Todo List

Class Moses::ApplicableRuleTrie
what is this?

Class Moses::Candidates
How is this used in the pb binary phrase table?

Class Moses::ChartCellLabel
This is probably incompatible with lattice decoding when the word that spans a position (or positions) can vary.

is this to hold sorted hypotheses that are in the queue for creating the next hypos?

Class Moses::ChartCellLabelSet
I have no idea what's in here

Member Moses::ChartHypothesis::ChartHypothesis (const ChartTranslationOptions &, const RuleCubeItem &item, ChartManager &manager)

Member Moses::ChartHypothesisCollection::WriteSearchGraph (const ChartSearchGraphWriter &writer, const std::map< unsigned, bool > &reachable) const
this is a useful function. Make sure it outputs everything required, especially scores.

Member Moses::ChartHypothesisCollection::WriteSearchGraph (const ChartSearchGraphWriter &writer, const std::map< unsigned, bool > &reachable) const
don't know

Member Moses::ChartManager::AddXmlChartOptions ()
check walls & zones. Check that the implementation doesn't leak, xml options sometimes does if you're not careful

Class Moses::ChartRuleLookupManagerCYKPlus
what is this?

Member Moses::ChartTranslationOptions::ChartTranslationOptions (const TargetPhraseCollection &targetPhraseColl, const StackVec &stackVec, const Range &range, float score)

Member Moses::ChartTranslationOptions::GetStackVec () const

Member Moses::ChartTranslationOptions::GetTargetPhrases () const
isn't the translation suppose to just contain 1 target phrase, not a whole collection of them?

Class Moses::DottedRule
what is this?

Class Moses::DottedRuleInMemory
what is this?

Class Moses::DottedRuleOnDisk
what is this?

Class Moses::GenericCandidate
How is this used in the pb binary phrase table?

Class gzfilebuf
replace with boost version - output stream already uses it

Class Moses::HypothesisDimension
How is this used. Split out into separate source file

Class Moses::IntermediateVarSpanNode
what is this?

Class Moses::LanguageModelRemote
ask miles

Class Moses::LexicalReorderingTableMemory
what is this?

Class LVoc< A, B >
vocab? A = type of things to numberize, ie, std::string B = map type to use, might consider using hash_map for better performance

Class Moses::NonTerminalEqualityPred
uses all factors, not just factor 0

Class Moses::NonTerminalHasher
uses all factors, not just factor 0

Class Moses::NonTerminalMapKeyEqualityPred

Class Moses::NonTerminalMapKeyHasher

Class Moses::PPimp
How is this used in the pb binary phrase table?

Class Moses::PrefixTreeF< T, D >
How is this used in the pb binary phrase table?

Class Moses::PrefixTreeSA< T, D >
How is this used in the pb binary phrase table?

Class Moses::ReorderingStack
what is this?

Class Moses::RuleCube
what is this?

Class Moses::RuleCubeItem
How is this used. Split out into separate source file

Class Moses::RuleCubeItemEqualityPred
what is this?

Class Moses::RuleCubeItemHasher
what is this?

Class Moses::RuleCubeQueue
how is this used

Class Moses::RuleTableLoaderCompact
ask phil williams

Class Moses::Scope3Parser
what is this?

Class Moses::StackLatticeBuilder
what is this?

Class Moses::TranslationDimension
How is this used. Split out into separate source file

Class Moses::TreeInput
Need to rewrite if you want packed forest, or packed forest over lattice - not sure if can inherit from this

Class UniqueObjectManager< T >
what is this?

Class Moses::UTrieNode
ask phil williams - whats the diff between this and phrasedictionaryNode

Class Moses::VarSpanNode
what is this?

Class Moses::VarSpanTrieBuilder
what is this?

Class Moses::WordLattice
why is this inherited from confusion net?

Class Moses::XMLParseOutput
what is this?

Generated on Thu Jul 6 00:31:43 2017 for Moses by  doxygen 1.5.9