also shows with all the desirable clarity that a daily routine considerably ampler could have result in which it had not reached any result during years with catastrophic consequences for the extension . . (in) given the fundamental importance of the decisions that were to be adopted in the summit of nize , it is necessary to recognize the merits there where there are them . in other words , which loves the parliament is control on the fiscality and the questions of social security . these negotiated agreements of the council in long nocturnal hours do not offer any safe support . respect to subjects like transparency , promotion of the identity , more democracy , citizen participation or reformadora conscience present/display important lagoons . for that reason , we must see its conclusions like the result of a transaction which nobody has left entirely winning nor won . on the contrary , the influence of the national democracies by means of the limitation of the right diminishes to i veto and to that more power occurs to the european parliament . therefore , it must vote in favor of this proposal that continues limiting the imposition of the airplanes , because of this form the airplane ticket will cost to us less and less and , consequently , we will be able to travel more with this means of transport . "" you do not happen below the balconies of the houses , you can fall a tiesto above . the complexity and diversity of the technological change and the structural processes of transformation urgently demand the incorporation of all the local and regional interlocutors in the regional associations for the development , forming part of the strategic designs of regional policy for each region . we must , therefore , make an effort to us to avoid any thing that could drown or decrease these three important previous requirements . it could say that the innovation is within reach of all the agents who are around the productive process . the breach between the regions more developed technologically and the respective minuses is greater than the one of its gip . as it is known , the fundamental argument of the bureaucrats is the danger to commit errors . i do not know if it were a direct consequence of the risi initiative that three ladies have signed the european budget , but she would cheer me from which this christmas present which now we voted benefits in a future the women . also it is an error to reduce the budget in a chapter like which one came dedicating to experiences pilot , to new ideas in the matter of local and urban development - with results than more acceptable than they have been in the base of communitarian programs so wanted at local level as they are urban and interreg . rack , never i have included/understood and i will never include/understand this regional policy and this policy of cohesion like a species of alms that become to the poorest regions . this is the reason for which , when i am in the negotiations , at the moment , of the docup , more than to occupy me of innovating actions , i talk about mainstream , i am kind that extremely each one of programming documents tells on a regional plan of access the society of the information and i verify the quality , beyond the spread of this regional program , specially in which it concerns directly the small and medium companies , the educative centers and even the agricultural operations . the answer of the commission to the question of mr . . the prices of construction of new boats have lowered drastically in the last years until arriving in 1999 , due to the south korean policy , to the lowest point . the commission had to carry out a special vote so that this point was today in the daily routine of the debates . of the others , this conception is in favor in conformity with the treaty . i do not have time to treat it more in detail . nevertheless , the proposal of the commission , which it includes an aid to the investigation and development , the denunciation of which it happens in korea before the world-wide organization of commerce - because they work underneath with prices even of the cost , and the possibility that it has measured of transitory aid in as much is not solved the resource , seems to us , perhaps , a more or less weak exit , but at least one exit . at the same time it agrees to increase the pressure on korea , adopting measured antidumping , of being possible within the framework of the oecd . that is to say , that we are holding unemployment and other gentlemen are those that really make the business with the shipyards . it seems to me that it makes an excellent x-ray of the naval sector in europe , a real x-ray . this process will not produce fast results and , in case of arriving until its definitive conclusion , it will take up to two years . the mechanism would be applied until a decision was adopted on that procedure of the omc . i am sure that now all we are united to defend with vigor and strength the freedom in europe , but i meant that , more than the solidarity of the companions in the european parliament , in spain we needed their commitment . sailing by waters of sicily , there by the month of may , its nuclear heart showed worrisome signs of deterioration . the alarming thing would be that , before this situation , we did not act as soon as possible . in both we expressed the necessity that states members both concerned , the united kingdom and spain , collaborate closely in the search of the safest solution for the repair of the submarine , maintaining - by supposed to the public opinion precise informed . we have heard affirmations of people in charge of the british navy having said that the failure did not have importance , and other that said all the opposite , that era of spread and that needed long and difficult repairs . i know that the camera understands that it had here been to have been possible , corresponding to me to respond to me in its place . the commission is analyzing this plan . it is already taking place ; therefore , we are realistic on the options which they have the authorities of the r .u . and of gibraltar that treat the subject . the calmed cooperation is the method that uses our union . the british government acts since the russian government did recently during a failure happened in one of his submarines . sir president , to me also i would like to express my more felt condolence to our spanish colleagues before the last terrorist murder of eta . the commission , in its clear answer of two months ago and in its answer of today , has had the responsibility to recognize it thus , although it has not recognized it the proposal of resolution of the popular group that , along with other trivializaciones of the subject , it has prevented us to share it . minister principal peter caruana has asked wisely a group of experts who inform to him directly . this one is , and continues being in our opinion , the most coherent position and the one than better guarantee the interests and the security of all the implied parts . maij-weggen and mr . . posselt , in name of the group of the ppe-de ; in 1980 the acnur took care of five million refugees . we today greeted to the acr and the set of the humanitarian personnel . . sir president , the commission wanted , of course , to add itself to the support that the parliament has offered to the acnur in its 50 º anniversary . it wanted to treat one more a question ampler than he is very excellent for which his señoría said before . b5-0909/2000 of mrs . . pack and others , in name of the group of the ppe-de ; and the last problem that it wanted to mention is the one of the terrible events in the border between serbia and kosovo . there it must be milosevic and not in the congresses of the party in belgrade . we also advocated that within the same kosovo the mentality of the ethnic groups that continue fighting themselves yields before the mutual respect . without complimenting to us , we can also say that the european union has responded very quickly to the new situation . b5-0915/2000 of mr . . medina ortega and others , in name of the group of the pse ; b5-0918/2000 of mrs . . napoletano and others , in name of the group of the pse ; the chilean government guaranteed that , in chile , general pinochet would have a right judgment and , in effect , at this moment general pinochet is lost his immunity and the chilean judicial authorities are coming against him . and permítame that remembers that it is important that we approve this resolution joint , being now pinochet in chile , which we could not do when pinochet was in the united kingdom . i say this knowing full well that these are the fundamental convictions of the parties of the european free alliance and the green ones of this camera . sir president , before beginning to my intervention wanted to also add to me to the sentence of the attack that has cost the life to an elect position of the town , and to a militant and councilman of the popular party in catalonia , in spain . therefore , i congratulate myself of which my political group and , in my opinion , most of our parliament , does not let itself drag to play the role of box of resonance for the operation of the present crisis . its life is in great danger . liga of the human rights is suspended , its premises are sealed and his president , moktar trifi , have been summoned before the courts , as they finish saying it , the 25 of december . activists of human rights , members of unions , professionals , journalists and students inform continuously on the upsettings that commit the authorities . its state is extremely delicate . the daily harassment and tundas that really receives all the democrats have generalized . i hope that in this case the chilean judicial system continues demonstrating to independence and effectiveness . we know that the heads of mission of the european union are following close by the political situation in the country . finally , it wanted to mention the crucial role played by the parliament , that has contributed to concienciar and intensifying the dialogue on these questions by means of parliamentary visits and debates public like this one . laurent gbagbo must initiate a true policy of national reconciliation , that it includes to break with the speech on the concept of ivoirité , the modification of the racist constitution and the celebration of democratic elections where no of the candidates is excluded . otherwise , the risks of secession and civil war will not make but increase . sir president , for months the news of the ivory coast has been coming causing justified alarm in the european public opinion and the corresponding preoccupation in our parliament . conditions for it are: that nobody feels excluded , that disappears the supreme court instituted by the military power , and that the head of the state implies itself without ambiguities in the process of democratic restoration and that the opinions of the committee for the national reconciliation are listened to . the concept of ivoirité seems to me , in my opinion , perfectly founded . it has available around average dozen of copies in the presidency . sir president , in name of the group of the green ones , we also retired our proposal of resolution . sir president , i confirm what finishes showing mr . . (the act it is approved) in relation to these people , the states members must practice political different confronting so much the subject from the necessary attendance like the subject of the cover of the expenses , mainly in benefit of the discapacitadas people whose relatives cannot become position of them really definitive and totally . sir president , pleases much to me to take part in name of the group of green/the european free alliance and to congratulate to the ponente by this excellent report . at the moment , people every time have greater life expectancies thanks to the sanitary resources , the information , the attendance , the houses and the regimes of pensions . those that can do something , with many recommendations , are the governments of the states members , the governments of the independent communities , provinces and city councils . the base of this conception of the life is in the family , where the human being is developed from the childhood . frequently it happens that , in the last years of our life , we became ill very seriously , we remained totally invalid and we needed the aid of all . it wanted , finally , to emphasize something related to the medical aid . also then one alleged that the women did not have to participate in the labor life so that the men had work . in a first analysis , this can seem a disadvantage . we will have to look for means and the way so that thus it is . the countless active greater people would have to animate us all to fight by a society where solidarity between the generations is not only a topic . those measures will have to be adapted for the different situations and characteristics with respect to the quality from life and from the economic self-sufficiency . only a permanent common effort will be able to help us to confront them . it must exist a margin adapted for the preferences and individual decisions . if somebody finds all the objects that needs to our colleague , it is requested that it gives them ; mainly its glasses , because mrs . . flemming was behind you , mr . fatuzzo . finally , it would be necessary to return to introduce of explicit form in the text the possibility please of conducting battles in products of the ultraperipheral regions and of its logotipos . another subject that will have to be stressed is the methods of production in europe , respectful with the medio .ambiente and the animals . by this i also me congratulo by the creation of a work group on biotechnology in the european parliament this week . naturally , these measures of institutional communication must rather complete the organized advertising operations mainly by the great distribution . if the proposals of the parliament had dozed off , that were approved here in three occasions by majority - but this once again demonstrates the impotence of the parliament , in the sense that in the surfaces of i leave fallow would be possible to be cultivated leguminosas , could be planted trébol and be allowed that the cattle pastase , we could have had more basic foods , of more proteins to the cattle . this is responsibility of the producers , the salesmen and the organizations of the production branches , but not of the european union . we have to ask itself why we have failed in the past at the time of causing that the european industry took the resources available . of course , if we can produce and promote foods of more benevolent form for the medio .ambiente , conscious of the conditions of the animals and for selling in the international markets , then we will be fulfilling really the vocation original of the common agricultural policy . with regards to the amendments the 9 and 22 , in which the creation of a committee of special management is requested , as well as amendments 7 , 19 , 23 and 27 , in which other modifications of the procedure are requested , i must show that the commission must rely on coherent norms of procedure . all those that remember that in europe still it is possible to eat to taste are right . sir president , scientifically is demonstrated that the moderate wine consumption is one of the best ways to prevent the cancer , the infarct , the disease of alzheimer and many others . . (nl) it wanted to praise to the ponente by the made work .